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Your Big Plan


I'm wondering what everyones "big plan" is.... or rather what you plan on doing for the next 5, 10 or 20 years? Or do you have no idea and are just sort of winging it?

This was something that bothered me and I am sure alot of other young people when we were growing up 10 or 15 years ago. I don't think I spent a day in high school not pondering what I was going to be doing 5 or 10 years from then, I used to have all these preset beliefs..... for example, in order to be successful, a normal person should have a good job and starting a family by the time they are in there middle 20's.

Now 10 years later, I realize that is just silly. It's setting your self up for failling. I have some "ideas" of what i'd like to be doing a few years from now, but I am much much more open to different ideas and change.

The only thing I am sure of now, 10 years after i started high school and started driving. Is that I dont wan't to work for someone else my whole life. Idealy i'd really like to be living off the grid, with a completely self sustainable lifesystle. I took the first step towards that in moving this past winter to a place where I could get my grow back on..... Without going into too many details, the price of herb in this area really is like growing money on trees: its freaking insane.

I don't really have any clue where I will be next year at this time, or 5 years from now, and I am really okay with that now. As long as I am enjoying life and am healthy, my plants are doing okay and my friends are healthy everything else is secondary.... 10 years ago I thought every little detail of my life needed to be planned out and when something didnt happen i would beat myself up over it.

It seems as children we are preconditioned to believe in order to be a productive member of society, you need to go to college, graduate and take some shiatty job working for a big company. Produce a few crotchfruits, get a house and a buncha debt and your all set for the American dream.....

Seriously? Does anyone really dream of that anymore? I know a few of my nonsmoking friends have this ambition. Life is a billlllion times less stressful when you just say fuck it and live in the moment..... like I said it's not like I am doing nothing for my future, however when they dont happen as planned, instead of letting it get me down I just change the plan.



livin my way the high way
I dont really have a plan and its bothering me. I know if ill stay in america it includes colorado, california, or alaska but im not sure im stayin in USA. i just go to classes and work thinking about that night but the next few years. i should get an idea in my head cuz meandering through life is no fun anymore, it was in high school, but now real life is here and im taken it head on.
When I plan, nothing seems to go as planned. I've since learned to go with the flow. I just kinda take life as it comes....especially since having been raided/arrested. Nobody plans for that! Anyway, I remember having an assignment in high school where they asked us to write out a goal of where we see ourselves in the next ten years. I found it at my moms house recently and read it, and I've almost accomplished everything there. I figured I'd be married with 2 kids by now....check....I figured I'd have a BA....I'll be graduating in June....I figured I'd have some kind of cool job or be a stay at home mom....I was a SAHM, now I have a cool job. If things just continue to get more comfortable for us in the next 10 years, I'd be a happy camper. If my kids' health stayed in it's supreme condition, I'd be happy.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Gotta have a big picture and at the very least milestones/goals.That's not to say you should be inflexible, things do change on the fly.

Maybe I'm just old school.

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I live in the present. Smoking weed helps me not think about my future. I plan to take my time getting through life. What's the rush?



East Coast Grower
Yo King, seems like we think very similarly. I've wrestled with the thought of planning my future and whatnot for the past couple years. I was one of those people in high school, (started smoking and did psychedelics but no growing yet), and I feel like in general the whole 9-5 blah blah blah life was pushed onto me my entire life by people I was around and especially my parents who themselves are pretty close-minded. Partly because I live in a really yuppy area and I believe growing up under Christian...morals and whatnot really enforced that kind of life, be a productive member of society, kids, house etc. I was kept largely in the dark about other religions etc until I went to college really, not that I'm a religious person or anything but it just reinforces the 'religion is the opiate of the masses' if you know what I mean.
Since then I have changed significantly as how I see the world and my life. Weed itself had a good deal to do with that too. In high school I was always a computer person, always was good with computers etc took lots of computer classes. After smoking weed I just realized that I couldn't sit in a cubicle or in front of a computer for 8+ hrs a day as a career and went a different way. Recently graduated with a bachelors degree (political science) and now just kind of chillin with friends looking for work rather unsuccessfully. Several friends have mentioned the off the grid lifestyle and we all seem to be getting into certain things that would help that, gardening, hunting, cooking, camping and whatnot, just more of a coincidence that anything.
Looking back on my earlier years I tend to stray from that path of ignorance and conformity and growing has kept me on that path. I dunno, just can't see myself being happy doing shit to better other people over myself for the next...10/20 years. I do of course want a job and have no problem working random jobs and whatnot to build up some savings, get a house/apt and all that good stuff but I really cannot decide what to do as far as a career. Have a girlfriend of 2.5 years, and have had some difficult discussions on getting married and having kids. I tried to make it clear I had no interest in having kids anytime soon. She was pretty understanding in the end and hopefully everything will stay good in that area.
In case you can't tell, everything is really up in the air right now and I hope to be able to adjust to whatever comes my way and stay on top of the important things and make the most of opportunities that present themselves. I live in MA right now, and I would probably like to move at some point when it is realistic to do so, god knows when that will be...would probably seek states with reasonable pot lwas if I was moving in the US. I've considered Europe and maybe South America (born in Colombia), but more of a dream than anything. I love America and all but who knows where we'll be in the coming years..
Of course growing is no real subsitute for a job but I know we all wish it could be haha. I do see myself growing for a long time, certainly for personal use. Although I've only had 1 run outdoors, I enjoy it and can see it as a nice hobby over the summer/fall. I dont know how many of you have read alot of the Massive Outdoor Grow thread by Julian but it changed alot of what I thought about realistically growing outdoors and put alot of things in perspective. Yes a couple lb's a year can help anyone out but it must be taken seriously and be balanced with the rest of your life - family, job, risk etc.
This is the first time in along time I've actually written anything about the subject of my life, nice to get my ramblings on paper where hopefully I can read it again somewhere down the line. Sorry if its random and hard to follow.

good thread king, hopefully will get more responses from people. GL with your life plans IC!


