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new cannabis scare C.R.A.P.P. LOL


classic example of the message C.R.A.P.P sufferers use to spread the condition.

Fox News Gets Reefer Madness Over So-Called Killer Marijuana

After watching this someone posted this,

"im not a weed expert but i thought that dro has to have 24h of light. thats why those guys get caught bcuz they have a huge energy bill at the end of the month from running those black lamps. "

I can't believe the stupidity of some people.


Ironicly this guy looks like Doug on the show Weeds.


Active member

that's sad, she seems like an egoistical bitch, but I still think she is pretty

throwing out the son (it's normal... my parents are like that too, so are others, some would beat the shit out of you)

weed can make me agressive, (mix with the world of today)
but it don't make me violent

and it don't make me steal

you know what?
the problem was the parents letting him do these things, they should have learned to say NO

even the kid agrees it's not the weed, I hope one day someone tells her, that she was the one that fucked up

how can you force your parents to open the door ?
because you have control over them ^

But it is to no avail, and against all advice, they take him back into their home unconditionally.
Violence follows shortly afterwards: ‘… by April, he will be stealing from us again. By early May, he will have punched his father. By late May, he will have hit me so hard on the side of my head that I’ll be in A&A with a perforated eardrum. No one has ever struck me before.’

she probably wrote the book for wrong reasons too
sure, they can help other parents know they are not alone

but maybe this will give her some kind of "fame" (I'm sure she likes it, if she has no shame you know..
and money, and some people will like her badmouthing mj, and praise her)

It's like the kid is alone in his own little world


this guy and Mary Brett look like they need to have a joint to
stop them going out stalking at night for victims to drain of blood.


Active member
All great stuff, would almost be funny if these assholes didn't get news coverage and prey on the ill-informed.
One could almost forgive the misguided and moralizers as they are on a mission to do 'good' as they see it and with education may be convinced that they are chasing shadows...
There's a lot of people running around convinced that utter bullshit is, indeed, fact and these are just a few more.

My special disgust is with the 'professional pimps' that make their living from selling lies.
You can bet when this issue is laid to rest that they'll be on to the next 'crisis' to sell.
The pro pimps and those who use a false color of authority, as in professional degrees but without any (or highly suspect) science to back their claims, are the real enemy.