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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


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Killer a5 Haze Day 53

Notice the two Amber pistals coming out which are the two first ones from the actual pistals....
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Well-known member
The pistils darken and wither not just for age, also when the bud gets pollinated or when they just die for whatever reasons, such fingers on them. What we expect to go from clear to cloudy and finally amber are the thricomes, the actual “frost” when that plant is mature, those shiny little dots that are easier to see through a magnifying lense or with the smartphone zoom and look like tiny mushrooms with a stalk.

Now, they start packing at different stages according to the genetics, so they might start appearing even before they flower. But in this case, KA5haze, the trichomes take a bit longer to show up, and even longer to pack up a bit. So, as you can appreciate in your own photos, still there are not many trichomes showing up, that means it is a young flowering sativa leaning plant with a few weeks ahead before reaching maturity.

Let's try to be more accurate to help you with your planning ahead:

This one looks a similar pheno to yours and that's how advanced was at 5-6 weeks, (flipped at 11/13 on the 1st of march, photo taken on 12th of april and it was collected the 15th of June, a total of 105 days more or less.)
Notice it doesn't have any visible trichomes.
In the second photo, after about 100 days, it's a horrible photo i know, but the only one I had right now, but it shows the trichome build up.


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Well-known member
The pistils darken and wither not just for age, also when the bud gets pollinated or when they just die for whatever reasons, such fingers on them. What we expect to go from clear to cloudy and finally amber are the thricomes, the actual “frost” when that plant is mature, those shiny little dots that are easier to see through a magnifying lense or with the smartphone zoom and look like tiny mushrooms with a stalk.

Now, they start packing at different stages according to the genetics, so they might start appearing even before they flower. But in this case, KA5haze, the trichomes take a bit longer to show up, and even longer to pack up a bit. So, as you can appreciate in your own photos, still there are not many trichomes showing up, that means it is a young flowering sativa leaning plant with a few weeks ahead before reaching maturity.

Let's try to be more accurate to help you with your planning ahead:

This one looks a similar pheno to yours and that's how advanced was at 5-6 weeks, (flipped at 11/13 on the 1st of march, photo taken on 12th of april and it was collected the 15th of June, a total of 105 days more or less.)
Notice it doesn't have any visible trichomes.
In the second photo, after about 100 days, it's a horrible photo i know, but the only one I had right now, but it shows the trichome build up.
In real time (meaning not captured on camera) there are trichomes, but yeah they are still early, I check them everyday hoping that soon I will seen them finally glistening and shining big, I check them with the naked eye though, but I do need to start using a zoom in.... I agree though it's still very early.... And too early even for an early smoke test sample.... Which I wrote earlier in the thread, but honestly I'd rather not do it and not feel disappointed before my travel due to the fact that the ripe harvested bud will be dry and then cob cured before I start finally smoking on occasion... Plus I don't want to waste yeild.... I want it to last way up until my next grows... I haven't smoked in years, except for some shitty hemp like indicas which I don't even count as ganja... I'm glad that Ace ships to my country though.... Back when I used to smoke it was all hybrids and sometimes pure Sativa's and they were extremely trippy and psychedelic and the more trippier they were the happier and more chill I was in everyday life. For some reason Indica strains didn't give me much peace and joy. I guess due to the fact that they were all CBD with little THC and proper terpenes and other cannabinoids and just meant for relaxing on the couch... Not good enough for me, there's beer or liquor for that matter.... It's that other magical realm, that gets me motivated, and even calm as a person.... Even if it was a paranoia inducing strain... When I was searching for a proper strain a few years back I thought: Hmm why don't I just write the words Killer, they might have something unique with that name and then behold I read the description.... The only part that threw me off was the narcotic disorienting part of it.... Everything else though just fit every bill needed for what I wanted and was therefore after...
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Well-known member
Hi next….. overall plant is looking ok, I agree with others you’ll definitely want to top them next time in such limited space.

She looks a little yellow, looking at the soil I’m guessing it could be overwatering. Try letting the soil dry out a bit before each watering. Either that or there could be a ph issue with the soil. What kind of soil are you using?

