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People owing you money


Boreal Curing
when i "loan" a friend money, it is money i do not expect to get back. if i help push their car out of a ditch on a snowy night, i don't expect them to come shovel my driveway. i help friends because they are friends, and I don't give out anything which i cannot afford to blow off. helping is MY reward to myself, for trying to be a good person. i don't always succeed, but i sure do try.

My mother would remind me "don't expect the Good Lord to reward you if you already got a pat on the back for it."


Active member
Simple...don't lend money to anyone...

Best rule of advice, don't lend money you don't mind losing.

Always had people asking "can you front me until" or "lemme get you back on payday" or whatever... and my reply is always... "I'm not a bank, I don't front, and if you can't afford it, not my business but you probably shouldn't be spending money you don't have.. " may sound cold or whatever, but the fact your broke is not my problem.

NEVER has lending someone money benefited me in any way... usually it causes frustration, delayed payments, ruins connections and NEVER has it benefited me.

People being broke isnt your problem.

IF and only if you want to be compassionate, then do it for that reason only, and don't expect it back. I've had friends that were down on their luck and I would throw them a free meal, or throw some money towards a "need" they had, but I would never expect it back and did it only as a "charity" to help someone in need.

I rarely do this though now, because I realize people are mostly lazy, and many will ask for help before even helping themselves. I have friends who are horrible impulse spenders who constantly say they are broke and behind bills, but they are spending their money on dumb materialistic things outside of their means... so generally now, I focus on me and only will help if I truly know someone needs help.
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Active member
Only ever happened to me once
He woke up one morning to find his car wrecked same afternoon his family was threatened
He paid in full that night
And he was a friend....
Sometimes you have to be ruthless....

Brother Nature

Well-known member
It's pretty simple, would you go to McDonalds and ask them to front you a Quarter Pounder? No? Then treat your customers the same. Act like a business and get treated like a business. It's better to just give someone something if they're asking for a loan, if you can afford it, a lot easier than trying to chase someone up and way easier than taking a charge for something that wasn't really your fault.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Maybe require they write you a check for the amount, dated to when they are supposed to pay back the money. If they default, turn it in as a bad check. Now they have the law on their azz.


Well-known member
First off, you can't legally collect for an illegal activity......... so, if it ever went to court and you told the judge the check was writen for illegal pot, you won't win your case. It's not a legal debt.

After 35+ years of this, what I learned is never to do business with anyone who you haven't known for at least 10 years, and has always been a straight shooter with no issues or problems. MY business is very upscale, to doctors, lawyers, professionals, etc. With that, I clearly spelled out the rules before they became customers, and I've never been stiffed. I front for a few weeks, and after that I gently remind them their time is up and I need them to settle quickly. I think they are all scared I'll stop selling to them, as they can't find my quality elsewhere for anywhere near the price.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
There's a local guy who constantly mooches cash from just about everyone he sees and has a rep. of never paying people back.
He hit me up a few years ago for 10 bucks but I gave him a five ,telling him that was all that I had knowing id never see it again.
But I had a plan....
Fast forward a few weeks ago he hits me up at the grocery store.
"Sorry Man, you never paid me back that fiver from a few years ago".
It was worth the five to be able to say that.

Green Squall

Well-known member
There's a local guy who constantly mooches cash from just about everyone he sees and has a rep. of never paying people back.
He hit me up a few years ago for 10 bucks but I gave him a five ,telling him that was all that I had knowing id never see it again.
But I had a plan....
Fast forward a few weeks ago he hits me up at the grocery store.
"Sorry Man, you never paid me back that fiver from a few years ago".
It was worth the five to be able to say that.
Give him one of these next time and high tail it outta there.



Active member
I used to be in the game. What a pain in my ass. Paid cash for greens and everyone and thier brother wants an oz on cuff. Thursday comes , they pay and expect another on cuff . I got real sick of covering people quick .

Have heard every excuse in the book paycheck shorted, Bank fucked up , I forgot my card, ect ect . Got to be where I wouldn't even listen to it. It always starts with a dumb look and "you'll never guess what happened " I'd just roll my eyes; there weed suddenly got more expensive .

