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saw a cop car across from the hydro store!

Blazin Red

New member
Guys I really dont know what to do. I took my bros car down to the hydro store which is about an hr drive there. I go inside get a 400w hps AC system with some hydroballs. I come outside put all of my stuff in the car and I happened to see a undercover cop car across the street with someone sitting in it. Am I screwed guys, should I try not to even start it yet :fsu: Man I bet he got my bro's plates down, though the car is under my dads name. Do I have a chance getting busted a couple months down the road. Damn I gotta smoke a fatty to chill right now


Totally joking just don't give any evidence and they'll have to break the law to get you....if thats any comfort.

well that sucks. keep a look out for those pigs before you even go into a place like that.
at least the plates are registered to your pops. your dad isnt doin anythin illegal is he??
buying a grow light isnt probable cause enough to search your place anyway but you WILL want to make sure that there is nothing that could give em that probable cause..
this means NO odors, dont throw anythin illegal in trash. no strange yellow lights comin through the windows, etc..

in case they start investigatin further, have all the angles covered.


Blazin Red

New member
oh i got all basics covered!! My dad no way, lol! He is very clean and safe. I just going to have to tell him hat I need to KNOW ASAP if cops come knocking! Thanks guys
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i went to the hydro store LONG time ago when i first started growing and saw a cop across the street. I was high and started freaking out thinking he's already got my plates and my picture to put in some file. But he was just getting some coffee across the street and then drove away.

I wouldn't worry.

Blazin Red

New member
I live by myself, but this guy was def undercover besides the spot lights and he was looking my way. Oh well I would really like the cop try and do something haha. I am going ahead with my plans


I have heard of cops staking out hydro stores. If he got your plate then i'd say be careful and watch your back for the 50. If you bought a quart of nutes and a 400w bulb they might not even care.


Unless the pig knows you, or the car is registered at the grow address, chill out and enjoy the grow & smoke man :)


Active member
Remember, there over 100 LEGAL reasons to shop at a Hydro store and only ONE reason that's ILLEGAL.

That being said, as long as the car can't be traced to the grow location and you didn't drive straight there from shop, I wouldn't sweat it.

Blazin Red

New member
No the car is not addressed at the grow, just the parents. Yea I had a long drive so I know for sure they didnt follow me. Thanks guys you are a big help.


pimpjuice said:
WTF. I had a buddy who used that same logic & managed to get a bunch of peoples doors knocked down (like 6) because he made stops before going home,
Damn! Dude, thats F'n scary.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
this same thing happened on the day me and someone else went shopping for supplies to get his hobby started. it was only after spending about an hour in the shop that the person i was with noticed a guy with shades on in the shop. very odd considering it was 1pm and we were inside. then her noticed a gun on the guys hip. :nono: definitely an undercover in the store!!!

:redface: thank god we were already done shopping, and neither one of us live near the shop. so sometimes when i read people on here gripe about having to travel for nutes and supplies, in retrospect, maybe it aint sucha bad idea to make the trip.. . . .ya know
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