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Smoking weed while pregnant?


Well-known member
Wow you can find anything on the internet. Ba bam the famous Jamaican pregnancy study.

Jamaican pregnancy study finds no significant differences in developmental testing outcomes between children of marijuana-using and non-using mothers except at 30 days of age when the babies of users had more favourable scores on two clusters of the Brazelton Scales: autonomic stability and reflexes. The developmental scores at ages 4 and 5 years were significantly correlated to certain aspects of the home environment and to regularity of basic school (preschool) attendance.


So smoking cannabis while you're pregnant gives your 30 day old baby better balance and reflexes..

And here's more support for using cannabis during pregnancy. It's a fine counter to the anecdotal report of the 'bad' doctor who told the woman to use cannabis instead of what doctors normally prescribe. Opiates.


This stuff is really important because poor pregnant women often get tested for drugs. If they test positive for cannabis their kid goes to a foster home. If the knee jerk reaction on a site like this is 'smoking pot while pregnant is bad'. The logical next step is 'woman is a bad parent'.

An important aspect of the Jamaican study is that it took into account the background of the women tested. It'd be easy to test poor people in a ghetto who are more likely to smoke, drink, use narcotics, and engage in domestic violence to prove that cannabis users are bad parents. Glad that wasn't the case in the study.

And here's a counterpoint article.


I don't care for it too much. More anecdotes, more claims of delayed cognitive development without research sited, claims that using cannabis is risky because some samples from dispensaries in Toronto were found to be contaminated with Fentanyl. The one point they make that is useful is that only 25 women were used in the Jamaican study. I'd like to see at least a thousand if not a lot more.

The claim that the Jamaican study is useless because cannabis is illegal, people who use illegal drugs will lie about their drug use makes me not like the reporter that wrote the article. He is biased.
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Bobby Boucher

Active member
I'm sure its been mentioned, but.. really don't think we need to do any case studies on whether or not freebasing chemicals used on commercial crops is detrimental to a fetus.. Carbon monoxide aint too healthy either, fwiw.

That commercial skunk shit is disgusting, btw. I feel bad for all the homies who've been smoking that shit these past few years, and I certainly wouldn't let my gf smoke it if she were pregnant.

I would also argue that while marijuana may alleviate the symptoms of every ailment under the sun, that there is always more than one way to solve a problem, and in the case of marijuana, the alternative solution is almost always going to be healthier for the mind and body than sitting around smoking.

I just don't think it's prudent to advocate marijuana use during pregnancy. Someone might see that your wife had success smoking your clean home grown cannabis, decide to go on and smoke some nasty ass pesticide shit they found in the street, and be stuck tending to a disabled child for the rest of their life.

Jus' saying. I personally support responsible marijuana use during pregnancy, if said marijuana was grown without harmful chemicals. I just don't think its a good idea to advocate it, especially with so much garbage pot being pushed around.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I'm sure its been mentioned, but.. really don't think we need to do any case studies on whether or not freebasing chemicals used on commercial crops is detrimental to a fetus.. Carbon monoxide aint too healthy either, fwiw.
Good point. I wrote a book on how to grow cannabis so clean this is not an issue. Though I have a child today due to my wife using cannabis, I'm horrified at the disgusting quality generally available to the public. You're completely correct.

My wife used clean, sativa dominant cannabis. Cannabis grown with low feed, a balanced nutrient profile, zero chems for pests, and in HEPA filtered air. The terpene profile was upbeat, motivational and clear headed, just like my kid turned out.

I would also argue that while marijuana may alleviate the symptoms of every ailment under the sun, that there is always more than one way to solve a problem, and in the case of marijuana, the alternative solution is almost always going to be healthier for the mind and body than sitting around smoking.
In our case the alternatives were unhealthy Rx choices. The only 'natural' nausea cure which worked (for more than a couple days), was cannabis.

I just don't think it's prudent to advocate marijuana use during pregnancy. Someone might see that your wife had success smoking your clean home grown cannabis, decide to go on and smoke some nasty ass pesticide shit they found in the street, and be stuck tending to a disabled child for the rest of their life.
Yes, downsides to ignorance from prohibition is massive damage to the population.

Jus' saying. I personally support responsible marijuana use during pregnancy, if said marijuana was grown without harmful chemicals. I just don't think its a good idea to advocate it, especially with so much garbage pot being pushed around.
You've got my vote. :tiphat: I'm all for clean cannabis and healthy moms/kids. :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Yeah that's what I thought. Bullshit and bluster.
About this bullshit and bluster. So, to be clear, you have zero personal experience in the matter. You have no studies you can point to which show long-term mental affects from cannabis use during gestation. You have nothing peer reviewed to share to support your position?

What are you basing your opinion on?

I find this to be relevant to the discussion, due to it being part of the reason there's public separation on the subject.

soil margin

Active member
My personal opinion is that it's probably not quite "optimal" for you to smoke weed while pregnant. But I believe it's a much better behavior choice for you and the baby than common alternatives such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, taking benzodiazepines, taking opiates, taking amphetamines, etc,etc. Eating a couple tablespoons of sugar everyday is probably going to be more physically damaging to you and your baby than a few puffs of organically grown cannabis. If it was my wife and my child, I'd prefer that she didn't use cannabis while pregnant, but if she was in pain/discomfort/etc. I'd definitely prefer her using cannabis as a method of relief rather than any of the other things I mentioned. I believe it would be far less harmful/impactful to both the mother and child. Obviously vaporizing or eating the cannabis would be less physically detrimental than smoking it and therefore the preferable methods of consumption while pregnant. Non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as CBD can also provide physical relief without getting mother or child physically or mentally high, and are preferable for pregnant usage over highly intoxicating compounds like THC.


