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My XMAS Gift!!!


the keeper of the creeper
One of my ladies fell right over and busted the stalk :(...ah well it's nice and fat anyways, still kinda shitty. Propped it up off another branch and took a couple of shots for a the chillen peeps out there!!

enjoy..have a great weekend!!



eulogy- The room full O buds is the way I like it!! The starting pictures you see are just after transplant into Dro... takes about 4-5 days to recover.
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the keeper of the creeper
Thanks VH!! I think Christmas, will be jolly indeed...

Couple of shots of the day!!

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Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Nice grow!!!!! I heard a good way to clean roots of a soilgrown seedling, just place a airstone in a cup full of water and place the rootball in the cup and let the seedling sit there and let air and water do its job, after a few hours you get clean roots, very easy..plants stress a lot if you just move them from soil to hydro without cleaning the dirt of the roots, but anyhoo, looks good, I'm just always worried about stress, peace...


the keeper of the creeper
tokinafaty420 - Thanks for stopping in man.

The flush method i used last round didnt work out as i had hoped for as far as tastyness was concerned, so it's the systems first DRAIN & FLUSH of the round.Ph the water and flush.

Farmer John - thanks for the tip!! I wil give that a shot as ivenever heard of that method before. I think I shocked the runt when i was transplanting them(first page) It was the only one I did disturbed the root system.The rest only took 4 days to recover and show signs of growth..Those were direct soil to hydro heavily root bound.

euology - Thanks bro. I have learned alot this go around... gpw to go up from here!!
I screwed up with the bloom booster.. used it a bit heavy.The cross took it worst brunt of it but grew the fattest! Caught it in time, but you can see the damage in the last bud shots..At least no mites this round!!!! WHOOOT little bastard bugs..ive finally conquered you.....
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Great tip FJ........Blunt man........ Success finally and whoa what some fat girls too.........Great work and keep it up my buddy........PEACE......DHF........... :sasmokin:


Active member
Farmer John said:
Nice grow!!!!! I heard a good way to clean roots of a soilgrown seedling, just place a airstone in a cup full of water and place the rootball in the cup and let the seedling sit there and let air and water do its job, after a few hours you get clean roots, very easy..plants stress a lot if you just move them from soil to hydro without cleaning the dirt of the roots, but anyhoo, looks good, I'm just always worried about stress, peace...

I agree with FRED, FJ good tip as i will be doing the same thing later today. plants sre in Ready- Gro rather than soil. any difference?

Plants look awesome Blunt!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>


the keeper of the creeper
See I start mine in peat pucks then plant them into small cutting plastic cups with very little soil. It's extreamly hard to remove the soil by the time i transplant because the plant are very root bound by the time i put them into the trays. I think this method may just do the trick!!

Thanks for the great comments guys.. Im glad you all enjoy the show!!
Size(comparison) shots are coming soon. Crazy densness.


the keeper of the creeper
Alrighty Ive got my new cam!!! Lots to still learn, but here they are!

Not bad for a novice!







one more
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Excellent job on the grow blunt i love it...and the your buds look delicious, i must u got a nice eye wit the camera haha got a lil help i suppose too with those lovely ladies....anyways well done man an have a merry christmas and a happy :joint: new year

Jerry Pakul :smoker:


the keeper of the creeper

Most of the main colas are as big as the one in the photo, however almost impossible to get to them....the room is very full!!

Jerry - Thankyou, however the only help i have had is the people here at ICMAG over the last year. Even more interesting is I never really was into photography untill i started growen this fine plant!!
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Blunt_69 said:
OK got zee new blower fan installed..

Picture of da room(still adjusting to to hydro shock)

remote sensor which I read in an entirely different part of the house.neet upgrade!!
Now if i could only maintain that temp and humidity level, it's perfect at lights off............ The blower brought the temps down fro 36 to 32. Still to high, but as the plants grow the temps will also fall another few degrees.

Very nice setup there Blunt. That oregon himidity remote is the exact same one I have BUT I covered up that red light at the bottom of it. Go in your room with lights out and sit for a few minutes to let your eyes adjust and see how fast that damn thing catches your attention.

Just a heads up.



the keeper of the creeper
MR WAGS. thankyou.. Never even noticed it, dont go into the show very much during lights off, except to take pictures!! Will make sure to tape that..stray light is not any good....Great tip!!
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the keeper of the creeper
More interesting features.. I can set the white balance of the HPS light.. Pictures come out MUCH better..still more to come!

a few for now.


