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new cannabis scare C.R.A.P.P. LOL


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Cannabis Related Acquired Paranoia by Proxy. Or C.R.A.P.P. some times called ""CANNAPHOBIA""
A dangerous contagious condition spread by emotion and lack of logic or clear thinking and normally involves the use of urban myths and half truths (http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_myth.shtml) and wishfully thinking.


Who me?

It is spread to gullible people, especially prone to the fear ( Example Fear of Drugs*)
spread by the sufferers (edit) of (C.R.A.P.P.) are parents or politicians who can be scared by the prospect of losing votes.
Only Vulcans seem to be immune. LOL
The basis of the condition (C.R.A.P.P.) seems to be a need to control the behaviour of others and is based on moral outrage or moral panic Moral panic
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_panic and fear of loss of control.
The actions of other people even when they pose no possible threat to the sufferer, induce extreme fear and paranoia.

The sufferers of C.R.A.P.P. appear to be immune to the use of logic or reason.
Over time the control measures they advocate become more extreme as the present and past control measure always end in failure in the long term.
The condition would probably continue even if Cannabis ceased to exit, as the fear and paranoia would transfer to something else that other people were doing that they do not like.

Past and present examples of this related behaviour include,
Censorship of book paper magazine television, films plays on moral or religious grounds,
control over what clothing people ware especial women, example (Mary Whitehouse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Whitehouse)
control of the consumption of tobacco or alcohol
Control over gambling or sex example (Sexualizing youth: morality campaigns and representations of youth in early 1960s Buenos Aires. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-18718131_ITM)

The condition (C.R.A.P.P.) may affect sufferers in the following ways.
An irrational fear induced by other people smoking or using Cannabis, leading to
1. Constant state of fear.

2. Misplaced trust in state institutions (police) to ability to stop people using cannabis.

3. Misplaced trust in drugs made by pharmaceutical industry as the only people who are to be trusted to produce safe drugs.

4.Joining with groups of fellow sufferers and trying to impose their strange moral views on others. http://www.eurad.net/Links.htm

5.Attempting to become consultants or advised to government the UN, parent groups and any one else they can spread the condition(C.R.A.P.P.) to.

6.In extreme cases the sufferers may suffer delusion of grandeur or an inflated scene of their own importance. (Grainne Kenny (Ireland) Hon President CIADO Romania, Drug Watch Int, Board of Directors classic example)

7.sufferers will use any and all opportunities of access the media to spread their condition (C.R.A.P.P.).

8.The individual may seek bogus awards to inflate their own scene of importance.

9. They may get trained as anti drug counsellor to help spread the condition.(C.R.A.P.P.)

10.sufferers loose any understand of civil liberties and advocate more power for the police to arrest people and confiscate property with conviction in the courts. http://www.isil.org/resources/lit/looting-of-america.html

11.sufferers in groups may advocate state funding for Rigged Scientific studies are used to back up this delusional thinking and to help spread the condition. (C.R.A.P.P.)

12.sufferers may loses touch with reality and confuse other plants with Cannabis. Example

”Grainne kenny attacks Public house for have Trees that look like cannabis. EURAD (Europe Against Drugs) president Grainne Kenny has launched an outrageous attack on a pub in Limerick, which she has accused of trying to attract customers by planting trees outside which she feels are imitation cannabis trees. "Why do the guards, the chamber of commerce and civil society tolerate this. These trees should be removed. They are giving out a very dangerous message to children", she said. Ms Kenny made her comments to an anti-drugs seminar in the city and displayed leaves she had broken off the trees. But the owner of the bar, Will Rooney denied any wrongdoing. "They may look like something else, but they are called Japanese Maple. We wanted something to replace palm trees that were stolen, and this is what we got", said Mr Rooney. "I noticed one was a bit bare, maybe she'll replace it for us", he added. “ http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72587

The plant she was looking at that day was artificial japanese maple

Acer palmatum, called Japanese Maple or Smooth Japanese Maple



Real Japanese Maples.

13.sufferers from the condition (C.R.A.P.P.) seem to believe that business men like George Soros are providing massive funds for groups campaigning for the legalization of Cannabis.

14.sufferers may believe that doctor who think that Cannabis may be used for medical purposes should not be allows to practice medicine.

15.Example of person suffering from C.R.A.P.P.
“Grainne Kenny is a trained counselor and drug educator who has campaigned against drugs for many years.
She was a member of the Government Coordinating Committee on Drugs and was instrumental in the founding of CAD (Community Action on Drugs) in 1980.
In 1987 she co-founded EURAD (Europe Against Drugs), a voluntary organization of which she is the chairman. EURAD now has a consultative status with the Council of Europe, and is a member of the NGO Committee on Narcotics in Vienna.
In 1997 she was appointed to the Dublin Lord Mayors? Commission on Drugs.
She lectures extensively throughout Europe and the U.S.A., and her papers have been published in many countries.
Ms. Kenny has twice been nominated for the European of the Year Award.
Among her international honors are
the Woman of Europe Award,
Medaille du Marie de Strasbourg,
Medaille du Maire de Paris,
Swedish Parents Award,
the Dublin Lord Mayors Award. Grainne Kenny is a member of the Board of Directors of Drug Watch International.” http://www.drugwatch.org/Board SUMMARY BIOS.htm again classic example.

