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Khaleel with a side of T5's, smothered in a sea of green


Med grower
ICMag Donor

great photos Kahleel
Keep up the good work my friend
Super Ice bud rocks



Khaleel you are rockin with those flouros.. they say you need higher temps, more light intensity to benefit from co2 but just like you said first couple of days seemed to really get things going(for me anyways).. you ever try foliar with that molasses? or perhaps rubbing into the stems?


hehateme19: thanks again, my friend (i will be replacing my co2 bucket for the first time soon, they last about three months if hooked up to the light timer)

caligreen: thanks for the compliments bro! :rasta:

bubblepuppy: howdy, welcome aboard, glad you like the thread so far. :wave:

sammet: haha love to see a haiku outside of my haiku thread. :muahaha:

jaykrist: thanks man, never tried the foilar feeding, but i suppose molasses would be a good one to do huh. what strength do you use (if you've used it)?

alright everyone, here's a couple pics of the bloom room:

i did a little more examination, and my temps have been higher than i thought. the additional strip light has actually raised the temp another four or five degrees. :spank: its not worth having my bloom room get up to 88 deg. for just another 80 watts, so i'm gonna wait a day to make sure, then pull it and put it in the veg room. don't know how that got past me. weird.

here's the super ice, not really pulling out of the yellowing but its week six so i'm not worried at this point. buds still look nice

and the jack herrer, new growth looking good

and more super ice bud pics (all pics on this post are day 37 bloom, except the jack herrer is two weeks behind):

the veg room is coming along. i've got one super ice on the far left bottom that is having a hard time. the roots weren't quite ready, but we'll see if she can pull through. (EDIT**this is the wrong veg room pic! it posted a later pick than the one that was originally posted here... named the same filename or something. sorry, not a computer guru lol)

and the chyrstal mama, just started LST last week

hope all is well! :dueling:
Last edited:


hey all, nothing to do right now so here's a pic of the tray furthest along (super ice, day 38 bloom):

only three weeks left! lol hopefully it goes quick.


Active member

You are an inspiration.

I notice that you use only one gallon pots. Do you have any problems with that size for flowering? If you were growing a tall sativa would you still use the gallon pots?

The only difference I can tell with gallon pots is that I have to water once a day during 12/12


Dramajic said:

You are an inspiration.

I notice that you use only one gallon pots. Do you have any problems with that size for flowering? If you were growing a tall sativa would you still use the gallon pots?

The only difference I can tell with gallon pots is that I have to water once a day during 12/12

i would love to use two gallon pots, but i don't believe i could fit three in a black tray (have to make sure on that though). of course the more soil the bigger the buds, but i've been happy with the results of one gallon pots. that gorgeous lst'd chrystal that came down a few weeks back was bloomed in a one gallon, so they must work. besides, right now i'm only vegging for three-four weeks. once they start in bloom, from my experience, they really don't get that much bigger of a root mass. i remember transplanting to bags from four-inch containers on my first grow during week three or so of bloom, then at harvest when i cut the bags open there was still just this four-inch square root mass, with a few tap roots (?) going down into the rest of the soil.

maybe someone with a bit more growing could comment on post-flower root growth, i'd love to know for sure... at any rate, thanks for stopping by, the compliments, and the question! :wave:


forgot about the watering and sativa questions...

my watering goes from every 3-4 days to every other day, just before harvest. well, the huge lst'd Super Ice i had need watering almost twice a day lol. but to answer your question, every other day is plenty for the plants i grow, and that's if they are really, really sucking it down. (though i don't water per number of days, i tip the pot. if you haven't heard of lifting the pot to see when to water, do a search, or check back on my first thread in my sig line. great stuff, saved me from an overwatering crisis during my first grow.)

as for sativas, i LST everything at this point, so height is not an issue. no reason not to, IMHO. are you familiar with Low Stress Training? if not, check my sig line again (ABC's and LST's), this is another outstanding tool for indoor growers, ESPECIALLY if you are growing sativas. hope that helps! :canabis:


right on with the LST Khaleel they look like there lovin it! So where did you get the Jack herer from? It looks really good how long does she need to flower? Take it easy, PEACE



ok Sir Khaleel. i no longer have a thread *WAAAHH* so i come here for some help! :joint:

as you know, i recently moved house.
as i knew, it wasnt gonna be long before i found a way to grow IN this new house.