Are you watering with straight water or using liquid nutrients?
Both actually, Bio Bizz All mix soil, and Monster Bloom along with the water.... What week of flowering does it look like to you though?

Are you checking PH and EC of the nutrient mix you are giving the plant?


Well-known member
In short, EC is a measure of the strength of the nutrient solution. It would do you well to grab some pens so you know what you are giving the plant.

Some nutrient solutions are extremely acidic when mixed up, if you are watering that plant at a 5.0 EC for example, and keeping it constantly moist…. You will start to see ph lockout. Plants can only absorb nutrients when their roots are in a medium with the proper ph range. In soil, that is generally considered to be 6.0 - 7.0. In coco usually 5.8-6.2. Anything outside of those ranges you will start to see the plant suffer because it is unable to feed properly, which is what it looks like is happening to you.

While some soil growers have their soil mix dialed in to the point they don’t need to feed nutrients at all, and just feed water which allows them to not check ph …. 99% of the time it is necessary. Soil does have some buffers in it, which may let you get away with watering with a solution with an incorrect PH for a period of time, but eventually it’s gonna catch up to you and you’ll ruin the PH if the medium itself. Once that happens there’s not much you can do, you can try flushing but with soil it never really seems to correct, and usually the grow is screwed at that point.

Long story short you’ll definitely want to get both an EC and PH pen, and start making sure you are watering with nutrients that are in a proper PH and strength for the stage your plant is in. Anything less and your just guessing.


Well-known member
In short, EC is a measure of the strength of the nutrient solution. It would do you well to grab some pens so you know what you are giving the plant.

Some nutrient solutions are extremely acidic when mixed up, if you are watering that plant at a 5.0 EC for example, and keeping it constantly moist…. You will start to see ph lockout. Plants can only absorb nutrients when their roots are in a medium with the proper ph range. In soil, that is generally considered to be 6.0 - 7.0. In coco usually 5.8-6.2. Anything outside of those ranges you will start to see the plant suffer because it is unable to feed properly, which is what it looks like is happening to you.

While some soil growers have their soil mix dialed in to the point they don’t need to feed nutrients at all, and just feed water which allows them to not check ph …. 99% of the time it is necessary. Soil does have some buffers in it, which may let you get away with watering with a solution with an incorrect PH for a period of time, but eventually it’s gonna catch up to you and you’ll ruin the PH if the medium itself. Once that happens there’s not much you can do, you can try flushing but with soil it never really seems to correct, and usually the grow is screwed at that point.

Long story short you’ll definitely want to get both an EC and PH pen, and start making sure you are watering with nutrients that are in a proper PH and strength for the stage your plant is in. Anything less and your just guessing.
But what signs do you see that make you think that that's the case? The color of the leaves? The pistals? Or the drooping leaves?


Well-known member
It could be just over watering also, the roots need to get some air as well.
Letting the pot dry a little would not hurt either way.

Definitely agree here, first thing I thought was overwatering.

But what signs do you see that make you think that that's the case? The color of the leaves? The pistals? Or the drooping leaves?

Her overall pale yellow coloration and slightly droopy leaves. As Tang said try letting the soil dry out a bit longer between waterings, to start.

But without knowing the ph of the nutrient solution you are using, you are playing Russian roulette that it’s in the correct range.

It’s best to make sure your nutrient solution is always in the correct range 👍👍👍


Well-known member
Definitely agree here, first thing I thought was overwatering.

Her overall pale yellow coloration and slightly droopy leaves. As Tang said try letting the soil dry out a bit longer between waterings, to start.

But without knowing the ph of the nutrient solution you are using, you are playing Russian roulette that it’s in the correct range.

It’s best to make sure your nutrient solution is always in the correct range 👍👍👍
Assuming that it isn't would not over watering and letting it dry out and flushing more often in between feeding it nutrients help out???


Well-known member
Assuming that it isn't would not over watering and letting it dry out and flushing more often in between feeding it nutrients help out???
Nah I wouldn’t mess with flushing now. You’re running a risk with flushing right now. She’s in cruise control.

