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SG's Hempy Grow Show - Satori, Double Bubble, PRxPK, Skunk #1


Active member
dude.....go get a piece of glass cut from HD to collect that pollen....so much easier...you could even probably find a piece of scarp glass for free....

I love the cardboard box SG....i see ive inspired another $50 cardboard breeding project! Gotta love what you can put together for next to nothing! nice update SG!
dude.....go get a piece of glass cut from HD to collect that pollen....so much easier...you could even probably find a piece of scarp glass for free....

I love the cardboard box SG....i see ive inspired another $50 cardboard breeding project! Gotta love what you can put together for next to nothing! nice update SG!

Thanks for the heads up man, I am sure I have a scrap of glass around here somewhere ...

You certainly have inspired another DIY breeding project my friend. This box I have is an old veg box, it has the ability to hold 210W of CFL, but since I am keeping it relatively sealed up, I am keeping the wattage low. These boys shouldn't take more than another week or so to blow their loads!

See ya buddy!
So my ballast blew my bulb and fried, so ... 250W HPS for a few days here ... I hope it doesn't hurt the growth / yield too much!


getting the new one this weekend / next week.

Pain In The Ass.


in the thick of it
jeez louise. that totally sucks. I bet it wont hurt 'em too badly. Think of it as a little break for your power bill this week. The breeding project is excellent. If I ever get these beans going, I'd love to do a lil' indoor breedin'. If you can swing it, pick up two bulbs.
jeez louise. that totally sucks. I bet it wont hurt 'em too badly. Think of it as a little break for your power bill this week. The breeding project is excellent. If I ever get these beans going, I'd love to do a lil' indoor breedin'. If you can swing it, pick up two bulbs.

yea, i try to think of it like 4-5 days in a row of rain and heavy clouds ... i'll pretend to think that is "more natural" for them lol.

i've got a bunch of HBxChemD pollen I just collected, so my breeding porjects are on the way as well.

2 bulbs, check, got em. Always good to have backup.



New member
Heya SG. The trick of bending the males over was great, thanks for posting the pics! I will be curious to see how your pkxpr turn out, been following killas thread and wanna see how they do in another skilled growers hand. Keep up the good work.
Heya SG. The trick of bending the males over was great, thanks for posting the pics! I will be curious to see how your pkxpr turn out, been following killas thread and wanna see how they do in another skilled growers hand. Keep up the good work.

Hey dude, you are welcome, so far I've collected a lot of pollen from them and they have only just begun!

I am excited for the new PR x PK as well, should be a good show.

Thanks for the kind words,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup bro,just catchin up maing...few more threads and im all cought up lol,lookin real good in here my friend,nice walk thru w the males too yo...good info.
wattup bro,just catchin up maing...few more threads and im all cought up lol,lookin real good in here my friend,nice walk thru w the males too yo...good info.

what up tona, glad to see you catchin up on here, hope things are going well with the new lady ... :biggrin:

thanks for the kind words, i do my best with what i've got.

peace, sg
Hey out there :wave:

Sorry I have been a little quiet lately. Things have been pissing me off a little bit lately in life, so I kinda put things on the back burner for a bit. :dunno:

Basically this is what really "grinds my gears":

First I blew my bulb. I was lucky and caught it literally in the first 20 minutes after it burst and was able to put my old 250watter in there. Unfortunately, where I am from, there aren't 14 million hydro shops around, so I had to borrow a car, take an extended lunch from work and go buy a new bulb.

THEN I find out that the hydro guy ripped me off. $85 for a "quality bulb, not Chinese crap". Yea, the ballast guy then told me (proved to me) it was a Chinese bulb. Awesome.

THEN I get home, happy that my girls only had one day under the 250. I put everything back in the room (rookie mistake), plugged it all back together and find out that the ballast is fried as well. I call the ballast place, he was VERY helpful, basically said it was crapped out and I should send it out.

THEN I talk to the place I bought the ballast (west coast) and I find out I have to send it to them, let them check it, and pay for them to send a replacement one. Kinda lame since I am East Coast. Luckily I was able to work something out where they sent the ballast out right away and I sent mine at the same time.

So, that is the deal. I realized that it was bad karma to be pissed off like this and decided to change my attitude. It is what it is. I should be happy they are all still healthy and happy under there for the time being (and I am happy). All the girls are actually doing VERY well under the 250W, but I am excited to get my new ballast on Wednesday.

Anyways, I took a few pictures. I will be taking them all out on Wedensday when I put in the new stuff in and will have better non HPS pics for you.

Hope everyone is doing well, take care,

some clones that were vegging in cups:

same clones now in permanent homes, much happier (sorry about the angle, they are on a tough shelf):

these are the 13 new seedlings (with one sk1 in the front), all doing GREAT

sk#1, def my favorite one so far. I can't wait to get her into some breeding work.

church, which is actually looking pretty decent, i'm losing a lot of fans though, maybe she is a heavy feeder? i gotta find out for next run.

most of the room, lookin strong, gotta get some new blood in there soon.

and finally, the temp solution, i was SO lucky to have, the 250w hps
Sorry about all the troubles guy.