My plan........?

Now... working as a slave to earn money to get motorbike driving license. In the meantime I have an Art exhibition going on, I will be official photographer but I have also some of my project which I have to finish it before end of April. Im trying to prepair my land for growing vegetables and other stuff :D

Well... anyway when I pass the driving license I will start to save money for a motorbike. And when I do..... WOOOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO ACROSS EUROPE BABY!

Besides all that I am saving my money for a new camera equipment (5000 - 8000 €).
In the meantime I will try not to be hungry and smoke weed every day.... since now... im doing quite fine... except my body which is fucked up a bit.

OH... and in then summer.... Scouts!.... 3 weeks of wilderness!

Also forgot that I am saving my money for summer when I will go on an airplane and when we will be on 3000 meters.... JUMP! :woohoo:

I tend to make all of my plans, except camera equipment, realize in this year....

After that..... Dont know, cause I will be driving across Europe.... Long fields of Toscana in Italy..... French Coast.... Spain....Portugal... who knows.

Good luck with your plans..... whatever they are!
Peace :joint:


Pull my finger
Hopefully finish my degree in Environmental Horticulture. Then try to pass the Environmental Engineering exam and get in to that trade.

I think with the "green" movement, lawmakers are going to be making a few changes to the way things are developed n this country. This would create a market for Environmental engineers.

Plus I will have the knowledge to grow my own food if everything comes crashing down.


Garden Nymph
In ten to fifteen years I hope to be self-sufficient. This includes, but certainly is not limited to, having built my own house and being my own boss. Five years ago, I too, was tricked into thinking that I had to work the 9-5 for someone else. Then I woke up and realized my life is not meant to be a commodity for someone else's use. So, I started becoming entrepreneurial and thinking about good business ideas. So in the next five years, I'll be exploring some of those options, traveling the world, and generally learning about myself and other cultures. I would also like to one day start an organization that would really help the environment out. May have something to do with gardening, who knows?

So yes, I'll be scheming about my future. Where there's a will, there's a way!


Lammen Gorthaur
I'm working on our economy and banking system. I created a new banking system approach because the old one never really served our purposes because it was originally designed by the British for the purposes of allowing the Crown to have a monopoly on currency (gold then). Today it favors the banking class at the expense of all the rest of us and it has some inherent problems that make it the anachronistic failure that it has become. The old system was inherently inflationary and limited the availability of capital to businesses so that people (politicians) could pick and choose which industries and which business groups would in effect be entitled to obtain capital investment.

Obviously, this doesn't work for us but people have come to believe that the Federal Reserve System is the world-beating way of banking that has been around forever. In point of fact, the Federal Reserve System has been around less than 100 years and if you do your research you will find that more banking system crises have occurred since its formation than all the ones before it combined.

The new system allows monetary policy to be conducted that is not inherently inflationary and this new kind of "system" is hooked up directly to a new capital markets program that doesn't feature equity securities that go up and down - only up because that is the way the system is designed. More importantly, investment bankers would no longer control access to investment capital - that control would rest with the investing public (you and me and all those crack whores getting stimulated).

The banking and capital market systems are closely integrated into a public finance system designed to provide funding for government operations without having to rely on taxation - indeed, no taxation is required to sustain it (again, once you decide to think outside the box, the outcomes are only limited by the incomes and that means that seemingly "revolutionary" ideas are quite practical).

Selling it to Washington, D.C. however is a whole other matter. It doesn't hurt enough yet for us to get people to care about this. they like the old system and trying to spend your money to prop it up. Try as they may, at some point it won't be able to sustain itself (because of the built-in bias that actually cripples open market operations).

That's what my next 10 years looks like.


Buds will finance my education and a small piece of land. I plan on going back to school and switching my major to something botany/agricultural related.

This summer, get out of debt and pay for next years' school.
Next summer, stash the rest of the money to live and go to school for 2-3 yrs.
Following summer, put together enough for a piece of land.

With an education, and property, I see myself ahead of the game, no matter the rules.


I will hike the Appalachian Trail in the next ten years. That is my goal.

I have "everything" else I could possibly want in life.

Health, generalized happiness, love and companionship with a person that burns as much as I do, my own home and of course my medicine.....oh yeah my own business.



buy some land and build a house. farm and raise critters, not the pesky rugrat kind :)


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
well ill give you my plan for the next 5 minutes tho, im gonna roll up a spliff of some purple kush x trainwreck and get faced
Big plan? Hmmmmmm, don't know if I can even acknowledge your question without pointing out the fact that our next minutes aren't guaranteed. I'm just like everyone else I want happiness, contentment, and everything that even vaguely resembles the "American Dream," but dreams are contingent upon so many things and mostly, those things are outside of our ability to control.

Here's my big plan, to breathe this very second and hope for another.