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Jojonetics - Trainwreck S1 & BlowFish S1


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My first time growing Trainwreck, but the BlowFish is an old friend. Both these strains came from Jojo (RIP man), and since I recently heard that he had passed away, I thought it would be fitting to do a run with some of his genetics.

The plan is to raise them indoors under lights for a while, till they can be put out in the ground, and hopefully produce some fairly large bushes :D

Dutch Flowers' description of BlowFish:

BLOWFISH (G13 / Blue Dot / Oregon Funk) F1

Named after the deadly Japanese delicatessen, this breeding project begun when we set out to improve taste and yield —two weak traits of the G-13— by using Oregon Funk as a pollen donor. The results were quite pleasing but the smoke test revealed that G-13's power had been downgraded somewhat. Then it was the turn of a very impressive Blue Dot hybrid stud, which qualified the G-13 with great taste and no harm to its potency, although this time yield was less than desired. Finally, we applied heavy selection to each of these two G-based lines, and crossed them giving rise to Blowfish, a winning combination of G-13's deadly punch and the quality and taste of the Funk and Dot lines.
Blowfish exhibits great F1 vigor and disease resistance in a well-behaved plant that avoids the undesirable traits of "blue" genetics (difficult to grow, brittle, leafy, poor calyx to leaf ratio) while maintaining the flavor of the Funk and Dot ancestors and the brain-warping power of the G-13. A prolific flower producer even under poor conditions (it actually prefers low nutrient levels), this low-maintenance strain bears wonderfully dense buds, with a thick coating of milky crystals that will rival the best of the "white" strains in both crystal coverage and brain-thumping quality, with much better flavor and yield. We are proud to offer a hybrid carrying no White Widow, Northern Lights, Skunk or Blueberry in its composition.
Parental selection focused on potency and yield, as taste and resin genes were already well fixed on the Funk and Dot lines. Outstanding ancestors infuse the plant with a high quality feel, evident in the glossy leaves, harmonious phenotype and the particularly frosted, heavy and aromatic buds. Blowfish tends to branch out while adding girth to flowering clusters, forming sizeable snowy colas for excellent yield. Despite the remarkable density of its bud structure, mold and mites have not been a problem. This fish likes plenty of water as well as appropriate root and growing space, but prefers low levels of nutrients to fully express its potential. Very well-suited for bubbler systems and SCROG styles.
Blowfish retained the breathless intensity of G-13, with much better yield and a unique taste of berries and motor grease with fuel undertones that will appeal to pot-snobs. The experienced puffer will recognize a rotten animal scent lurking in the background of this Puffer, a sign of the abiding sativa influence that was a common denominator in parental stock selection. Its buds smoke very smooth and clean, with a great berry taste and a hashy feel that relates to its impressive crystal coverage.
Known as Fugu in Japan, Blowfish flowers live up to its namesake as a lethal delicacy with a body-paralyzing yet heady cerebral effect that defies traditional "Indica" and "Sativa" classification. The plant's elegance stands in sharp contrast with the muscle and intensity of its buds, which stun the body but thrust the mind into a euphoric trippy experience with excellent visuals and duration. It does not seem to build tolerance with experienced smokers, maintaining its knock-out quality over repeated use.

As well as the TW and BF S1's I've also germed a single Taskenti (Cannabiogen) seed - If I get a male, I may chuck a little pollen :D

I started of by scuffing the seeds, 2x TW s1, 1x BF s1, and the Task, and then putting them in 3 mostly empty bottles of mineral water + a drop of seaweed extract.

While scuffing one of the BFs1's with a scalpel, a small chunk of the shell came away revealing the white inside, so I got another seed from the fridge and repeated the process, taking allot more care this time around.

Taskenti x1 (Left), TWs1 x2 (Middle), BFs1 x1 (Left):


Single BFs1 seed with match head for scale:


After 12 hours all the seeds had sunk, so I planted them in small peat pots filled with store bought seedling mix soil and some perlite.

After 24 hours, I checked the pots for any early signs of life, and there were none, so I hooked up a small electric hearer I have, and as I was fiddling around I noticed the first TW starting to break the soil :joint:

I took this pic an hour or two later:

In the mean time, the Taskanti had also broken the soil, and even overtaken the TW :yoinks:

A few hours later the second TW was up and running:

Here's TW1 @ 2 days old:


In the mean time, the Task had started to stretch a bit out of control (my fault for not putting a fan on it early on!).

Task @ 1 day old:


Task @ 2 days old - I think I may have damaged the first set of leaves while helping the seed case off:

Task @ 6 days old:

Group shot :


Active member
A few days on...

A few days on...

Trainwreck#1 7 days old:

Trainwreck#2 7 days old:

Six days after the first seed broke the soil I turned of the electric heater, as neither of the BlowFish seeds seemed to be doing anything, but just a few hours after doing this, I checked all the BF pots again and saw this:

And a day after that, BlowFish #2:

Which brings us up to date :D

So thats 5/5 seeds germed, even though BF#2 looks like it's going to be a bit slow and "runtish". She's still struggling to separate her cotyledons and straighten out as I type, despite me having done a little fine surgery to cut the membrane that was holding her back. Any suggestions on how I could help here would be appreciated.

All the others have been moved under a 400W HPI that I set up in the attic, ghetto style, since I don't have any cab at the moment, and they'll only be there for a month or two. I'll get pics soon. :joint:


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All but one BF are in bigger containers now. The other BF had not done anything for a week, so I had to let it go.

Heres an overview of the grow space, with my home made hood at the top (400W Phillips HPI in it). The seedlings are about 1.5-2 feet away from the bulb.

Front to back - BlowFish, Trainwreck#2, Trainwreck#1, and Taskenti








I was a little worried the soil I mixed up for them would be too hot, since I used 1 part of store bought farm manure (seems to be well rotted down though) to 5 parts potting soil + 1 part perlite, but 6 days on, and they seem to be loving the upgrade in accommodation :woohoo:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
great fotos NG, I really need to get a better camera :smile:

I'm curious to see how your blowfish turns out - its not one I'm at all familiar with :smile:


Active member
Hey Jamie - If it's anything like the one I got last time it should be some very nice smoke, and super early (as per description). There shouldn't be too much variation in these beans from what I've heard, but there's always going to be a bit, and I know some have found some real keepers.

Here's a couple of old mini smoke reports I saved that were posted a few years back to wet your appetite :D

I just got to sample some freshy fresh Blowfish and CT herb, and yes they sure are somethin'.

I made the mistake of vaping the Blowfish at 10:30 pm when I had things on my mind and well, let's just say I was almost up with the birds. I think I fell asleep around 3:45 a.m. That stuff is like green tweak. And I figured out what it smells like to me---"Fruit Stripe" gum (it's an American thing, sorry) although I can't pin down which of the artificial flavors. When vaped, it has a fruit/baby powder type flavor.

Chocolate Trip has a very significant aroma of old-school sativa in it to me. It's easy to pick out when the herb is cut up with scissors. It also is very strong medicine, and not a late-night one either...

BF is pretty good daytime stuff, on par with trainwreck as such... this of course assumes that you don't mind being half out of your melon and able to read cats' minds at 100 paces, in the daytime. Reverend Budbreath

This was a report of the original "F1s" from DF:
I currently finished a crop of the BLOWFISH strain that was purchased on cbay from dutch flowers. This is my small report just to get the info out there to you all.

Fast vigourous growth, lots of branching with sativa dominant looking colas, took about 8.5 weeks to finish, with the smell of pineapple mixed with berries. Also a fuel undertone is very noticable as they described in the description.

The crystal coverage is simply amazing. These arent frosty
buds, but more glistening buds. Large sticky thc crystals literally look like glass between the calyxs.

The stone is a very unique one. taste is excellent a 10 for sure on the berry side with 1/4 a bowl blowing your mind for 5-10 hours. I fell asleep with the bong in my lap more than once.

I hope to improve on the way I grew it last time, since I the position I chose was very shady (there are some pics in my albums/gallery and a little comentary I wrote on them here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=106750&page=4 ), and I did little to prepare the soil before hand. This time I have a nice sunny spot in mind, and a big sack of well rotted farm yard manure ;)

Hope you enjoy the show



Active member


Wow...Very nice!
I have heard alot of good things about JOJO's genetics. (RIP JOJO)
Just germed some Blowfish x C.L., hopefully I can take some notes from you on this one.
Good shit on the diary, im in.
Peace and positive vibes.:joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hmmm now that sounds exactly like my cup of tea... I just love that berry taste and to get it with a nice full "in the head" hit is always a dream in the making (kinda why I chose the CBH in my sig as my first run) :smile:


Active member
Wow...Very nice!
I have heard alot of good things about JOJO's genetics. (RIP JOJO)
Just germed some Blowfish x C.L., hopefully I can take some notes from you on this one.
Good shit on the diary, im in.
Peace and positive vibes.:joint:

Hey Asiatica - Great to hear of others growing Jojo's strains!

I have some of those beans too. Let me know if you want some smoke reports - I have at least a couple that I saved ;)

Let us know how you get on.


BFxCL (CrystalFish)
I used the same Crystal Locomotive Bx1 male that was used to make the Bx2s and crossed him with my Blowfish clone, my Sour Diesel clone, and a Big Bud/Trainwreck clone. All of these should prove to be nice plants with big yields of frosty great tasting buds. I personally grew the Big Bud Trainwreck clone on a large scale with great results. It was a great indica leaning plant with a large yield of tight frosty buds. I thought that the cross with the Crystal Locomotive would only inprove the yield and taste. The other two crosses speak for themselves. The Blowfish is a major success for anyone that grows it . Ditto for the Sour Diesel. Crossed to the Crystal Locomotive we are playing with dynamite. Although I haven't tested these crosses I am expecting great things. There are limited quantities of these seeds.

hmmm now that sounds exactly like my cup of tea... I just love that berry taste and to get it with a nice full "in the head" hit is always a dream in the making (kinda why I chose the CBH in my sig as my first run) :smile:

Sounds like a nice cross. I'll be keeping an eye on your thread ;)

I see what you mean about the camera!

If you have the cash spare, get yourself an entry level DSLR, a tripod, and a macro lens (and a set of extension tubes), and you'll be able to get shots like the above ones... even better if you take your time over each shot and master the art.

You don't really even need a real DSLR for shots like those, but for the price of a compact or pseudo-DSLR, you can pick up a real DSLR from a previous generation if you buy second hand that will walk all over the compact/pseudo-DSLR in terms of flexibility and image quality (not to mention build quality).

Save the real money to get a good tripod+head and lens (and all the other little bits you will need!). DSLR bodies are treated like "throw away" consumables, by people thinking they need the latest and greatest, so they continuously upgrade when they don't really need to. Having said that, the recession is probably having an effect, in that respect, but I would still expect there to be plenty of bargains on ebay.

Any of the the above shots could have been made with a 8+ year old camera (around 1-2 mega-pixel), in the right hands.


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More pics

More pics













The BlowFish was repotted just after those were taken. Hopefully it should start to take off now :)


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Quick update

Quick update

Six days on, and everything is coming along nicely, although I forgot to add microrhizal fungi when I re potted the Blowfish.

I'll try grinding some up very fine and watering it in instead at it's next watering time. Hopefully that should help it catch up to the rest, a little at least.

Didn't have much time to spend taking shots, so just a few quick snaps this time.

Group shot





Active member
Hey Jamie, yeah isn't it! I love the look of the super-wide leaved strains. The strain is almost pure Uzbekistani, so not too distantly related to Afghanis/Pakistanis. Seems a very vigorous strain, but then I am comparing it to S1s. I was almost tempted to germ some Deep Chunk instead, but decided not to, since I want to save as many beans as I can to breed with.

I was a bit worried about the weakness of the stem at first, but since I got the fan on it, the stem has beefed up really nicely. I did also bury the stem partially when I last re potted, covering over where I broke the stem previously.

I'm not sure when I should re pot, since I want to slow it down a little to give the others a chance to catch up. If I wanted maximum growth, it seems about ready for a re pot now I think, but since I want to slow it a little, I might let it get a bit pot-bound... anyone see any serious downsides to doing this?

I may crush the stem a bit too, so that it gets even beefier, and should retard it's growth for a short while.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I know you like a short fat girl, so here's a few pics I took for you (with my fone, soz :wink:)

2 cheeseberries, same age, same medium, same feeding, same everything... except.. :smile:


  • 2 cheeseberries 02.04.09.JPG
    2 cheeseberries 02.04.09.JPG
    77.7 KB · Views: 47
  • 1 cheeseberry 02.04.09.jpg
    1 cheeseberry 02.04.09.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 46


Active member
Nice cheeseberries Jamie! And the pics are fine too!

Drooling over those fat leaves ;)

Looks like you have a blueberry leaning pheno there - seen some pics of lovely fat leaves on blueberries, especially younger plants. The structure of the pheno on the left looks much more cheesy to me. Going to be some tasty smoke either way I think :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
In an ideal world I would get all four parent lines to show up (Blueberry, Cheese, G13 and SSH) then I'd be about the happiest grower for miles and clone them all :smile:

That said, I'll be happy with anything that resembles half decent bud ...hehee


Active member
I'm with you there Jamie... when all is said and done, any bud you grow will be that much sweeter than what you can buy, unless you happen to be well connected, but even so, half the satisfaction is knowing that you grew it.


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30 days of veg

30 days of veg

It's just over 1 month since the first plants broke the soil, and things are going well. Compared to an early grow I had with HDF and Sensi Star, even the slowest plant this time round (the BF) is growing nearly just as fast, and the others seem ahead, which is pretty amazing. I'm pretty sure that's mostly down to getting a HID on them much quicker than I did in he past, when I used fluorescent tubes for perhaps the first month or so.

Group shot - from left to right, Taskenti, 2 x Trainwreck, and the Blowfish







Am I mistaken, or is that a faint hint of leaf burn from the manure I used?
I've not fed them anything at all, besides a very mild seaweed meal for them when they were about 2 weeks old. All the others appear to be fine at their first node leaf tips (the only leaf tips affected on this plant), although the first leaves on the Taskenti seem a little pale, but I suppose that is to be expected when the small leaves get shaded by the larger ones.







I'm seeing quite allot of variation between these two Trainwreck phenos. This one has slightly wider leaves than the other and is much taller, where as the other Trainwreck is very compact. The question now is, will one have a different (more potent perhaps?) high compared to the other? This could become very interesting :D


I managed to over-water the Taskenti, which I have no excuse for since I should have known from the info that I had saved, that this strain hates too much water! It helps the others catch up a little though I guess. I also crushed her stem, which may also be contributing to the way the Task is looking right now.

If all goes to plan, it should be re potted by this time tomorrow :cool:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I thinki the Taskenti looks incredable even if she is struggling under the weight of herself :smile:

Nice to see those pheno variations eh? I really like the "surprise" element of seeds that I just don't get from my clone grow (someone else said that recently somewhere and I totally understood what he meant :wink: )


Active member
Thanks Jamie

I'm actually hoping the Task is a "he" (although I referred to it as "she" earlier myself - obviously subconsciously I want a girl lol) - that way I'll be able to do a little pollen chucking and make some beans of my own. Something I've wanted to do for a long time, but the opportunity has never arisen. It'll also save me more digging lol

I have to do some more digging anyway - I dug too deep and narrow it seems (2 by 2 wide and about 4 deep). Now I'm worried that the organic matter down there will rot and cause problems. Trying to find out if that's the case...

I definitely love a bit of variation, and in an ideal world, where plant numbers did not matter so much, I'd probably be growing all standard seeds (rather than S1s), constantly searching for interesting genes/phenotypes in the seeds!

S1s seem like a good compromise between standard IBLs/F1s and clones though, if they are made well and from a suitable clone. If I had had access to clones for this grow I probably would have gone with them instead if I'm honest, since space/plant numbers are limited.

This is a nice little surprise though, as you say :smile:


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It's update time again

It's update time again

The past few days has been a little bumpy, but things are quickly getting back on track again.

The yellowing I noticed previously spread to all the other plants, and it quickly became apparent that they were hungry rather than over fed, which came as a bit of a surprise. I thought my mix would be adequate food!

That left me with a problem - no food for them!

So I had to grab some chemical fertilizer from a local store, and I've ordered some organics in the mean time.

Until those get here, I'm bubbling some Earth Juice grow, which is something like 6 years old now, but I think it's worth a shot?!

No group shot this time I'm afraid. I took it, but forgot to process it!




Trainwreck #1


Trainwreck #2


24 hours before these shots were taken the trainwrecks were looking very hungry and not so good, but the chemical fertz seem to have done their job, and the trainwrecks seem grateful for the feed. I hope one and a half times the strength recommended for house plants won't burn them!



I re potted the Taskenti but did not water at the time, since I was fairly sure it had been over watered, and was still showing the signs. The next day it had raised it's upper sets of leaves, and looked happier, but the lower leaves were still all lowered. I decided to water a little, which was a mistake, and I realize now that it was probably hungry too.

If I can just leave it alone for a couple more days I think it might recover if I'm lucky :D

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