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Orange Diesel & Thai Haze x Skunk #1 in 30 gal DWC


Stars&Bars...good to see ya again.
DWC sure works noo doubt. I will add that I know folks who have gone 3 full harvests with no res change using the Lucas formula and the appropriate addback. Ive always used the addback formula of 0-3-6 and found it to work quite well too.

Don Cotyle

Klaczek, You'r very welcome!!! I'll try to help with your questions as much as I can...that's why we're all here!!! The Lucas Formula shoud keep your PH stable and at full strength you shouldn't have any magnesium deficencys.

hydrorascal, How ya been Bro? It's good to see an old friend from CW!!! I'm at it again with the 2 strain grow, a S&I blend with shorter flowering times and a Sativa with long flowering times. I love the Sativas nut not the long wait so the blend will help me get thru! Do you remember the Purple BxB and Moly Moly grow I did? 129 days flowering time for the MM, HAHAHAhehehe! I decided to do a little twist on the Cotyledons with my new handle...Don Cotyle :muahaha:

Stay safe and keep green :joint:

Don Cotyle

Almost forgot, It's about time to do an update on the Oldschool Thai Haze x Skunk#1, I'll edit this in the am!

Well my am turned into early afternoon. I had a great breakfast and some tea, then I started on makeing a big ole batch of Pigtail soup. Pinto beans with pigtails, smoked neckbones, jowles, onions, garlic clove and seasoings:jump: :jump: :jump:

Ok first a little update on the Orange Deisel at 35 days flowering. Looks like most of the streach is over and they are starting to fill out some with suger starting to form. Once the streach was over and the budsights had plenty of leaves I cut (all but the top) of the feeder leaves off..send all the goodness to the buds, I also removed all the suckers from the bottom 12" . Going with the long stem approach :) No sign of balls or hermies anywhere!!! There are 2 different pheno types showing, one darker,more branched and frostier which I'll update later.

Don't forget to click on pix to enlarge!!!!!

Heres a side by shot.

I pray the Thai haze is done streaching. I can always cut the net pot out and drop the plants to the bottom of the rex tank, this should get me an additional 16"-18" of height,( I've done it before and addl. roots will start to grow fron the node sights ) Hairs started to show on or around the 25 day of flowering, now at day 35 the bud sights are just starting to thicken up a bit!

Here's a shot of sidebranch tops, might have to top the main tops a node or two as they over streached a little due to overgrowing the light hood. Ihad to remove the right side of the hood to get light on the upper areas.

WEEdogies!!! These look like there gonna take a while...should only be another 85-95 days:jawdrop: There are also 2 phenotypes showing very tall and branchy...and a shorter one that showed hairs after only 16-18 days, so hopefully it's a faster finisher :bashhead:

KLACZEK, Grow time will definitly be shorter in hydro ( say 14 days to a month depending on the stran and personal preferences ) than soil..for smoke, flowering time will almost be identical between hydro and soil!!!

However, I belive tomatoes do not need shortened daylight hours to go into their flowering stage and will then produce throughout the remainder of their grow season....IF you were talking about tomatoes :)

No need to appoligize for your english, I understand your replys and questions just fine :wave:
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New member
i have idea on fast cash:) i want make a small growbox 60cm x 60cm for lowryders!in bubbler system!

and my question:
How you think how faster "tomatos" growing in bubbler system ?30% faster of soil?


Don Cotyle

Just wanted to throw up a photo of the Orange Deisel at 35 showing the trichms starting to show up!!! The smell is starting to intensify also :muahaha: :bow: :) Should get sme nice BHO from the trim when they'r ready :joint

YOOOOO! Prior page has the first update on the Thai Haze x Skunk#1

Don't forget to click on photo for large closeup !!!

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Beautifuuuuul. Man. That looks SO tasty. And yeah, those leaves look like they're going to be caked, hash heaven :)

Hope this goes well for you!

Don Cotyle

Thanks SoEx, they are at 41 days flower now. Definatly BHO with thw trim!...only 29 days left to fatten up! :p

Here's the same plant 6 days later, night shot lights off!

