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Propoline´s guerrilla grow 2007


Active member
hello my friends,

nice to see you all around Paddi, neilspotshop, caligreen, and thank`s for all kind words and good wishes.

_Highlighter_ -tnx for stoppin by... I think that DP#1 has already start to flower... will see for shure at this week visit.I noticed a lot of new hairs on her last week. And about those calyx's... they are really huge.I`m visiting them every 10-14 days, but I only watered them once till now, couse we have kind a wet summer.We get rain at last once a week.

_Wu-Skunk_ - nice to see you around, only DP#3 is from clone, all the others are from seed

_57X_ - they are really nice, aren`t they... upajmo da se ne bo tale dež zavlekel v jesen ja.

_mihakt_ - o, še en naše gore list...They get sun till 9-10AM too 5-6PM, so that`s about 8-9 hours per day.Only JP#1 has about 7 hours per day, couse she is in the shadow from 4-4.30PM
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Active member
Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Hello again my friends.It´s nice to have you around. It´s been some time since last update, so finaly here are some fresh pic from yesterday.

JP#1 - this plant is really crazy.She continue to grow like hell.It´s about 3.7m high now (12ft), and has some serious secondary growth.


JP#2 - I opened her botom branches apart last time, to get the sun to all budsides, and I´ve got a beautiful green wall


right side

left side

side view


tops are pumping up

nice new growth


Will get the rest of pic soon.Enjoy till then.

PS - Is anyone having problems with editing text,smilies,url for big pic...?? I cant do either of this.
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:yoinks: I think i your on for pounds/kilo's, well great plants i havent seen a 3.7m plant or anything close in person.
I think i see what you mean about url, if you click on the image thumbnail you want to add in reply to post. then scroll to the end of the url and remove -thumb then your pic's wil be displayed full size. Hope that helps.
Have a Great weekend! :joint:


Active member
Nice you stopped by SuperStoned.It wasn´t my plan to have a plant so tall, but she just don´t stop growing.Gets bigger and bigger every day.I can just hope that nobody will see her.Tnx for help with pic, I erased -thumb, and it worked, but still, when I click on the image thumbnail, the small window for inserting url, doesn´t open.

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Propoline your plants are truely amazing!! They are huge. Worrying about somebody seeing them is onething, but what about smelling something that big? I've never had a monster that big before but I'm guessing it can fill a large vicinity with aroma.

Props to you.


Active member
Justo, I´m glad you peeked in to my thread.Tnx for nice words.I just hope that the smell will be lost in the air.

A few more





Really amazing, those huge plants look beautiful, flowering should be a great show!



Second picture down propoline is sick! Wow great job those are huge! How much water does each one get for a plant that size?


Active member
Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Heady NUGs - Tnx for stoppin by.I´ll do my best to get those ladies safely till harvest

Relik - Welcome back...I´m kind of bored of this veg stage too.but the fun will start soon,just a few weeks more, and we´ll see the first signs of buding

Closet Funk - nice to see you around, hopefully will get enough buds for me and few friends for all year

Dr.Dutch - Welcome, and feel free to grab a chair, I think I didn´t see you around till now.I only watered my babies twice till now, and they were given about 20l of water each per watering.

Here is a few more pic.Enjoy


And both bushy DP´s together


You will not be forgotten
Everything is looking great this year Propoline, They are really stretching for the sky! I for one am looking forward to watching you finish this year out and will be watching for more updates on your excellent guerrilla grow. Keep on Keepin on buddy! :joint:


gosh all mighty!!! Propoline you are a true grower. Those are getting massive, by far the tallest fucking plants I've seen on this site right now. At least that I've seen ;). You say you only have watered them twice yourself so far? Are you getting rain to cover the other waterings? Or did you mean you've only watered them twice with FOOD...? If this is wrong, how many times do you fertilize? How many times do you actually have to water...?


Active member
big masses out there ehehehe....them need only a good dose of nutrients of various type...or a good "all in one" who carry organics and minerals ...don't exceed with nitrogen cause the bloom is started.


Active member
Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Propoline´s guerrilla experience

Hello my friends, sorry for a leak of updates...been on a short vacations on the sea side.Feels good to forget every days problems for a while.

DimeBag65 nice from you stopped by again.But unfortunately things aren´t that good as should be.I overfeed them a little bit last time.Nothing drastically, just a lot of fan leaves turned yelow in just a week.See ya soon

I´m glad you stopped by caligreen, tnx for kind words.We had luck with weather this year...early warm spring - first ladies were out on 13.04,than a lot or rain in 2nd part of may till half of june, after that we were gettin rain almost once a week, so there was no need for me to water them.You are right I have fertilized twice till now with some organic nutes from sea algae

Nice to see you around filimagno, you are right, the flowering will start soon, so will have to get some organic nutes for flowering.Can´t wait to see the first buds

Wu-Skunk how is it? Everything lokin good at you?

And finaly some 10 days old pic

JP#1 - still growing, about 3.7m....what was i thinking???

JP#2 - I made some training in her last time, I tied all her branches separatly, unfortunately I broke two of them, but i thik they will be just ok.I noticed that every time I broke a branch or something elese bad hapens, this plant just go crazy.


little j

i had to log on to say wow. that is greaaaaaat. jp1 is out of control and i love it. super tall. low maintenance. perfect. great tie job on #2. im interested to see how that works out. it should just fill out to unseen proportions. awesome. geez the area that is gonna take up!!!!!! did i say awesome yet!!!!!!


awwwwwwww bro! they are turning into monsters! Wish yu good luck with dem! Keep it up!!! JAH BLESS YU WORK!!!


Impressive man, can't wait to see how they turn out. Jamaican Pearl is a relatively fast flowerer, isn't it? Let the show begin!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Propoline again.

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