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Masterlow Microgrow Grow Diary!


Thanks guys. Inside the container feels a little hot with 2 42W 2700K and 1 27W 6500K. However,I may have found the cheapest cooling solution possible........frozen icepack over intake. Hope it works. It can't hurt that's for sure. I have also enlarged my passive intake.



Day 41 and I think things are going good. My box has become an overgrown mess, but I'm hesitant to break out the scissors. Many tops to speak of though! (probably around 9 or 10), but some are hard to see.

Hiya, just stopping in to say good luck on your grow.. I'll be watching!

We're at about the same # of days, just flipped my one plant over to 12/12 today.

LSTing is the way to go in a small space, I absolutely love it. Are you going to continue to LST and SCroG throughout flower?

Does that ice pack restrict any of your airflow?

I would really invest in a thermometer though.. while these plants are hardy lil bastards, sometimes too much heat can kill 'em! But hey, your plant is looking great.. so keep up the good work!


Thanks guys. I'm still training, and plan on doing so till harvest. However, the training is light duty, and mostly just ensures the tops stretch at the same rate and that each get light and are not sheltered. No more radical stem bending over. I don't think there are signs of flowering yet, but I will keep you guys posted. The fun really begins now. :)


Registered Pothead
Wow so they havent shown signs of sex yet? My ML are about 45 days from seed and have flowers all over the place. All of them started showin their sex around week two or three.


well thats good to hear, looks like you'll get a nice yield off that single plant
so what was it? A male or female? Are you sure it was a Master Low? If so, Master Low must not be very stable as far as being 100% autoflowering, because it would have shown sex way before day 51. So what's the outcome?

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