Grainne Kenny


Mary Whitehouse
Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story

Carrie Nation
"was a member of the temperance movement—which opposed alcohol in pre-Prohibition America—particularly noted for promoting her viewpoint through vandalism. On many occasions, Nation would enter an alcohol-serving establishment and attack the bar with a hatchet."


Frances Willard


Matilda Bradley Carse "was born on November 19, 1835 near Belfast, Ireland, part of a Scotch-Irish merchant family. Educated in Ireland, "


Lillian M. N. Stevens


Lillian M. N. Stevens was vice president of the National W.C.T.U. in 1894-98, and after the death of Miss Frances Willard in the latter year was president until her own death.

MRS. MARY WOOD-ALLEN, M.D. author of What a Young Woman Ought to Know


Charles Nelson Crittenton



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Active member
Well someone who at least admits male menopause......I think men have 28 day mood swings like PMS also. I wish I knew how the fuck old you are Sparky. But it ain't none of my business really....but your typsterbation is hard to guess your age group though. I pretty much admit I am an old bag though. Nothing wrong with being old and experienced in life.....you can't buy experience you know

Poor Miss Cali has to give her crown back.....
OH THE HORROR on the news each day.....LOL


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
dont worry im sure shell find some money and end up on the cover of play boy... bu the way that shit was funny.....


i hate to be this picky, but it's definitely "sufferers" not "suffers" when regarding somebody who is in fact suffering. lol had to apologize up front but that bothered be the entire way through.

that being said, this was HILARIOUS to read! what a bitch to say something so dumb as 'remove those trees that resemble cannabis.'
funny how such ignorant people can be hailed with so many awards.


Active member
i hate to be this picky, but it's definitely "sufferers" not "suffers" when regarding somebody who is in fact suffering. lol had to apologize up front but that bothered be the entire way through.

that being said, this was HILARIOUS to read! what a bitch to say something so dumb as 'remove those trees that resemble cannabis.'
funny how such ignorant people can be hailed with so many awards.

thanks I have corrected that mistake


Lucky 7

Active member
I pretty much admit I am an old bag though. Nothing wrong with being old and experienced in life.....you can't buy experience you know
lmao; so true Madrecino . . . some of the best lessons are the ones that kick your ***!

I feel a new club a formin': CRAPP!



Grainne Kenny

maybe if she exercised this :moon: a little more and less of this :jawdrop: ...

heart disease is still the no. 1 killer

talk about "giving out a very dangerous message to children"

and the only crime I see here is destruction of property:

Ms Kenny... displayed leaves she had broken off the trees... Mr Rooney: "I noticed one was a bit bare, maybe she'll replace it for us"



Active member
if anyone knows more people suffering from these symptoms post their name a pics.

Exposure their foolish ways and insane condition is the best way to halt the spread of this disease.
Pointing out mistakes in information that the sufferers spread and rigged studies is also.
Mistake in report on Cannabis house busts in the media is also useful.

Ridicule is also excellent method of treatment for those who already and caught the infection and my be incurable. ( this may limit their ability to spread the infection to others)

Forget the Swine flu scare.

Stop the real pandemic Cannabis Related Acquired Paranoia by Proxy C.R.A.P.P

Possible cause of C.R.A.P.P



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Another victim of the condition
Julie Lynn Evans isn’t new to all this, some two years ago she famously wrote in the Daily Mail

“Skunk is one of the most serious things on our streets today. I would rather my daughter took heroin.”


This woman threw out her son out for smoke Cannabis and them made money by writing the story for the paper.

Julie Myerson


One of the most famous sufferers form the condition C.R.A.P.P
Harry j Anslinger.

Who could forget "Just say no Nancy Reagan"


The Hopeful Protagonist
Well someone who at least admits male menopause......I think men have 28 day mood swings like PMS also. I wish I knew how the fuck old you are Sparky. But it ain't none of my business really....but your typsterbation is hard to guess your age group though. I pretty much admit I am an old bag though. Nothing wrong with being old and experienced in life.....you can't buy experience you know

Poor Miss Cali has to give her crown back.....
OH THE HORROR on the news each day.....LOL

Men do have a monthly cycle, but it has more to do with libido than anything else IMHO and personal experience.....Maybe it's the moon :D


Active member
"Garden moss that smells like cannabis attracts police raid on pensioners... and the local drug gang

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:28 AM on 06th December 2008
As a retired engineer in his late seventies, Ivor Wiltshire makes an unlikely drug fiend.

But the smell of cannabis around his semi-detached home was unmistakable."
rest of article in link below


lets hope they do not hear about this plant.

Phlox subulata


Thats quite an interesting read. Time to send it to as many public figures as possible.
Maybe even print a few copies and leave them in public places. eg. Libraries, Social welfare offices, tax office, etc etc.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Just once...

one time...

before I die...

I want a friendly stranger to randomly hand me a joint on the street.

Just once...


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
omg reading this thread almost made me c.r.a.p.p. my pants laughing. great stuff.

These anti pot people need to get a fucking life. really, why do they do this? what sparks their interest? I mean. if you dont smoke pot then why are you so interested in it? These ass holes have too much time on their hands. Lets get these people really drunk and convince them to play russian roulette with a magazine fed semi-auto pistol. Then lets take pictures of their splattered heads, and post them as the cure for c.r.a.p.p. hahah ahhh :) yes

disclaimer: my dark sense of humor has been taken seriously by a few, lately... just chill its ok, Im kidding.