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L.E.D./Stealth drobe/LowRyder2

great shit man that plant looks awsome. Big too and very frosty. Not knockin or anything but damn that plants gotta be freakin. Those spectrums are all scattered. Id honestly like to take separate samples from each part of the plant and see what spectrum has to do with the high and also size. Do any of your buds look strangly larger than the others. Overall looks great. As far as straight led...not quite sure about that. Ive seen a side by side grow on here dont remember the title or have a link but it was hps vs. led. Bottom line hps dominated. I dont have an opinion either way but as far as yield goes i think its goin to hps. The led plants were lengthy stretchy definatly no good for small spaces. But maybe in going to small spaces this could become more efficient so id like to see it. Maybe it doesnt have as much penetration so larger scale grows dont work so well. Kinda like how cfls work good in small spaces but i dont think theyd be as good in larger set-ups. Thers a niche for everything though and a PC case could just be it...


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