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Propoline´s guerrilla grow 2007


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:jump: :jump:

Finally some beter looking buds

JP#2 - she is not ready yet, but she is filing out nicely

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Active member
Well, i just rolled up last joint from last years stash, It lasted me thru all year, and hopefully will get enough pot this year too.

Heres the DP#2, almost done....

:wave: :wave:



wooo hooo danky propo!!! Seriously that DP is lookin frooostastic!!! haha, can't wait to see her dried up and ready to smoke, PEACE!


Active member
Nice to see ya back guys,

I think she smells kinda sweet.Its hard to define the smell for me, I would just say that smells like fresh pot :bashhead:

Here's a couple more pic of the other DP,



ICMag Donor
Gardens are lookin good, propoline! Flowers are popping out everywhere now! I may try to plant a little more densely next year like that, since my space and sunlight are limited like at your site.... Looks like it works well.... Or are those single plants? :D


Active member
Nothing new here, Its been ~10 days since my last visit.....

:wave: Highlighter, there were no signs of mold then, but we had a rainy week, so I hope they are ok.We´ll get some sun on Sunday (fits the name), and will probablly give them a few more days to dry up a little bit, and harvest the first ones on begining or next week.

pipeline, tnx for kind words, those are single plants topped a few times

caligreen nice to see ya back

Hey there Jydsk, tnx for well wishes, Ill shure need a few suny days to harvest the firs ones

Heres JP#3, she had some problems, she had a whole branch dried out, but she is the fastest flower of JPs

see ya



strange thing on that plant, bro!

This Jam.Pearl :)smile:) will give you anyway some good smoke from what I know!
I'm very interested in that strain, and will maybe give it a try next year..

Best wishes for the next days coming,
we stay tuned!


Active member
ive had stems dry out and die like that before. are your plants clones? cos i only seem to get it with the odd clone, never a seedplant. maybe something damaged yours?


Active member
harvest time

harvest time

Hello my brothers :wave: :wave:

I ve got some good, and some bad news.The good is, I harvested all 3 DPs, but the bad is really bad :badday: My spot has been discovered by a mushroom picker while I was just cutting down the first few ladies.Actually they were two, probably father and a son.We spoke a little bit, the father had some qs, if its for me... and aren't they should have bigger leaves :muahaha: ...and off they go..I don't think he will tell the cops,but i cant grow there any more.I still have 2 Jamaicans there, the one from my last post has fallen and there is only one branch green.

hey trapik, tnx for well wishes, but things didn't go as i would wish, the good thing is, that now I now that spot isn't safe any more.I saw your first ladies harvested in your thread, and must say ....YOU DA MAN :headbange

smokeymacpot nice you dropped in, I really don't know what happened with that branch, but plant was from seed

Now some harvest pictures :joint:





ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice work getting the crop in! Sorry your spot has been compromised, but the guy sounded to be pretty civil at least. Still, like you say, new spots will have to be found.
In those shots from yesterday, did you pick all the fan leaves off right then prior to harvest?
Enjoy those drying love nuggets! :D:yes:


Propoline....nice thread..sorry I didn't find this one sooner.I grew JP for my first real attempt at outdoor.I bought them at the sensi shop in Adam in 04? maybe it was 05forget..anyway those seeds were the most uniform and vigorous as any commercially sold seeds I've grown.I talk like I've grown thousands..lol..NOT! I have grown enough to remmber how uniform the JP's were AND I got 10/15 females.Can't knock those ratios.Anyway I'm in a humid spot and was even more of a newb than I am now.I pulled them way too early...3rd week in Sept.I can't wait to hear how they finished for you.Theres a reason they are still around..BL


Hey PRO!!!! great work on the harvest buddy! Jeez man that's some scary news, I'm glad you didn't get in trouble or anything. Highlighters right, asking those questions they make it seem like they just don't want you to be a dealer, and this is not you I'm sure. Keep it up pro, your the pro! haha PEACE