Ive got some clones in red party cups with perlite just like you. I took the cuttings like 15 days ago. The roots are growing, but im getting nothing above the perlite. If anything they just look like theyre dieing. Any recommendations on how to get my shitty clones to look like yours?
Hey SG, that blows about the crooked hydro shop. Don't let it get ya down man, you still got a room full of damn fine lookin ladys. Peace.

Thanks buddy, I realized after a couple days of anger that it wasn't worth it. It's bad karma to rip people off and what goes around comes around.

Thanks for the kind words, I'd rep ya if I could :D

peace, sg

Sorry about all the troubles guy.

Ive got some clones in red party cups with perlite just like you. I took the cuttings like 15 days ago. The roots are growing, but im getting nothing above the perlite. If anything they just look like theyre dieing. Any recommendations on how to get my shitty clones to look like yours?

hey SCL, I actually put all my clones into Rapid Rooters first, in the cloning tray, under the dome and feed them with a little clonex solution now and then. If you wanna post up some pics, I'd be happy to take a look. I imagine if anything they are probably hurting for humidity / h2o. And don't forget, patience is a virtue my friend.



in the thick of it
S to tha G! Damn buddy I really hate things went down hill a bit for you. Way to get the right frame of mind back on. It stinks when things go crazy like that but it makes all the sense in the world to take a step back, breathe, blaze, step back in and carry on. I happen to be lucky that I've got a shop nearby and the owners are great.
Your plants still look aweseome! Keep it up my man.


Active member
whats up sg.....sorry havent been around lately....just getting better now...still a little fatigued...lost like 20 lbs and im not a big guy....THe plants are looking great....its that the pk xpr in the back right top corner....if so...that thing is the wierd pheno ive seen to date....that thing doesnt look like she wants to finish at all....all your other plants look solid as F**k....great show bro...sorry about the shitty seeds....hopefully the qballs will be better since i didnt breed it! lol....jj bro....good luck on the pheno search....another grower on canna. found a huge purple pheno on the first bean....just to rub it in a little more! good luck....just bustin your balls while im high on this haze! see you soon bro!
what up fellas, thanks for stoppin in ...

S to tha G! Damn buddy I really hate things went down hill a bit for you. Way to get the right frame of mind back on. It stinks when things go crazy like that but it makes all the sense in the world to take a step back, breathe, blaze, step back in and carry on. I happen to be lucky that I've got a shop nearby and the owners are great.
Your plants still look aweseome! Keep it up my man.

hey dubwise, what up bro. the way i see it, there are tons of ups and downs in life, and ive been to the bottom before, so now even a bad day now is the fuckin beeze knees in those days. just gotta roll with the punches ...

i appreciate the kind words man, stay safe,

whats up sg.....sorry havent been around lately....just getting better now...still a little fatigued...lost like 20 lbs and im not a big guy....THe plants are looking great....its that the pk xpr in the back right top corner....if so...that thing is the wierd pheno ive seen to date....that thing doesnt look like she wants to finish at all....all your other plants look solid as F**k....great show bro...sorry about the shitty seeds....hopefully the qballs will be better since i didnt breed it! lol....jj bro....good luck on the pheno search....another grower on canna. found a huge purple pheno on the first bean....just to rub it in a little more! good luck....just bustin your balls while im high on this haze! see you soon bro!

what up killa, sounds like you were real sick, glad you are on the mend now.

haha, yes, that is that runt in the corner. she is at 70 days today, and she is coming down tonight. she is probably no where near finishing but i don't have the time or space to deal with her shit right now lol. i actually am running the first pheno again, giving her longer and i like her alot so far, she is just very kushy :D. don't ever put down your breeding, it takes so long to stabalize a line, i just enjoy looking for those random good freaks lol

i still have all 13 of those seeds i started, 3 q balls, 5 pr x pk and 5 pw. they will be topped in a few days and then in a couple more weeks ... to the flowering to get some sexes.

also, it looks like the HB males may have been pulled a couple days too late (i went away for 3 days) ... i am starting to see a few sead developments all over the room ... very random, but there i think. either way, i don't really mind, all this smoke is for me or my friends essentially and some new seeds is nice to start this breeding project ... just not EXACTLY the way i wanted it.

oh, and this pr x pk has a few purposely placed seeds from my satori male ... my first cross!!
(pr x pk) x satori
looks like i'll have 8 or 10 or so, just select pollenation on that one.

alright time to chop up this big girl, i'll post pics tomorrow. i'm straight ramblin at this point ...

later fellas,
just dropping some pics from a couple of days ago


peace people!

oh x sk1

sk1 about 3-4 weeks in

double bubble week 7

sk1 week 7

satori about 4 weeks, i think she will be a keeper

happy chem about 2 weeks in


Active member
That Ohaze is looking as hazy as haze gets.

looks like that Skunk1 has come through with some nice big frosty buds too.
That Ohaze is looking as hazy as haze gets.

looks like that Skunk1 has come through with some nice big frosty buds too.

hazy, you are correct, that is a VERY hazy pheno ... I am glad to have her ... will mix things up a little bit :D

yea, that sk1 is probably my favorite. the smell, flavor, taste and high are all exactly what I am looking for. my first real keeper :woohoo:

thanks for stoppin in, later bud,

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