Here's the group! sorry for the poor pix! I didn't want to stay in there too long!!!

It smells like a citrus party with dank undertones:jump:

I dn't even want to talk about the THxS1, they have hit the cealing and have 29 days to go till I can give em the room they deserve. Time to cut the pots and drop them to the bottom of the rez tank. When the OD is harvested I'll be able to tie them across to the other side and spread them out, I'll also have to remove the hood to allow better placement of the 400W'er!
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Man, I am NOT looking forward to that problem (well, maybe a little) Thanks for blazing the THxS1 trail for me. I really had no idea what I was getting into when I planted them.

Don Cotyle

That's why I said to 12/12 them yesterday;) I guess I like the punishment and rewards an either spectrum grow will give you!!! Sorry to say Bro but trouble might be comeing no matter when you turn em :p Naaaaa Just give em hell back, top,tie,drop kick em a few times till ya get em in line! "Them Beotches love submission holds and come back for more!"

I wasn't happy with that shot in the dark so I took a little time to get a better shot this moring :puppydoge

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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I took you and Lil Wayne at your words and flipped the switch. T- minus 116:04:49:57 and counting. Thanks for making my mistakes for me while allowing me to reap the benefits of your labors.

Don Cotyle

THxS1 update at 45 days flowering.

If you grow this strain out please go to 12/12 as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!
I topped them at 8" and went to 12/12

They are now 51/2' tall

the good news they are self LST training :p

Flowers at 45 days

They are supposed to be a 12 week strain or 84 days, don't think this is the case...I saw a test grow that went 120+...only 75+ days to go!

One of the 3 went male on me and was removed.


Active member
Hey, the THxSK1... did you buy that as a Sam the Skunkman pack, or get it as a freebie along with your Orange Diesel? If the latter, how many did you get, and was it labeled as "Thai" or "T*"? :chin:

I received a 5-pack of "T* Haze x Skunk #1" freebie along with my Orange Diesel order...
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Don Cotyle said:
THxS1 update at 45 days flowering.

If you grow this strain out please go to 12/12 as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!
I topped them at 8" and went to 12/12

They are now 51/2' tall

the good news they are self LST training :p

Flowers at 45 days

They are supposed to be a 12 week strain or 84 days, don't think this is the case...I saw a test grow that went 120+...only 75+ days to go!

One of the 3 went male on me and was removed.

They're huge, I love it! sorry about the male :(

Don Cotyle

Hi clowntown, Yes they are Sam's. I got them as a freebies with the OD along with a freebie 5 pack of Menage A Trois, 5 to a pack, marked Oldschool Thai Haze x Skunk#1. There probably the same strain, but after typeing a few hundred stickers the abbreviation was an easier way to go!!

Thanks SoEx, Just wait till I have room to do a little bondage to em and spread em out!!! The 1 male was on the small side anyway and I'll need every bit of room I can get!!!


Don i got 5 of yhose also.Are you saying you got 10 freebes?Because i only got 5 and i thought that was strange but i wasnt about to bitch.I cant wait to see howlong they take to finish,it sounds like some very nice stuff.I went with mandla satori.Ps mandla make some nice early flowering sativas.Good Luck & Stay Safe!!

Don Cotyle

Thanks for takeing a peek bugbud63! Yea I got 1 freebies 5 of THxS1 and 5 Menage a Twois, luck of the draw I guess! From what I've heard ther're 120 in flower and some badass bud!!! Only about 16 days left on the Orange Diesel...really starting to fatten up. Then I can spread the THxS1's out and let em get the light they deserve!!!

Don Cotyle

60 day 12/12 update

Last dose of Fat Flower...double dose...Bam,Bam:)
The Orange Diesel is a good heavy feeder in flowering and they're starting to fatten up nicely.

The THxS1 will get the room and all the light she finally deserves on Feb 14th and then only...hopefully...56 more days to go!!!

I'll post a little tutorial on where to put your sativas when they run out of room in a dual grow closet :);P :muahaha:
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