Now you can order an oz delivered for 99$


Well-known member
Not on the east coast……..I continue to have no problem get top dollar in the mid-Atlantic area.


Well-known member
Maybe require they write you a check for the amount, dated to when they are supposed to pay back the money. If they default, turn it in as a bad check. Now they have the law on their azz.
thats actually a good idea.except a lot of people i know dont have bank accounts lol and some of you guys are worse than me.fucking someones shit up over some weed?a pound or 4 i can see but less than an ounce?shouldnt be slinging if your as hard up as the guy your fronting to


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
It is a bad idea because the local DAs are lazy bastards. They will not do a damn thing about a bad check written between two parties. A business, that is different.

The lazy DA will say to go to small claims court, like they told me. I say NEVER loan money under NO circumstances, ever. Just say fuck NO like Nancy. Get their damn iPhone as collateral if you do.


New member
I think it sort of depends on the circumstances. I don't really engage in "business" or "the game" as it were. Only with one or two close friends. One is like a brother and, if I'm honest, I don't really care if he ever paid me for anything. He can have whatever he wants, whenever he wants. So I'll front that. Ironically, he ALWAYS pays. Because he respects me. The other friend I won't front. Pay me or fuck off.

Regarding cash loans, the answer is "no." I'm not a bank. If someone I care a great deal about is in a bad spot, they can have whatever I have. But it's never a loan. It's not worth the potential collateral damage to a relationship.

Essentially, if I like you enough to consider loaning you money, I like you enough to just give it to you.


Well-known member
aside from physical harm and threatening what do you guys feel gives people the incentive to repay and make good on that? What could be going through the persons mind to not pay someone back that has helped them out now and in the past and they know isn't really financially stable
Society’s norm now I guess. Integrity has been a major component to the growing (at least to the underground og’s) community ever since i first was introduced over a decade ago. That in itself drew Me in… the pursuit, the dedication, and the fact You had a secret mission at all times..
unfortunately the standard has been lowered and people be soft as fuck these days. People get bailed out when they should be treated A lesson. Back to what I was going to say lol sorry, Aside from physical harm… I think its Core Values and straight up present connectedness or groundedness. At least that’s what I’ve been thinking about in the current financial issue thats been on my mind.
You can have those core values and be a total piece if you loose that sense of connection, that humanitarian thing.
Entitlement and Individualism butt fuckin makes what?


Well-known member
First off, you can't legally collect for an illegal activity......... so, if it ever went to court and you told the judge the check was writen for illegal pot, you won't win your case. It's not a legal debt.

After 35+ years of this, what I learned is never to do business with anyone who you haven't known for at least 10 years, and has always been a straight shooter with no issues or problems. MY business is very upscale, to doctors, lawyers, professionals, etc. With that, I clearly spelled out the rules before they became customers, and I've never been stiffed. I front for a few weeks, and after that I gently remind them their time is up and I need them to settle quickly. I think they are all scared I'll stop selling to them, as they can't find my quality elsewhere for anywhere near the price.
Lawyers and doctors need you to front them?


Well-known member
Lawyers and doctors need you to front them?
Of course not........ 95% of the business is done by mail. So, I mail them, whatever amount, actually some up to 2 lbs., and then I have an agreed upon time frame for payment. To my largest customer, she pays partial amounts monthly until paid in full, that could be 2-3 months. Others it’s a matter of days. Actually, my worst paying customer is the richest and I constantly have to remind him, which I hate. He lives in Short Hills, NJ, one of the most expensive zip codes in the country. He owns a business, and is very wealthy. But pays like shit- his explanation is he travels a lot. He’s about to go on “pay up front” though. But he’s brought in a lot of customers, his dad, his mother in law, a few friends so I go easy on him as he is a very nice fellow and it’s not like he doesn’t have the cash.

Bottom line is though, I like the incoming money spread out, so I know i have an income stream for the next few months. If too much comes in too soon, the wife goes crazy spending.........
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