Namekian resident/farmer
I'm anticipating the day that studies with proper scientific documentation to show the harm of Cannabis use....................... I'll honestly die before any such thing would be published...... honestly I don't think it's going to happen so the prohibitionists can keep dreaming as cannabis is the safest thing on this planet....enough said


Namekian resident/farmer
Cannabis and the medicincal powerhouse of compounds inside the resins are capable of curing nearly every disease known to man with that being fact.. "detrimental" should even be in the same sentence with cannabis unless it's about LEO and you being bashed or killed

Make sense?


Namekian resident/farmer
Neuroprotective properties not to be a forgotten benefit of THC the US has it's patent with such claim so if it's good for your brain it won't harm the fetus and it's cognitive development

Otherwise Cannabis would be like alcohol and having adverse effects such as Neurodegenerative


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Emporertaima, everything green is not gold. Alcohol has benefits in moderation. Cannabis has many beneficial properties but to assume in the absence of real data potentially life altering effects will only be positive is foolish to say the least.

About this bullshit and bluster. So, to be clear, you have zero personal experience in the matter. You have no studies you can point to which show long-term mental affects from cannabis use during gestation. You have nothing peer reviewed to share to support your position?

What are you basing your opinion on?

I find this to be relevant to the discussion, due to it being part of the reason there's public separation on the subject.

I have made no claims, what could I possibly be trying to find research to support?

My opinion is that there is little hard information to support any stance. Read that twice if you need, you appear to have skipped over it.

I'm basing my opinion on caution. Do I need to gamble the future of a child to have an opinion on the mother or father consuming drugs during conception or gestation?

This is going to turn out like your support of the scientifically unsupported quakery that is blood type dieting.

Like the author of that half cocked theory, do you have a book to sell me?

Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
What I know is that they do a blood test when the baby is born. If you have a positive test the cps agency will be showing up at your home to interview you. It's just not worth the hassle.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
What I know is that they do a blood test when the baby is born. If you have a positive test the cps agency will be showing up at your home to interview you. It's just not worth the hassle.
Not sure if it's typical, but my wife had her nausea ease up the last almost 2 months. It was easy to not use any for the last 40 days. Yes, they definitely tested both my wife and child without saying anything about it. We found out a few months later they both tested clean. (of course)


Señor Member
Not sure if it's typical, but my wife had her nausea ease up the last almost 2 months. It was easy to not use any for the last 40 days. Yes, they definitely tested both my wife and child without saying anything about it. We found out a few months later they both tested clean. (of course)

Interesting. My wife was really concerned about them testing her blood at birth, and that was her reasoning for not wanting to use cannabis, and her OB was seriously like, "It's okay, I am telling you it's okay, I'm your doctor." It was nuts. It was a moment where I realized, damn, this is not the medical establishment that it once was only 10 years ago!

But I think it should be said here, again, that you should trust your doctor(s) and probably just take their advice here and there.


Namekian resident/farmer
Emporertaima, everything green is not gold. Alcohol has benefits in moderation. Cannabis has many beneficial properties but to assume in the absence of real data potentially life altering effects will only be positive is foolish to say the least.

I have made no claims, what could I possibly be trying to find research to support?

My opinion is that there is little hard information to support any stance. Read that twice if you need, you appear to have skipped over it.

I'm basing my opinion on caution. Do I need to gamble the future of a child to have an opinion on the mother or father consuming drugs during conception or gestation?

This is going to turn out like your support of the scientifically unsupported quakery that is blood type dieting.

Like the author of that half cocked theory, do you have a book to sell me?

Well can you provide any viable evidence stating it's "detrimental" if not then there's no reason to give mother cannabis such doubt I don't doubt her potential... There is a reason cannabis is euphoric just look up what euphoric means...

The word euphoria indeed has Greek roots...
EUPHOROS which translates to HEALTHY

No offense I've always trusted the wisdom of the ancients not most modern men unless they themselves can teach me a thing like I comprehend what you mean but come on tell me one thing that's dangerous about cannabis?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

Heavy smokers are similar to functioning alcoholics.

Again, I'm saying cannabis and pregnancy is an unknown. Not much solid information either way.

I understand your passion but it isn't exactly a twenty plus year study to gauge the effects of various levels of cannabinoids on multiple benchmarks for human development.


Namekian resident/farmer

Heavy smokers are similar to functioning alcoholics.

Again, I'm saying cannabis and pregnancy is an unknown. Not much solid information either way.

I understand your passion but it isn't exactly a twenty plus year study to gauge the effects of various levels of cannabinoids on multiple benchmarks for human development.

It's centuries if not millennias of humans consuming cannabis that have imo have enough proof as to what happens to humans under the influence of cannabis as it was a custom in just about every culture if not every.I think that cannabis cultivated with garbage feeds with harmful (pgr) plant growth regulator's, pesticides that are commercial and others like with neem and other natural sources that can have negative effects on the final product but 100% organic that hasn't been treated with anything that has toxic effects to humans is probably the best as over consumption will just cause the mom to fall asleep as it's a overdose symptom or even eat then fall asleep so the baby gets it's nourishment (if mom's diet isn't comprised of garbage) and get their quality sleep which sleep is good for the brain especially when cannabinoids are involved "neurogenesis" is a quality imo



Cannabis use atleast 18years old. 21 is best start.

Avoid cannabis when pregnant
Also why make kids if you cant be without it untill the kid can walk self atleast.

Only healthy sober people should make kids im thinking.

Most serious sites about Cannabis also needs a 18 or 21years verification.
No cannabis untill that old