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How Do You Get Rid Of "Things"?


Active member
if you have a dog i've found that putting a closed contractor bag, no rips, in your green waste with a ton of dog shit on top keeps out nosy neighbors and the green can contains no identifying letters or crap like normal trash.

i have a bunch of trimmings from mothers and vegging plants so they're pretty much useless for bho and butter :(


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Make your own compost bin in your backyard! Makes on hell of a compost for your next grow, puts the old vegatation to some use. The following year you will have some of the best soil for your plants.


Active member
Hey, I just bag my gro trash in a grocery bag, put it under my jacket, walk out and dump the bag in a city can as I pass it. If pile is larger than 1 bag can hold - many trips w 1 bag each to different cans. I do make sure it's "clear" before pulling out & dumping the bag in... early AM is good.


Mr. Nevermind

What i used to do was silly but effective. Find an all night car wash ( you know the ones you do yourself) , they have a ton of trashcans and dumpsters there. Figure out trash night for em and what time the truck comes. One around me is thursday and truck comes by at 5am. So load up and go to carwash at 4:30 am. Vacuum out your car ( costs ya a buck and gives you a reason to be there) and empty your trash in the cans and bins. Watch the truck come and take the trash away and leave. Once trashman has it in back of truck i believe that beaks the chain of evidence so no way you can get in trouble once in another mans hands.

Garbage disposals work well on most of the plants except the stems so i dont go to the car wash much anymore,but it helped. Gotta be careful with dumpsters behind stores. Most of em are for store use only and you can get a fine for doing so. Best not to bother and just go to the wash where the can is for anyone with a buck



Risks, risks, risks....!

Yes, dumping grow waste is a risking business, but doing it at night is more risky, as that's when you're more likely to be busted by the cops.

The best way to do it is in the middle of the day, and at a city dump.

To bag up the waste, this is the best way:

- Let soil/cubes/roots, etc, dry as much as possible in the house first, then it's much lighter.

- Bag up the waste in large strong black bin bags (but not completely full bags - say 75% full), and double tie them at the top.

- Get a load of cardboard boxes from local store(s) - it's best to ask and say you're moving house and can they please help out

- Rip up the cardboard into 6-8 inch squares

- Screwed up newspapers are a good idea as well

- Get more empty bags and line them with the cardboard at the bottom - the cardboard, newspaper and extra bag will be the armour which protects the inner bag from ripping open and spilling the waste at the city dump, in case there's something sharp there, or if someone else throws a sharp object while you're dumping and it rips the bag open.....not good!

- With the empty bag having a layer of cardboard and screwed up newspaper at the bottom, put the sealed grow waste bag inside.

- Put pieces of cardboard and newspaper around the sides of the grow waste bag

- Double tie at the top and move onto the next bag!

- When done, check outside for nosey neighbours by going out to your car/truck, sit inside, look around discretely

- Go back in house and start bringing them out, and loading up

- Cover any visible bags with an old sheet/curtain, then possibly with a thin bed duvet to disguise the bin bags, and so it looks like you're moving, etc.

- Make sure all your indicator lights work properly, and when driving, just drive normally, not too fast and not too slow - it's ok to go a bit over the speed limit, as everyone does, and it's suspicious to stick to the speed limit religiously

- After dumping the waste, breath a sigh of relief....until next time, lol

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I wouldnt dump anything in a dumpster with a lot of traffic. I used to watch people dig in the dumpster outside of my apartment complex all the time. So I couldnt throw anything like that away there.

But Im just paranoid all the time also. Ive been busted once already, in a town that people dont go to jail for cultivation that often for. So sometimes I act like a tweaker late at night when a car drives by.
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Best way to go is with the city dump. Just drive up and dump double bagged waste then drive off. People dump trash all day long there so it looks normal. If you dont live near one, Apartments are great. Pick one that has one central trash container for the whole complex. If it is located near the entrance, drive around the complex first before pulling up the the dumpster. This way you look less suspicious than if you just drove to the dumster from the highway, dumped your wares and left. You would look more like a resident dumping trash if you circled around and then dumped the trash. Best time to go is when it is dark. Not to late, because a cop would get suspicious if you were dumping garbage at 2am. Your best bet is to look as normal as possible and dress as plainly as possible. Look just like a normal person dumping everyday normal trash, at a normal hour and you should be fine.


BTW: the best idea I've heard of for soil growers is a worm farm on your property.



Compost here also! I put all my big fan leaves and stems in a coffee can until it rots, then I add it to the compost and mix it up real well. If you stay on top of your compost and mix it often you should be able to spot that odd seed that could root. Not one leaf or stem goes into my trash.


rabbits sweet used to have a stoner horse lol
i live in coal country burn coal for hot water and heat all year round lil coal and wood burning and just add the scraps to it and its a done deal plastic no prob
the late night dumpster runs are bad news do it in the day if it is a necessity
be safe


Active member
I run it through a chipper so it's just a lot of unrecognizable plant matter and then it goes into the dumpster.

Tried the garbage disposal, but not nearly powerful enough. I would love to try a commercial one and send it down the drain but those things are damn expensive and I'm still not sure they would work.
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Find an apartment complex with a trash compactor. There is one a few miles from my house. I usually go at about 8-9pm before it gets too late, dump all the trash at once, push the green button and listen to the wonderful sound of all your bad trash getting cubed up into something the cops will never try to pull apart :rasta:

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