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Awesome information..Thx to Tick for making it and to Pontiac for having the wisdom to save it..bravo
I remember Tick from OG, do you remmeber something called the flouro club or something like that. My name on OG was leach, and i miss those days, expecially cause my computer broke and i lost all my pictures of my first grow :/

I'm going to be making a box soon, so finding this thread was great for me!



Eugene Oregon
Pontiac im a little bit confused. The little grow box.. whats that for?
Mothers or is it for flowering?
But overall your a genius man.


hey pontiac i just wanted to add to ur wonderfuL thread for anyone who wants to stack the cabs so u can have a 8 ft heigh 10 ft long 3 ft wide box here is the way i set up my fan and carbon filter exhuast check it out

the only thing was i made a lil modification to mine the smaller box is for moms and the top for clones and the left hand side for flowering i need a mom and a couple of shelves for clones in the spring plan to take out clones
It doesnt seem like Ticks passive vent would be totally light tight. Its white, and there arent any 90 degree bends in it. How well does a vent cover like that trap light? Im really curious cause that to me would be easier than fiddle fartin around with a bunch of PVC elbows. Thanks.


In Vino Veritas

Damn, this brought back some memories! Wonderful thread.. This is pretty much all the info I needed to start growing way back when.. I remember the day Tick was posting the box and all..

pontiac, thanks for the efforts bro!

btw, do you remember the one for building your own ozone gen?


New member
this is just sick wit it, I cant wait till i move futher out of the city. Looking for acres so i can go big all for my selfishness. Need my meds. lol


Active member
I suggest making the door into two doors like a kitchen cabinet, rather than one giant door, as it torques on the whole cabinet . It also sags under its own weight so its hard on the hasps used to keep it closed. Even with six hinges.

Measure twice, cut once. I'm carpentry-challenged and was able to get one of these grow cabinets together.

It is bigger than it looks in the pics, too.

If you really got clever, you could make the base out of something like 2x10 or 2x12 and put a reservoir there. Then you could put a tray in the bottom of the cabinet for happy ebb&flow.

Remember, though, that when all is said and done, its still only 4' tall inside. A 5gal bucket is 15" tall. Even an air-cooled lamp needs to be some inches away from the top of the plants. I guess I'm just not yet used to growing in confined spaces... :)


New member
great tutorial, this one was an excellent save! Thanks pontiac!

i have a few questions on this... tick says the materials are 5/8" plywood and 1/2" plywood... my question is, which size is used with which parts of the box? after reading it/looking it all over again, my best assumption is that he used 3/8" plywood for the base, all sides and the top... and he used the 1/2" plywood for the smaller sections like the bottom lip, top front, and peices to mount the lights... is this assumption correct?

also, i think that i like the use of bathroom style fans, it looks like they will be much easier to mount than others, not to mention cheaper... but how efficent will this be? thanks for any input


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
wow, beings back memories.

thanks for that, that guy was one skilled dude


Nice cab. Looks pro. A little varnish and stain and you could turn the top into a bar! "Joe's Sip -N- Grow" Jack and Hemp, what a great mixer. lol


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This was one of the cabs I based my cab on, though you might not know it to see it.


Bumped it and tagged it, will share it somebody I know in the near future also.

Awesome details, pics, love it, thanks for time and effort, peace Canna