the only thing... im used to growing in LARGE ROOMS!
now i have to cut my room size by a sh1tload, and i HAVE to go Soil.
the water at new place is no good.

so i need help, this all seems to easy so far.
its still cold, so im hoping i can do first grow without a dehumidifier. i dont have alot of money to invest right now. so im gonna try and skip the dehum till i get the funds... hopefully before next run.

addmitedly, i jumped in the deep end with DWC when it comes to growing. knowing blazeoneup personally helped a touch too. lol.

so im gonna go with blaze's soil mix. but the room seems too simple...
and i feel like im missing ....everything?... its NOT this simple is it?!?!?

i dont have a cam, but heres my design..


im gonna have the light outside the room, so i should be able to get away with just having air movement inside?...

it wont be full sealed.. but for the most part....

it just all seems to easy.. i know im missing something...
first time in soil ya know.. :)

advice please Sir Soil!


caligreen: hey my friend, the jack is bagseed from a friend of mine (so who friggin knows if its really jack lol). other than that i have no idea. i do know its very sensitive to heat and nutrient def's. i got the new growth back on track, but flying spaghetti monster i thought i was going to lose her for a while. ended up switching to a larger intake fan and putting each fan on its own current instead of all running together. worked on the ol' closet for a good three hours trying to figure out the heat problem. removed the additional strip light from the bottom (2 40 watt T12's), revamped my room exhaust... but i gotta admit i love working on the garden. :canabis: as for flowering time, i'm not sure. the leaves are real sativa-like, so i expect probably 10-12 weeks for where i want the trichs to be.

nzjay, my brother, that has to be the coolest post on my thread yet. hahaha i love the diagram (not being sarcastic either, mine would have looked like a goat threw-up). sounds like you have everything ready. i like the light outside of the room, very nice touch. do you just have a sheet of plexiglass where the light is, or is there just a hole where it sits? absolutely put some circulation in there, that is a must. if its not air sealed, like you say, then you'll have a little more leeway, but if nothing else just buy a couple 4" computer fans, put one on each end, shape some dryer duct in a "U" (or whatever way you come up with to stop light from going in/out lol), and wallah. or you plan on using co2, just get an intake fan only, allowing the stale air to be pushed out the cracks in the seal. your co2 will still have enough time to build to a decent level, and you won't have to sacrifice fresh air. temps will go up five degrees or so without an exhaust, but with co2 that usually isn't a bad thing. :dueling:

let's see man, things with soil... i'll just tell you whatever ideas i have and if you like them cool if not no worries (btw i just smoked a bowl of the first hash i ever made, from all the trim i've saved up thus far, chrystal and super ice, with bubble bags. i'm baked as hell, so you get the full-on rambling version of an answer lucky you haha.) for runoff water, i bought a shop vac on sale. put the hose in the pans/trays/tubs/whatever and suck out the excess water. there's no moving pots here or there or dumping trays and spilling water everywhere. just empty the shop vac in the tub when it gets full. easy stuff. lately i've even gotten the watering down a bit better, to the point where the runoff is little enough that i don't even need to use the vaccum. good times.

be sure to watch your flushing. more time than hydro, as i know you already know. give it a good week at the very, very least, and even put the buggers in the tub for a good thorough rinse (run three or four times the amount of soil, or do what i do and just soak the shit out of them and let it drain for a half hour) before starting the flush a week and a half or two weeks out.

for a room that size, i would get a beer cooler to mix your soil in. i don't know the size of mine in gallons off the top of my currently swimming head, but a rectangular one about two feet long (three?) by a foot wide (whatever lol). dump in your soil, perlite, guana, what-have-you, in the cooler to mix. nice and clean, and it works great to store the soil if you don't use it all after mixing it. air tight!

throw that used soil away in someone else's dumpster. hahaha seriously though.

ok i gotta shower and eat, just got back from riding the mountain (soooo much powder, looked like a columbian lawyer convention out there).

that's it for now, hope that helped! damn good to see you back, can't wait for the grow you super pimp! :muahaha:


Ok awesome stoned ideas my friend!

