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Micro Hydro Virgin needs a guide...


fully baked

Johnny Blaze said:
nice bounce back fb. looks like santas elves werent the only ones busy this december. seems like you have a lot of strands rollin. are all of them going to fit? how are you going about choosing which ones to keep if you cant fit them all? its nice to see that your BB its putting off good stuff i bet it was all the positive vibes. so when exactly is she coming down?

Ya after looking at all the different strains I had, I couldn't choose one, so I grew out all the variety I had left. I'm thinking I will have plenty of room though. In a week I'm going to have the cab with the BB to play in too. The plan is to veg them till I get clones, then I'll throw them straight into flower for sexing and to see if any are worth keeping. Hope to find 3 ladies to keep as moms for now.

My BB girl comes down in three days. Just changed her res to just water now. I'm excited about the plans on the way more than anything, but the extra smoke is always nice.

Till then,

fully baked

And the chop begins at Day 59. Here's a preshot before I start doing any snipping. She is getting a full 24 hours of dark and has been taken out of her res to dry out a little bit before she gets the knife. All the seeds seem to be done and all the hairs are orange for the most part. Wish I still had my scope to see the trichs but that was lost some time ago in transition.

And then there's still those seeders going...

New hashberry on the left, New purple power in the back, and hashberry on the right.

3 holy grails

2 Holy grails and the DSD

They're growing fast and well...

Back later with some harvest shots,
Peace -- FB


Get two birds stoned at once
I just use a magnifying glass thats high power or just look at the trichs, I can tell when they are fully cloudy without magnification.

I'm watching your thread because I just bought hydro junk and hope to learn from your sucesses and mistakes.

Also want to see how the holy grail does, I have a pack sitting around.

fully baked

Thanks for dropping in Deft. As far as mistakes, my biggest one was keeping the water temps too high I do believe. Definitely need to get that under control for the next round. I hope you find some stuff you can use and enjoy the show. I think those HG's will be very nice :joint:

Here's the results guys.... Tiny buds but it was definitely a learning experience. Thanks to IC here I was able to get her to limp over the finish line...

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Get two birds stoned at once
Yea, rez temps are my biggest worry. How do you plant to counteract high temps? During the winter I guess a little heat exchanger would work for me, theres a cold window 4' from my closet.

fully baked

Next round I wanna try out a few things. I splurged on a bottle of hygrozyme, so I'll definitely try that.

I've seen some people use frozen water bottles as a way to get temps down. I'm thinking about getting a few of the same size bottles and cutting a hole in the lid of my res so I can have the ice submerged and stabilized sitting in the water. Then I'll just switch them out when they melt.

I'm thinking a combination of the two would work the best :rasta:

Stick around and I'll try to make the mistakes for ya. :laughing:

What type of system are you going for?


Get two birds stoned at once
Stick around and I'll try to make the mistakes for ya.

Going to do a rubbermaid DWC, Nutes and ec meter etc should be here in a day or two.

The hygrozyme, I thoguht about getting some but it was expensive so I figured I'd just use the sm-90 I have and hope temps would be low enough. I really don't want to have to dump freezer packs in every day! I'll probably just insulate and hope evaporation and the plant transpiration is enough at least during winter.

fully baked

You'll probably have an easier time with the DWC in the rubber, much bigger than my two gallon over here which i think is a main reason why the rot was prevalent.

Hydrogen peroxide is your friend too...

Best of luck with your project


Get two birds stoned at once
Thanks, I hope to do as well as you have. If I can do that I think things will go alright.

Yea the big container seems to be crucial, more mass should help with temps too. 15 gallons of cool water will stay cooler for longer than a lower volume of water and ph/ppm shift should be evened out a lot more than with only a few gallons.

fully baked

Anybody like popcorn!!!

Cause it's dry already !! 2 Nights hanging, one in a paper bag and they are feeling pretty nice. Now to be burped in a jar for a week or two.

Smell - An initial fruity/sweet smell with overtones of chlorophyll. Gotta give it time to get rid of that green smell. Hopefully, it will mellow out into a nice sweet aroma. 8.5/10 for now. If that green smell goes away, this would be a wonderful sweet smelling lady.

Bag Appeal - Light buds with nice orange hairs. Pretty little nugs. 8/10

Trichome Coverage - Sticky, but not quite as sticky as I would prefer. Still above average crystal production. A slight case of sticky finger syndrome. 6.5/10

Off to smoke some of this and really get the lowdown...