Just next grow water less often and allow for some periods of dry back. Dry backs are important and are an art in themselves as there’s many factors that can come into play with drying back the soil…. Like when you should and when you may not want to as much. For instance, one aspect of calcium uptake is driven by proper soil moisture, if the soil is too dry your calcium uptake will be less. But at the same time you don’t want too much moisture. So keeping the moisture level a bit more consistent going into flower is a move a lot of growers aim for bc that’s when you want that extra uptake. That’s just one example. There’s reasons to dry her back too, one could be to reduce gnat populations. The biggest would be soil ph management and oxygen levels in the soil. Too much water means less air pockets and that’s no good.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
One question to everyone, when the drying phase comes would a card board box with holes and a string to hang each bud work if it's also near a fresh open window in a nearly always dark room work? It'd be better than in a closet....
It would work watch temperature and rh..:good:


Well-known member
Killer a5 Haze Day 56 since coming out of the soil

Okay so in reality the trichomes look white and milky almost but in the pictures they look clear but green? I don't get why the camera does that but not a big deal ...
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Well-known member
Forget about the trichomes you are nowhere near the stage that you need to worry about them.
The plant is as Dubi said only 1/3 the way through flowering at the moment.
just worry about keeping her alive.
I'm actually worried about this black spot which is on the lower leaf since yesterday on two leaves actually

Yesterday I used more water than mixing any Monster Bloom at all, although there was a small mix on the second watering, I tried doing only two a day and a bit less than usual, X15 are you absolutely sure that I should just keep on feeding when watering? No pure water but just keep on using nutrients like the Monster Bloom .... Shouldn't I just use only water for sometime but let it dry out first more in case this is the reason for the brown coffee like spots on the lower yellow leaves? I hope that this isn't from all the air refresherners being sprayed in the room, yet again windows are normally opened and so is the room for pure fresh air.... Their flower sprayers with essential oils....
Here I wrote more on the other thread: My picture that was taken and put up on my thread shows the two lower leaves a lot more yellow and brown spots on them, I agree that we had one day yesterday where we had polluted dirty air, and yes I keep all windows open, it could be from a fire nearby, today's better though, but most likely it's either from over watering, too much nutrients, (even though yesterday was mostly water and less of it, or all of the above..... Maybe even the air refresherners that are supposedly natural oils from flowers, they're strong and mask and even neutilize all the smell completely, I spent two days cleaning everywhere and even the (I forgot what it was called) where the air comes through from the windows ...
Bros, the dark spots on those lower leaves are growing do I trim them off, what's the best solution here?
I'm not watering soon but when I do I have fresh water in the fridge.... From the same sourse that I've been using the whole entire time for this plant.... Also another note is that this picture only shows the bottom half of the plant, the top is in perfect condition, it's this much lower area that I'm started to be highly concerned about....
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Well-known member
You noted you have water in the fridge… do you let the water get to room temperature before applying it to the soil? Cold water is a no no. It shocks the plant, they don’t like that.
It’s kinda hard to say what that spot is in the pic. It looks like it’s just now forming so keep and eye on it and let us know what it looks like in a day or two.
I am noticing your fan leaves are getting a bit pale now which is either from a lack of nutrients or a lack of nutrient uptake.
I feel like my gut is telling me it’s more along the lines of nutrient uptake, rather than a lack of nutrients. You said you have been applying nutrients and a small plant like that doesn’t need huge amounts so I’m feeling like the nutrients are in the soil but the soil is either too wet, the ph of the soil is off now from being too wet, OR there’s so much nutes in the soil there’s possibly nutrient lock out (too much nutes can affect soil ph too). Those are all possibilities and the only way to know is by watching to see what happens next. Dry her back until it’s daily light and her leaves start to drop a bit. That’ll help get some much needed oxygen back in the soil. Also I’d recommend apply some beneficial bacteria like Lacto Bacillus or some Bacillus Subtilis. Both are ok to apply. Just don’t worry, things happen and the plants are strong. She will pull through just fine, just take note of these things so you can improve next run!
Idk about the air fresheners. I don’t use them and I don’t know how a plant would appreciate them but may not be good. Idk tho. Rather you be safer than sorry so do what you feel keeps your anxiety down.
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