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Masterlow Microgrow Grow Diary!


When do y'all suggest I switch my nutes? Right now Im using Miracle Grow for veg nutes, every 3rd-4th watering about. Should I have a transition period when I am using half veg nutes and half bloom nutes? or just switch straight to bloom on first signs of flowering? Thanks in advance.


Once you see the hairs, I'd personally hit em with the bloom nutes after one last water with the veggie ones.


your doing very well, all those tops should mean a nice yield....if its a she


Bit of a setup update this time....

I'm going to have a veg chamber above my flower box. I ordered some 2' T5's off the net. They are awesome I must say. I have just put in the soil 2 Blueberry X Lowryders and 1 Mystery Bag seed. Here is the masterlow by the way.



how much were those T5's?? im thinking about a couple for my cab....


New member
your issue with heat may not be the fan but the fact that i see no signs of an intake! The fan cant move any air out if it has nowhere the air can come in. Think of when you open a can of apple juice and you have to make the second hole to get proper flow. Try doing what mr postman did and put in some pvc elbows at just above soil height as a passive intake. Im growing in a garbage can as well except I have two fans. One thats a computer fan thats twice the size of a regular computer fan thats at the same height as the lights to suck out the hot air, and one regular computer fan attached the the lid to suck up air from the bottom and get air flow through the plant. My intentions were always to install an intake but just because im a scientifical person i took temp readings with and without the intake. THE INTAKE DROPS IT 20 DEGREES!

p.s grows looking great keep it up
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Hey guys,

That T5 apparatus cost around 90 Bucks shipped, with bulbs. NOt too bad I'd say.

I do have a passive intake, but it's small. Perhaps making it larger will solve my heat issues. Thanks for the tip and comments!


I think maybe your heat problem is from the intake being bigger than the output fan, this would make the passive intake not work as well.I think,also you could put glass in between the lights and the plants.


Day 34.
I have switched to 12/12 and thrown in flowering bulbs. Hopefully this will be her in full flowering mode if there;s such a thing. I know it's "auto" flowering, but Im sure it will work.



from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
looking good , the thing with auto-flowerers is they dont react to light cycles, just flowers dependant on the age of the plant.
If I was you I'd go to 18/6 on/off , seems to work best

that masterlow is doing good
keep on growing



delta9 is right, switch back to 18/6 and let it do its thing, the longer light cycle will ensure fat, tight nuggets anyway


okay, the flower bulbs are still in, but back on 18/6. Thanks for the suggestions; she's really starting to smell nice:) the peyote is from divinecactus.com
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Is that a peyote cactus? If so you got to let those things grow a long time before you get some buttons off it.


Ya man, that's true. I didn't really grow the peyote to harvest it; I just think it's ****ing sweet! However, it's grafted on a San Pedro, which is a faster growing cactus, thus this peyote will probably be harvestable sooner if those were my intentions.


Registered Pothead
Nice grow dude. I am also growin some ML out. Mdanzig told me to leave them in 24/7 light and my girls are boomin out really nicely. Ill be watchin this thread. GL with your grow!