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thanks for chiming in guys. i appreciate the feedback.

the guy told me it was cali kush. from now on ill just refer to it as bagseed. i agree that people tend to give something a name without really knowing what it is. i remember a guy that tried peddling me "haze". i thought....dude, do you even know what haze is? or the other guy that tells you its "hydro".....again, do you even know what hydro means?

yes....the fan leaves are kinda pale. some are dying off near the bottom. i think this might behappening because i cut the nitrogen out as soon as i switched to 12/12. i read on here later that i was supposed to continue with grow nutes for the first couple of weeks of flowering. after that i gave it some grow big with the next few waterings. i dont know if there is another problem or not. i should check it out. its just that i find that searching for the cause of ailments can sometimes be a wild goose chase. either you ant find anything or you find a million possible causes.

anyway, im at day 37. i dont think ill make it to 70 days with this leaf issue. 63 is possible. ill see how it goes. thanks again, all. ill have some new pics later or tomorrow for anyone thats interested


Bobchaa: started in a small 8" pot then transplanted into this 3 gallon pot....foxfarm light soil, foxfarm grow big and now big bloom. im in a 2 X 3 closet. vegged under a 250w metal halide for 2 months. now im under a 250w HPS light. i had a couple of issues with UNDERwatering in the earlier stages, but was able to persevere.


Good job training,what ever she be...........

Danks comming your way,happy harvest!!
Kush/deisel maybe?


Might want to keep an eye on the trichs as it might be an early girl, she looks pretty big for her young age. Really nice and frosty looking. :)



speaking of her age.....

the day i switched to 12/12 is the considered the 1st day of flowering, correct? if thats the case, then yeah.....its 39 days now


one other thing........i cant believe how strongly this thing smells. its almost overbearing. i was fussing with the ties yesterday...and i became nauseous after 5 minutes of sitting over this thing!! its REALLY pungent
Looks frosty and nice. Def a keeper, I highly doubt that is OG Kush though. The OGK is almost metallic looking in terms on trich coverage. The plant you have is nice and well trained. A little nutrient deficient as others have said. Do you remember what the smoke was like on the bud beforehand? If you could recall the exact taste and smell then you could have a more definitive answer. It looks like it might have kush parentage. Looks more like a hindu kush or something of the likes to me. I wouldn't fret about it though, you have a lovely lady there and she will provide you with quality medicine. OGK is abusive and straight up rapes people the first time they smoke it. If the taste is raw and earthy and dense flowing thick cloudy smoke then I'm guessing it has kush parentage but to call that ogk is a fabrication imo. Still though, who cares what the name of it is, you are going to have medicine and that is the only part that matters. For 39 days in she is a strong pheno and I hope you have clones. Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe,


Day 42

Day 42

i couldnt resist the urge so i picked a small bud off the bottom of the plant. i steam dried it in the microwave and fired it up in a nice clean bowl. i must say, it was pretty potent. the only thing is that it gave me a headache afterwards. im gonna chalk this up to the quick dry and the lack of flushing.

i went in for a look with my 20X zoom video camera....from what i can tell, most of the trichs are still clear. it is very difficult to tell though. i can say for a fact that there arent any amber ones yet, so.....im guessing its not ready yet. i fed and watered her.....possibly for the final time with nutrients. she should be ready for water again in 3 days....which would be day 45. im thinking this is a 60 day plant.....so this last feeding might have been her last.

im looking for more of an "up" high than a "plant you in your couch" high. its smoked pretty well yesterday, so id say that 2 and 1/2 more weeks should do it


dfa said:
theres only one way to know for sure, im going to have to smoke some.

And everyone knows you should always get a second opinion.

*points to self*




Active member
no one should use the microwave, let alone use the microwave to quick dry their weed.... learn some patience...


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