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Lou's full proof home cloner 100%=1 week!!!!!!!



Did this rig for a young friend........ :joint:

This is the best cloner your gonna get for CMEMORY!
THe bulb is a 27w CFL hung about 6 inches over cloner..
THe best type of water cloners are metal (WHY) because
they stay cooler than plastics!!
THis is a cookin pot you all have a cooking pot at home right!
USE IT THEN,plus the only other thing you need is a CMEMORY ass
double hose fish tank air pump with the 4 inch air stones is BEST!!
Take a look all newbs,and NO ROOTING HORMONES NEEDED period.

Pics are blurrrrrrr'd but you get it!
Simply place a tinfoil top on a cooking pot with an air hose and BOOM!!!!!!
SAVED GENETICS 100% everytime unless it gets to hot remember.

New Holland

Good example of KISS. I tried it and it didn't work. I didn't allow for the "X" factor. Mum found out I piched one of her pots. When she found out she proceeded to beat me over the head with it. Think I'll do it again, but I'll use a tin pot instead of one of those extra hard stainless steel ones so it don't hurt my cranium as much


Active member
Oh Lou!!! I love the use of the foil..... I've been drilling through plastic for years, and can't believe I didn't think of that :bashhead: Thanks for the ideas..... K+


hahahaa cranium nocker!!

Yes folks its easy as pie,when the roots form
you just cut the top of the tinfoil opened good
and pull up the clones gently not tearing roots....
You can mark the tinfoil next to your clones too!!
The only thing to remember,is HEAT issue NO higher
than 75 to 80 degrees mine was at 80 an did great!!!
ANy higher and the roots will rot,but you can also throw
in a bottled water frozen to keep temps down in summer!!!
Make shure you have plenty bubbles like mine dont get BIG
air stones not enuff air flows threw them 4 inch are the best!
TRY it!


THose are some of my new moms!!

Another TIP,you need clean water do NOT put
rooting hormone in water it can make it rot faster..
THis worked great because even in 80 degrees down
cellar,on the basement concrete floor it stayed cool....
Another TIP,on the lighting you have to know what clones need.
Clones only need enuff light to know its daytime with no night, in plain words..
Also they need enuff energy to use for reverting to rooting but not much!

Ratios of light power:AS i have there a 27w CFL witch is hung at 6 inches.
The light i used will penetrate 5 inches into a flowering plant an grow buds!!
From 6 inches or farther it will only give enuff energy to show its daytime for the
clone with a slight bit of energy to grow roots without heat issues,the main issue
with clone lighting.....ramble ramble!!
Most folks use tubes,they work fine but burn way more wattage=40 to 80w??
So if you use a higher wattage CFL,then hang it higher from the clones....
Clones are basicly easy,its the HEAT and the ROT you have to watch for in both
water cloning in bubblers or in humidity domes with rockwool/or other mediums..
Just throwing out some TIPS for the NEWBS folks,be glad to answer any Q's!!
PEACE.... :headbange
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I use a different method for cloning, but not anymore. That is way to cool not to try. Coming from a grower with your talent, I know it will work. I was going to buy one of those cheap clone machines to make the process easier, but it dosnt get much easier than that.



lol great minds think alike...

I did the exact same thing as you to flower my male tops for pollen. Works wonderfully if u are careful not to crinkle the tinfoil too much because the pollen deposits directly onto the tinfoil which.


More shots and tips!!

More shots and tips!!

Like the SIMPLE method folks!!

YOu will find in life simple is best,go easy...
Got some shots to show the finished moms!!

AS you know maybe,poke a small hole in the tin and
slide the clones down to the water having the stems just
about a half inch under water,not to deep they rot........

After growth of roots,make shure you let the side roots grow too!
The straight long assed roots are the tap roots,you want the little
roots that grow off the side of the tap roots to be ready to plant..

So pics will show those little roots,they are your feeder roots!!!
Ready to plant into soils when they have feeder roots of tap roots ok.
Now just tear the tinfoil top to the stems of your clones and pull up!!!
Gently the roots tangle a bit from the bubbler,so be careful untangle....
You can use stiro cups cut in slivers for markers for each clone CMEMORY!
All done now my new moms are planted in a nice light mix of soil....
Take a look,see how life can be any questions newbs???

Get the drift......easy!!!
Everybody should see how the stuff is set up,CMEMORY baby CMEMORY haha..



Are you on 24 hours of light or 18/6?

Do your cuttings ever wilt early and then recover or do they stay turgid?


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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey Lou, you think this would work with one of those cheap aluminum foil type pie plates? I ask because I just can't resist peeking and looking for the roots, and I just know I'd tear that foil to shreds :biglaugh:


Hey boy's!!

Corner bud, i have them on 24 hours they need
to really know its daytime,plus the bit of energy
they gain to root after that 18/6 is ok for moms!

Tiger,the tin is the better thing man it will be fine
the reason being you can tear it easy to pull up clones!
Just go ahead an PEEK no prob......just get heavy duty foil..


Active member
Hey Lou, I'm about to make one of these to try it out. I didn't see anything about the water level. Should the ends of the stems be submerged in the water, or hanging just above it? Thanks for your help buddy.

steve green

FIrst things first,,LOU YOU ARE MY HERO! (after reading your other sick thread)
i never did anything with bubblers..only other ways for cloning..but after seeing you get some great roots,using practicly nothing and no root hormone im speechless :joint: I have the same q as drkatz420..??
I feel this i a super chill way to make clones ..I need to try this asap.
THnx again Lou keep doin' what you do :wave:


After seeing this, I cant believe I used other methods all those years. I will crank up some new mothers in the next couple of weeks, and I will post the results here when completed in soil.


Thanks boy's!!

Cool an easy is the way i like it!!
THe water level should be about an inch or 2
from top of pot,the clones should be just in the water..
About a half inch of the stems not to much, an inch max!
Stems to deep will rot and please NO hormones in water....
Get a small glass of water an put the hormone in it an set clones
in the glass of water for 10 min....if you wanna use the hormones??
NO NEED FOR HORMONES folks and just remember to keep temps down.
Also i find that deep water is better than shallow, about 6 inches deep!