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New Tree Room.....


there is :artist: in re-vegging trees...
root systems already have head-start.
to get even bigger next garden:D

idealy, test all keeprs for reveg ability... 2 wks, & 6 wks flower...
from 5 gal to 2 gal(slight root pruning) back to 5 gal...

that h.p. from member fjällhöga looks fun!

enjoy your garden!


Active member
First, I really love your tree grows you have a real gift. my apologies if I missed it, my dsl service is slow:( so reading long threads takes forever: on what schedule do you feed your girls? is the pump on a repeat cycle timer? or is it on continuously?, also do you feed at night? Thank you,


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I read the whole thread from beginning ti end and decided this is the way I am going to grow with my new space. I already grow hoodless and very similar, just water by hand and use promix. I guess its time to move into the 21 century lol!

Thank you very much for the info and insperation. You made it look simple, and I like simple. Oh ya, your grow was beautiful,thanks again teresa.



Tree Grower
on what schedule do you feed your girls? is the pump on a repeat cycle timer? or is it on continuously?, also do you feed at night? Thank you,

My pump is on the same timmer as my light's.........while light's on they feed constantly for the 18 hour's......light's out feeding stop's........they never get fed at night...........:huggg:

somebody041 thank you for havin a lookie and your kindness......

TGT i'm sure if you try it you'll love this style......imho it doent get any easier..........:biggrin:

Here's what this run will be,and a look of them .......

First up JJ-NCY's Super Star Dawg.....


Now fjällhöga Hush Plant........


Root porn from the Hush Plant........


Some Sour Bubble anyone........


A bit of C-99 this run........


Here's Strawberry Dawg from CBF.........GETTING HUGE........

Plant A.......


Plant B..........


Now i had a pm asking about how the return lines work......

Here's a shot of my stands and a bucket return line......


As you can see the bucket sit's about 5 inches off the floor.....

Now the return line to res. shot...............


As you can see the return line is as close to the floor as possible.....

There is no need for a pump to return the nutes to the res.......

As long as your bucket's sit's higher than your return line ,gravity will do the work!!!

Simple as can be yes?


Excellent work T, truly as impressive as the first time I saw it. Repeatability is certainly the mark of an expert :respect:

Thanks, as always, for your bad ass trees!!

Now Ill let you get back to work ... :tree:


Active member
Thanks you're a sweetheart. I'm looking forward to seeing that reveged strawberry in flower; will it yield a lot less than the 1st run?


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Looking good there Teresa! Some of them look like they're going to be hedges :rasta:
Stay safe n stoned :joint:


Thanks T for the pics on the return lines, if you dont mind, im building this system tomarrow, i have milk crates, but if you just have 5" off the ground, hell that would save me almost a foot for growth!!!


New member
Teresa, or anybody, please:

Is there a name for this kind of setup with the gravity return and feeding from the top like this grow? I pretty much can see what is going on from the pics but I'm new and need to do a lot of researching before deciding on how to proceed. Where I live I need to go with as few plants as possible, because of the laws.

(Can someone give me some search words that will help)?

Here are a few questions now, if it's ok.

1. Is the piece attached to the pump with all the feed lines coming off. Is this something that is bought or something you build. Looks like just a tube plugged off with the smaller lines attached to it's sides.

1a. What size are the feed lines?

2. It doesn't look like the reservoir is very deep(water level). Is this just for picture sake? How deep is the reservoir in this setup? Is the water level below or equal the return level?

I love looking at this setup and pics. The results are wonderful.



Tree Grower
Excellent work T, truly as impressive as the first time I saw it. Repeatability is certainly the mark of an expert :respect:

Thanks, as always, for your bad ass trees!!

Now Ill let you get back to work ... :tree:

So kind of you thank's .............

Thanks you're a sweetheart. I'm looking forward to seeing that reveged strawberry in flower; will it yield a lot less than the 1st run?

Your welcome ...........i'm hoping to harvest at least the same amount off the re-vegged plant's,as the first go around.........if not more.......:biggrin:

Looking good there Teresa! Some of them look like they're going to be hedges :rasta:
Stay safe n stoned :joint:

Thank you for the kind word's.......hedges or Tree's is the plan.........;)

thanks for answering my question about the return lines :biggrin:

do you also feed constantly during 12/12?

Your welcome..........once i flip to 12/12 they again get fed just while light's on.........so fed 12 hour's and dry for 12 hour's......

Thanks T for the pics on the return lines, if you dont mind, im building this system tomarrow, i have milk crates, but if you just have 5" off the ground, hell that would save me almost a foot for growth!!!

My pleasure.........getter built :whistling:.........don't forget to send a link to your build and grow :biggrin:

bet thats tasty. superb setup!

It IS tasty indeed.............thank you for the kind word's......

Teresa, or anybody, please:

Is there a name for this kind of setup with the gravity return and feeding from the top like this grow? I pretty much can see what is going on from the pics but I'm new and need to do a lot of researching before deciding on how to proceed. Where I live I need to go with as few plants as possible, because of the laws.

(Can someone give me some search words that will help)?


Sorry i can't really help you on the name of the system.....perhap's someone else can ?

Here are a few questions now, if it's ok.

1. Is the piece attached to the pump with all the feed lines coming off. Is this something that is bought or something you build. Looks like just a tube plugged off with the smaller lines attached to it's sides.


All question's are most welcome...........as the only dumb question is 1 not asked......

To help explain more i just ran down and took a few pic's to help....

The top piece is just a half inch piece of tubing ......about 6 inches long or so........that just slip's onto the pump.......that is plugged on the top..............


Then you'll need these barbed thingies that are pushed into the half inch tubing,that your feed lines slip's onto...........


1a. What size are the feed lines?


Feed line's are................


Return line's..............


2. It doesn't look like the reservoir is very deep(water level). Is this just for picture sake? How deep is the reservoir in this setup? Is the water level below or equal the return level?


My res hold's close to 15 gallon's or so ................


I add at least 5 gallon's a day so water level's on the other pic was before top up............

Depth of res..........


Water level is WELL above the return line going into res..........


Hope this help's somewhat ................


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Man I feel kinda shunned that this is not in the Organic Hydro Section. What is OHS without the Tree Girl? Oh well at least your showing these boys what running around naked in a flower room can do. OOPS did I give away your secret?

Glad to see you posting again and she didn't go anywhere my dear people like that live in our hearts and minds FOREVER.


Bumble Buddy

Active member
Always like reading about your garden Teresa, so nice of you to share the details and setup. One tip I could add is that when making a manifold for drippers if you make a loop (instead of the single straight piece of tubing with the barbs plugged in it) using a "T" connector, the water pressure will be equal at all points along the loop, if all the drip lines are the same lenght they will drip at the same rate. In your case it probably doesn't matter though due to the short length, just something to keep in mind in case the drippers run at unbalanced rates. :wave: