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People owing you money

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
For 13 years I was the payday loan guy where I worked. I only got stiffed, once. (my fault, temporary employee)

mostly regular customers :D...caught between a hard place & a rock...no usury


Active member
Its not the credit that would bother me
As I'm never lending what I'm not willing lose
It's the lost sales when they didn't have my cash
But that was before, my people are good now, and if there not- they no not to ask
I lost a few friends/customers over the years
But I always made tenfold over what they owed
Just wondering how some people here handle people owing them money. Friends or whatever. Money does funny things to people and its strange how some people don't realize how hard we work for this and how long we go without income sometimes..

I assume you are talking about giving people weed on credit.

If they don't have the money now then they wont have it later, that's always been my motto.
Or they do have the money but are looking to get weed off you so they can get a free earn.

You need to find other people to donate too; sounds like your present contacts are just taking advantage of you.
Kick those sort of people out of your life or they will end up plotting to break into your house and take your weed and grow equipment.


Well-known member
All depends, one guy I lent money to because his daughter needed it for school in another country, paid me back 2 months later took a couple reminders but no issues.

Another guy needed rent, was out of work would lose his wife and kid because of his mother in law so I sent him the money for rent knowing I would never see it again.

For business type loans, if you aren't the bank, why make a loan or a front?


Active member
I think it depends on the amounts of $ and the scenario of how they ended up owing u $...If these are people uve been working with (aka selling. Herb to) then don't be afraid to ask for the money... Have a conversation about when they will have the $...
And when that day comes, call them, go see them and get the $...

Sometimes people get robbed or they fuck it up, cops take it or whatever... Uve got to be willing to work with them but remember to never feel bad about asking for your $ back.
Tough guy shit has never been my path when it comes to collecting $..

Ashin Kusher

As long as someone owes you money, then you're never really broke,
That's just the way I look at it though :biggrin:


Well-known member
i never front so much that i would lose sleep if i did not get it back. likewise, i never front to anyone that i have not known for twenty or thirty years. loaning money? meh. i look at it as a gift, so it is a pleasant surprise to be repaid.:tiphat: it is all in your mind...:biggrin:


Active member
I've found people that you've know for years can suddenly disappear when enough money is involved.

lost a bestfriend over an 8th... it was still super illegal so no1 knew that I grew at all.. and I fronted him an 8th until pay day.. he was always terrible with money..

I never saw him again.. his boss actually paid me the 40$ .. because he needed something from me and I told him that I wasn't going to sell to him either because my boy decided to bounce over 40$. like 5 years of friendship and seeing him almost EVERY DAY.. to just leave over 40$ cause that's what he does.. did it to everyone in his family borrows money then just never speaks to them again. I figured 40$ fuck he wont do that its 40$.. nope he did it never saw him again.. been 2 years and he doesn't even owe me anymore.. but he still doesn't talk to me haha:thank you:


Active member
I'm the same way... credit is built over time.. I know who I can front too, and I know when I'm in a position to let some float for a week or so... stressing them out doesn't help the situation out...and most times just makes things worse for you...

The one bonus is you learn who is true to you when it comes down to it.... it sounds like its someone you've known for a while, so maybe just ask them if there's a problem... maybe theres a way to work it out with out ruining a friendship... if they just wanna give you the run around...cut em off completely, and make em wish they didn't
Wow there are some really great posts in here, may take me a bit to sort through. This was a situation (without going too far into it) where I was expecting cod and I couldn't really turn around....due to other circumstances so I had to rely on faith in my friend that he would do what he said. Although as someone stated earlier I'm being taken advantage of by this friend and I know it's just the way they are but I don't think they fully realize the stress that puts on me and how they are screwing themselves because I'm done with them. (I have been extremely generous with this person). they do have an alcohol problem too so I think that may contribute to the issue
Only loan money you can afford to never see again. I just don't stress it. I don't mind helping people out, and I don't expect anything back. If they do pay me back, cool, if not oh well. Life is to short to be stressing paper.

Violence isn't the answer. It may get your money back but it makes you a small person. Take the high road. Don't loan it if you need it that bad that you are going to beat somebody up.

Beating people up over money is childish and bad karma.

I am not above taking a dump and putting it in someone's mailbox though...

Haha too funny. Not a bad idea
I assume you are talking about giving people weed on credit.

If they don't have the money now then they wont have it later, that's always been my motto.
Or they do have the money but are looking to get weed off you so they can get a free earn.

You need to find other people to donate too; sounds like your present contacts are just taking advantage of you.
Kick those sort of people out of your life or they will end up plotting to break into your house and take your weed and grow equipment.

You have great words of wisdom and this is really great advise thank you


Active member
Wow there are some really great posts in here, may take me a bit to sort through. This was a situation (without going too far into it) where I was expecting cod and I couldn't really turn around....due to other circumstances so I had to rely on faith in my friend that he would do what he said. Although as someone stated earlier I'm being taken advantage of by this friend and I know it's just the way they are but I don't think they fully realize the stress that puts on me and how they are screwing themselves because I'm done with them. (I have been extremely generous with this person). they do have an alcohol problem too so I think that may contribute to the issue

lol ya buddy.. he don't give a fuck about u hes drunk. lol.

almost same thing with the person iw as dealing with . I noticed he was drinking here and there.. and smoking. no biggy right.. then a few weeks later.. its stinking like booze in the am at like 10am.. and not night before stench.. but like hes been drinking in the ams.. then find out he owes a guy I know money for coke. then I find out hes robbing his moms house and shit to pay for his fix.. ya good thing I don't even live in the same town . so he don't even know where the fuck I live anymore.

St. Phatty

Active member
If someone emails you 5 times in the middle of the night

about a kitten you have listed on Craigslist

actually I'm still not sure what it means

other than "be tactful and avoid them".


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
I've lent and invested money lots of times (and I doubt I will ever stop)--but I always have the agreement in writing (no verbal contracts).

Over the years I discovered a disturbing pattern: Friends/family seldom pay you back as originally planned--whereas complete strangers (no prior personal or biz relationship) have proven to be the most honorable as they seem to keep their word more often than not.

Why...strangers do what's right probably because they want to establish credibility for the "next deal". Whereas family/friends think there ALWAYS will be a "next deal"--even when there is "unfinished business" between us.

So...family I "give money" and never expect to see it again. For friends and strangers--written agreement that clearly explains my remedies if they default (including them paying all my legal fees for any collection activity).

Aretha Franklin got it right--RESPECT.


ICMag Donor
I've lent and invested money lots of times (and I doubt I will ever stop)--but I always have the agreement in writing (no verbal contracts).

Over the years I discovered a disturbing pattern: Friends/family seldom pay you back as originally planned--whereas complete strangers (no prior personal or biz relationship) have proven to be the most honorable as they seem to keep their word more often than not.

Sad, but true. Another reason not to loan $$ or go into business with family/friends. The odds are against you.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Not suggesting "murder" is the equivalent to "defaulting" on a loan, but you are more likely to be killed by a friend, family member, or business partner---than by a complete stranger. Hmmm, crazy but true.