i guess then it really is this simple?! man.. this is a change from the usual 3 rooms, 3 hydro im used to. im gonna really enjoy this, and i cant wait to get started.

thanx for your help. i will get the computer fans i reckon, as i happen to know somewhere i can get them for free.

the room is a bunkbed. it seems to forgot to mention this.
its 6ft long, 2 ft wide, and...well 5 ft tall once i build the ceilling.

not gonna go plexiglass.
im gonna buy a 600watt HPS with ballest and hood. the hood will then be placed on supported beams on the top..(the brown boards in my pic). then the rest will be covered with white poly.
dam i wish i had a cam... coz im really enjoying doing this from scratch!

the "room" will be in my bedroom. heheh.. sleeping with the sexiest girls ever. cant wait.
so, sounds like ventilation is all im missing.

cant wait! cheers bro!


didnt you try that "co2 boost" at some point?

worth getting?...

maybe it was shitake.... ok.. off to hijack his thread now! hahah!


NZjay said:
didnt you try that "co2 boost" at some point?

worth getting?...

maybe it was shitake.... ok.. off to hijack his thread now! hahah!

yup, that was me. i would recommend it for sure. one bucket, hooked up to the light timer in bloom, will last about three months, and would kick ass in a "room" that size. rock it my friend.


Active member
Jay_Khrist said:
Khaleel you are rockin with those flouros.. they say you need higher temps, more light intensity to benefit from co2 but just like you said first couple of days seemed to really get things going(for me anyways).. you ever try foliar with that molasses? or perhaps rubbing into the stems?

do you actualy grow?
do you know what a bad idea that is?
can u say budrot?
what about bugs, that sugar out on the stems will curtal and rot and cause damage to the stem, not to mention the plant wont even take it in. not more then 1% anyways.

khaleel nice grow, how do u like the CO2 bucket your the first ive seen with one.
3 months isnt that bad.


NZjay said:

ok Sir Khaleel. i no longer have a thread *WAAAHH* so i come here for some help! :joint:

as you know, i recently moved house.
as i knew, it wasnt gonna be long before i found a way to grow IN this new house.

the only thing... im used to growing in LARGE ROOMS!
now i have to cut my room size by a sh1tload, and i HAVE to go Soil.
the water at new place is no good.

so i need help, this all seems to easy so far.
its still cold, so im hoping i can do first grow without a dehumidifier. i dont have alot of money to invest right now. so im gonna try and skip the dehum till i get the funds... hopefully before next run.

addmitedly, i jumped in the deep end with DWC when it comes to growing. knowing blazeoneup personally helped a touch too. lol.

so im gonna go with blaze's soil mix. but the room seems too simple...
and i feel like im missing ....everything?... its NOT this simple is it?!?!?

i dont have a cam, but heres my design..


im gonna have the light outside the room, so i should be able to get away with just having air movement inside?...

it wont be full sealed.. but for the most part....

it just all seems to easy.. i know im missing something...
first time in soil ya know.. :)

advice please Sir Soil!

Just setting up my 400 in about the same amount of area
as you have, but I have my bulb placed in an up and down (opposite your left and right) position, should I rotate my light 180 degrees..Hope that made sense. :joint:


digital hippy: word. jaykrist, a response? you ever actually use the molasses as a foiler on your own grows? (?) (no hard feelings if not, i'm giving your intentions the benefit of the doubt, you just have to be careful in recommending something that might hurt someone's plants)

nzjay: i've put up so many links for the co2 boost on my threads i'm not doing it again. hahaha i think there is even one on this thread. if you can't find it, just google "co2boost". $125 for a bucket and pump, then $100 for the refills after.

ozzy: yes, i would definitely put your light lengthwise, to match the cab. not sure why you would do it the other way. if your box is a rectangle, and your light is a rectangle...


Well Khaleel, I just figured there wasn't much light coming out from the front and back of the bulb. Thought most of it shot out the sides.


ozzy said:
Well Khaleel, I just figured there wasn't much light coming out from the front and back of the bulb. Thought most of it shot out the sides.

hmm, i hadn't heard that, but after you mention it it does seem logical. maybe you're right. any OG's out there with some forensic light bulb wisdom?

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