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Propoline´s guerrilla grow 2007


Holy shit this is going to be insane.....

You deserve it all, I know growing outdoors isn't easy. Something that big and still getting the ties huh? wow props.


Active member
Nice seeing you all around my friedns.Thanks for your support.Relik, JP´s should be done somewewre in start of October.I have been on spot yesterday (forgot my cam) and there is no signs of flowering yet.

They don´t look so green any more.A lot of fan leafs turned yelow, some are even fall off.Maybe they are low on nutrients??Same thing hapened to me last year.Till harvest there was only few fan leafs on the plants.

Anyways here are some more pic of JP#2 from 10 days,enjoy



Hey hey!
Right in time for the blossom process!
I just read (& looked at pix from) the entiere thread..
Damn, what a true jungle you got there!!! With real trees... Those Jamaican Pearl are beautiful plants!!
I second Wamen on the nutes matter.. You'll need for sure some fresh and available ones. Don't hesitate spending some €€ if needed, that kind of girls will reward you as much as you cherish them!

Liquid ferts (grow and bloom) should be good for an 'instant effect'. Biobizz & Plagron are my favorites, I use them from start till the end.

Best wishes for the buds festival!
I feel there will be some nasty (and tasty for sure) nugs by there :joint:



Mourning the loss of my dog......
Awesome tie-down job! I love the looks of the woods around those parts, it looks alot like a Alder marsh you would find in the mountains in my area, very nice all around!


Active member
Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Propoline´s guerrilla experience

What`s up my friednds?

Just a quick reply, it´s late here.Tnx for stopping by everyone, here is one pic from today, will get the rest of pic up tomorow.

Both bushy DP`s are half naked now.


Really nice Propoline. Cant wait for the pics tommorrow...Hurry up my friend... :smoke:



Active member
:wave: :wave:

Wamen, glad you peek in to my thread, I gave them samo organic nutes for vegies yesterday, hopefuly they will stop yelowing.

I have to get some organic flowering nutes for shure, tnx for the tip on Plagron trapik... it´s hard to find organic nutes in regular stores here.

Hey 57, tnx for stopin by :wave:

It took me over an hour, to tie her down BC, there are some nice new grown shots there, and sorry, don´t really know what Alder is.Sort of swamp plant??

I did my best Paddi, sorry I let you wait till now, always glad to see you around

Rusto, you are right about coalas,the show has just began, first DP is already showing first little buds.


Active member


Both DP´s have lost all the botom growth, I also pruned off some lower branches, there really wasnt nothing on it.



Good work on prunning, they look like buds builders!
They are beautiful...
but they're hungry, bro!!
Please feed them, they ask for it. :bow:
+ You can find organic for free.

They don't need much more to become TOP models, really.
Buds will come soon!


Well-known member

Plants look absolutely great. Wishing you a good harvest.

I notice you tie some of your plants down. I take it you have no mold issues? I wish I could tie my down. I have in the past but mold is always an issue. Cannot wait to see the buds in full bloom.

Great job.


You will not be forgotten
your ladies are really lookin nice, starting to lose alot of their early on leaves... cant wait to see them start packing on the buds soon to come.

Best wishes with your season and i will be sittin back watching the show.

Good growing and Happy smoking :joint:


**** yea pro! those girls look so nice, they started flowering at a great time huh?! Nice early finishers, they look like they are gonna be FAT


Active member
Welcome back trapik, i promise, will take better care of them :bashhead: . Good luck with your grow to.

Tnx for kind words hamstring, she is tied about 0.5m above the ground, so there is a lot air moving around....hopefully.

Always glad to see you around DimeBag, thank´s for support.And yes, I know I f...ed up a little, but I still thik that they will give me more than enough sweets for my needs.See ya

Hey caligreen, nice from you stopped by again.First ones will be prob. ready at end of sept.Caint wait

Nothing much to say, just a few more pic.....enjoy



Hehehe.. :joint:
