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How Do You Get Rid Of "Things"?



i take it to the dump/transfer station and pay to dump it. if asked i tell them it's yard and garden waste.


even pulled the stunt at the end of summer.

marshmallows anyone?


Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
My Worms eat my garbage.

Vermicompost!! They eat it all up into worm castings. Then I bag it and sell it for $10 per 20lbs to a few local gardeners. Oh yes, all the local old ladies love me for my worm shit.

Well I got a pretty big green thumb too LMAO.
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i love the lawnmower idea. very effective.

i generate about 40 gallons of soil per rotation. i bag up about 6 to 8 gallons in double up heavy duty garbage bags and toss them into the dumpster that is shared by 8 or so other households. i usually dump one or 2 bags a week. now that i write that down, that really isn't the best idea. only 8 choices for who is dumping perlight laced soil. crap... then again, 3 of the households have mid 20ish younger males or young families. if i were a straight old man, i'd suspect them first. :)

with branches and roots i cut them up into smaller bits and toss them onto a layer of garbage, i then fill the rest of the bag with household garbage and toss it into that bin.

i don't see any other reasonably convenient way to do this except use this bin. it's always full by garbage day so i'm only a bit paranoid about it. no garbage divers in the neighborhood or anything like that.

i'll have to think about this.
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My plan? The streets near me have a maze of alleys...that cars rarely travel..

I know the schedule for garbage pickup... Tuesday morning 8AM. Simply put, contractor bag your refuse, 2-4AM monday night walk the garbage back down an alleyway, and set it out as garbage for another person.

That way, nothing is "left outside" for any "intelligence gatherers" to get to, as less than 6 hours after i set it outside its getting tore up in a garbage truck.

Plus, the only time really to worry about this shit is when your grow is for more than just YOU and your immediate friends (1-5 closest friends, family, etc.) when it's more people, you need more supply, which causes more traffic, makes things noticeable. now a days you'll have your secluded nutty old grannies who live down the street and watch your house and call the cops on the littlest thing..or to say that they're concerned about drugs as a lot of people come/go..

its always better to be safe than sorry, but if you really dont distribute, don't even worry about it. bag it up as normal garbage and toss out. if you're that paranoid, day before pickup put it as someone else's garbage or take it to an apartment complex or something of the sort and dump - but be careful, cameras may come back to haunt you


A friend of mine once knew somebody who ran a decent sized operation.. All their waste materials they would just dump into random allies around the city.. Also one of then ran a concrete construction business. So on days they had to rip out concrete they would mix most of their trash with a dumptruck load of concrete and dump it at the stone yards..


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Im lucky to live in a very rural area. No one around to watch what Im up to. I just throw the used soil, males and trim into my compost pile.


Active member
i really dont have much to get rid of. so i use several methods. luckilly i have access to several dumpsters without any cameras


Spray the labels black with spray paint...spread stuff into the grass a small pail full at a time...commercial dumpsters in black yard bags..go out of town and find a grown up area and dump it a few yards off the road...several places if it smells and wear the sun can shine on it and dry it up quickly.


Active member
my yard is covered in dry crumbled weed leftovers that didnt make the wormbin or compost pile. no reason to have to throw away any plant material. on a side note a drug dog would go crazy here LOL


High country cat herder
Spent soil goes n the compost, or sprinkled on the garden beds before I turn them over for winter or in early spring.

Fans, stems, and leftovers from bubble bags go in the compost, dig a hole dump, then cover with old compost to keep larger fans from blowing off the top of the pile and winding up in the neighbors yard ;)

Nute containers get sent off in the trash (automated trucks here as well so not worried ;) )


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Nute containers get sent off in the trash (automated trucks here as well so not worried ;) )

Problem with putting stuff in the trash isn't the garbage men. It's the cops. Cops can go through your garbage without a warrant, so disposing of grow related items, particularly nutes, in the garbage is a bad idea.

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