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Selfed male seed .....


ICMag Donor
This clone male is a new one to me and have stressed the hell out of it to see how stable it is.
Clone taken in full flower and put on a 6/6 cycle , tiny pot and regular drying out to wilting point , low and high temps deliberately done to the limit.

Two out of three different males looked like shit but eventually recovered with no female flowers produced.

This NL male produced around a dozen female flowers along the mainstem , self fertilised seven nearly mature seeds , will be interesting to grow them out.

Looks normal now , real freak earlier.



Should a male which is capable of this degree of intersex under particularly high and unatural levels of stress be discarded on this basis alone ?


I have a few selfed male beans in my fridge. Don't know that I'll ever get to them so I'll be watching this with interest!:joint:


That is really interesting! I wonder what results those seeds will bring.

Some plants with intersexed traits I'd guess at and probably a high herm and female ratio in the progeny.


ICMag Donor
Several conflicting views on exactly what these will be after a search , will grow them out and see for myself.

Should a male which is capable of this degree of intersex under particularly high and unatural levels of stress be discarded on this basis alone ?

After a better worded search it seems that if a plant of either sex can be forced by environmental factors alone to produce viable pollen or functional female structures then it should not be used.

Several growers have used it locally with sucess and has been kept as clone from 1998 , still trying to find its source but most likely Sensi , crosses sometimes throw a few single nanners past harvest time but not an issue for most.

Rare to find anything as a clone of that age round here let alone a male so had high hopes.

All the males i have selected have passed this test and have yet to see a hermie so there might be something in it.


ICMag Donor
Seed matured and finished normally and the plant is still dropping pollen in quantity.

Seeds look a bit rougth and a little small and mishapen , nine found in total and six germed at least , so viable.


Turns out the person i got them from is a complete idiot , a lot of asking around finds they actually date from 2003 seed brought back from the dam and could be any seed banks NL or a shop hack.
Certainly not the amazeing original male i was promised , definately been scammed for an ounce this time


ICMag Donor
this is amazing,,,,,you are a trye soldier

mabe you will find a YY male,,,,,,,what do you think bro?


ICMag Donor
Was told would all be female and maybe a bit hermi by several members , possibly an exact copy apart from sex , will confirm in february if they live and thrive.

My knowledge of genetics comprehends Mendel and Darwin but struggle to get my head round these new fangled ideas and go with what i see and hold and take notes.


ICMag Donor
i know what your sayin bro,,your exactly right,,,,, dont let everyone indervidual opinion confuse you....true,,,,,,,,,,,,but 1 thing i will say is: that right there aint as complicated as anyone might think,,,,it has a simple answer,,,all we got do is find the question


I'm no expert, but they should show both male and female equally.

And, as far as producing hermie traits in future female progeny... Somebody please correct me if this is wrong...

What causes a male to hermie? Well, first off the male has to have the ability to do so, as all marijuana plants do. When one speaks of a true breeding plant that won't hermie, it is follie to assume it lacks the ability. The ability is still present, but with a seemingly higher threshold for environmental stresses. This is where the use of chemicals like GA enter the equation. GA is, essentually, a chemical hormone. Go figure when it comes to sex. Hormones controlling female sex is generated, if I remember correctly, in the foliage (or is that the other way around?) and males in the roots. I could very well have that backwards. It's been awhile. But, no matter for this post. The fact is, like humans, the set of hormones needed to control males and females is completely different. By having a male hermie, certain hormones are chemical triggers for one particular sex, not both. A tendancy for a male plant to hermie should have absolutely no affect on the female side of things, unless the genetic marker of the environmental stress threshold is transferrable. In that case, your screwed. One point of view to consider about a transferrable threshold is this: Does a female that has a high tendancy to hermie actually promote male hermies in her male progeny when pollenated? Not that I am aware of ;)(even though we know a male can carry the fem herm trait to his female progeny). Even if it is, they are two completely different functions (although inherently related) and you stand every bit of as good a chance to breed these two factors apart, but I think you would have to be one determined mutha to figure that all out, if it was even possible.

In summary, just go for it! I don't think anybody knows enough about this particular aspect of breeding to say with any certainty what might or might not happen.



quite agree with rick that this is ammazing, its a concept thats i bet is completely new to 99.9% of cannabis growers, cant wait to see how these turn out.


ICMag Donor
Does a female that has a high tendancy to hermie actually promote male hermies in her male progeny when pollenated?

Doubt much research has been done in this direction , first unexplained hermie and and its goat fodder round here.

Might not be a proven test but its harder to choose a male to test on looks than a female , if some fail this test i discard them and help narrow down the choice and eventual numbers to run.

Three identical looking males from a single packet recently produced huge differences in the progeny on a single test plant and has made me reavaluate the ones i have and properly test new ones.

Will be other previous threads on this somewhere on the site , the search facility it too basic to find them easily.


ICMag Donor
Six came up eventually , bit stretched but repotting deep will hide it like most do.

Still no real answer so will see in a month.



ICMag Donor
Thirty days veg and now at 6 - 7 nodes.
Not very uniform so some variation here i think esp in stem odour.


Two runts showed whorled leaves like a reveg despite all being in 20/4 cycle and were culled , should show sex soon and i think they are all femmes.