Here's some dry trimmed shots. Came out to 31 g dried. Could have been a lot more out of that tiny tub she hadn't had such a rough time :bashhead: . You live and you learn, so I think I can improve on that greatly the next go in the tub.

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Get two birds stoned at once
Ya man, bud is bud. And with popcorn its already perfect grinder size lol.

fully baked

Thanks for the praise guys. I definitely wasn't knocking the little popcorn buds, but it is quite refreshing when you cut down that lady with the nice cola and monster side buds coming off of her. But hey, I definitely didn't think I'd hit a zip, and I did, so hydro still has some experimentation left in her.

All the beans are growing great, aside from a few that shot up too fast and hit the lights. Updates later tonight for all those watching. Soon they will be bent over and tortured :laughing:

Happy Growing,

fully baked

Here's a quick update on the progress. 12 days old now. I didn't get pics of the NH, Hashberry, and NPP to upload, so you'll have to make due till next week. I'm seeing a good number of roots on the bottom and will probably be re potted in a few days... (I'm thinking Saturday...) and then quickly ushered into a tough love training session. Maybe I'll even be able to cut a few clones by then :joint:

BB - One of them has some yellow new growth and grew into the light. There is a fan blowing on her... maybe she doesn't like those cold night temps.

Lone DSD

And the 5 HG's - The two all the way on the right are in the back corner of the cab. I think they are getting less airflow than the other three which happen to be right by the intakes. Just a thought to account for the size difference

Edit: Got the others to upload. NPP on the left, NH in the middle, and hashberry on the right.

Pics will get interesting again soon...

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fully baked

19 days old here. Took some cuts of the bigger plants and am waiting on some preflowers now. They took a little journey and are now living and growing under 8 - 23w CFLs. Still living off the Happy frog/perlite/peat moss mix and straight water. Some recent repotting into the same mix gives us something like this...

First the Holy Grails 1-5 -- They took some training and #4 took a little split in the stem but bounced right back without too much worry. All repotted now :joint: So far these are the best and easiest growing along with the DSD...

Mandala's Hashberry - Its doing some funny things with the leaves. 2 of the lowest fan leaves started to turn a gray-ish and became crispy and dry. Growth is still fine and new leaves are fine, but a few lower leaves are doing it. Off to look at pics of leaf problems after this...

Rez's DSD -- Doing just fine... Seemed like she wanted a feeding before she got repotted. Thats what the new soil is for :rasta:

And the runts that have yet to be repotted and needed some water before the pic... New Hashberry, BB #1, BB #2, and NPP respectively... 1 of the BB's and the NPP are doing the same leaf thing as are Hashberry plant.

And all the clones in my cloner. Rooting hormone to peat pucks to the dome for a week or two. All labeled so I know who to keep around

Have a very merry x-mas

Think it's a Phosphorous def. plaguing the sick ones.

I have the GH nutes but am unsure of the affects on an organic soil... Does anyone know what it will do if I add the chem nutes to the happy frog???

I'll probably be making a tea of some sort unless someone can confirm that the chem nutes won't adversely affect life below the soil...

Also for all those wondering why I'm still here in the hydro section... The SWC will be going again as soon as I see some roots from the clones. I promise :bashhead:
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fully baked

22 days and preflowers are popping up on the HG's :jump:

HG #3 and HG #5 are my two confirmed ladies so far. Looks like the lone hashberry might be a male :fsu: . Looks like HG #4 is gonna be a male too :spank: At the 50/50 ratio so far...

Took two more cuts from 3 and 5, for a grand total of 3 from each. As soon as some other show their hairs/balls, I'll be flipping into flower :jump:

Also repotted a BB and a NPP into some bigger pots. I'm sure they will appreciate the new soil and leg room...

For those watching the HG's, the show should get interesting soon :joint:

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fully baked

Deft said:
So no more hydro?

As soon as some roots pop up on the clones I will be filling up the SWC. Hopefully a few more days and well have some roots.

fully baked

Day 26 here...

DSD Unknown sex

HG 3 and 5 Both females

HG 1 and 2 Unknown sexes

NPP , NH , BB 1 and BB 2 all unknown sexes ( The BB are femmed seeds, but I'm awaiting those preflowers anyways...)

No roots on the clones yet. Kinda excited to get wet in the SWC again...


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