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getting higher with mangos


For people that say it doesn't work, check out the links Moose posted they lead to an intelligent educated conversation with most people being adult like in their responses. It works and if you want to increase the length and strength of your high then read up on it instead of just eating a mango and saying it doesn't work. read up on it, try it. If it's not for you and you read the links then so be it, but don't dismiss it completly. everything does not work for everybody, but it might work for someone you know.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
If ya load up a big syringe full of heroin, shoot it up and then have a bong, you get soooo much higher than silly mangoes ;)

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Well, I tried it with mango juice.

It made my high last longer...I wasn't higher though.

Got to try with a real mango next time. Anyone put chili salt and lemon with their mangos?

Thats bomb, my chick makes it...


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
one more thing,

you're suppost to cut the mangos into pieces then use the chili powder, salt and lemon.

Guest 26753

I have to say it is very disappointing to see so many fools posting juvenile comments when they have not tried this idea of using terpenes to enhance your smoking experience.
If you have not tried this and have nothing to contribute, why not go and play somewhere else. As I said earlier, there IS a valid science base to this.

Guest 26753

For people that say it doesn't work, check out the links Moose posted they lead to an intelligent educated conversation with most people being adult like in their responses. It works and if you want to increase the length and strength of your high then read up on it instead of just eating a mango and saying it doesn't work. read up on it, try it. If it's not for you and you read the links then so be it, but don't dismiss it completly. everything does not work for everybody, but it might work for someone you know.

Thank you!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
I have to say it is very disappointing to see so many fools posting juvenile comments when they have not tried this idea of using terpenes to enhance your smoking experience.
If you have not tried this and have nothing to contribute, why not go and play somewhere else. As I said earlier, there IS a valid science base to this.

Im sorry if you think my post was juvenile, but it was true.

I have been aware of terpenes and their relationships to resin profiles amongst differing species when I studied and worked as a horticulturlist over 20 years ago.
Im not sure the terpene is responsible itself for the high, you need a phenol precursor to make it a cannabinoid. Terpenes usually relate to odour
I can usually gauge how good pot is usually by smell, as the strong terpene aromas more or less indicate how much resin is on the sample.
So if you get higher or your high lasts longer this would indicate the body somehow makes its own phenol precursor (then you wouldnt need pot at all) or that the body somehow rearranges the thc molecule (that already has a terpene to add more terpenes to the molecule, making it a different (nicer smelling?) molecule.

Im no chemist, but this does raise some interesting questions that im sure someone will answer


PS EDIT: Irrellevent but Im down to popcorn and just found a massive Mcnugget crownie of AK47 under a pile of clothes, its gonna be a good rest of the day ;) its 5.20pm ;)

haze crazy

420 Mango Salsa

420 Mango Salsa

My original recipe for Primo 420 mango salsa and 420 nuclear waste

Makes over 1 quart


1.5 cups very ripe fresh local tomatoes skinned (optional) and diced tomatoes. It doesn't matter which variety as long as it is fresh and very ripe. Grape or Plum tomatoes are a good choice if you only find imported veggies. If you have to use canned tomatoes use the larger sized can of the "San Marzano" region if you want the best.

Half cup or so sweet onion chopped fine to taste. Red onion is a good 2nd choice

8-10 big healthy fresh sprigs cilantro very finely chopped

1-3 cloves fresh garlic minced fine. If you can avoid it don't use that pre-minced garlic from a jar.

Up to 1cup or so fine diced sweet green, red and/or yellow peppers. When using fresh peppers always wash, de-stem, then cut in half to de-seed and check for mold before using ......I've seen my share of mold inside peppers.

Fresh hot peppers to taste included in above measurement

1-3 tbsp olive oil

1-3 tbsp lime juice to taste

Salt and pepper optional to taste

Powdered Hashish or other concentrate amount depends on potency to be mixed with olive oil

2 medium or 1 very large ripe mango diced


Using a small food processor process the garlic and cilantro together till fine then add onion and pulse until desired texture in achieved. Remove and reserve.

Here's the trichy part,
Making 420 Nuclear Waste;
First, pulverize a few hot peppers with half of the lime juice, then drizzle in the oil concentrate and whip up until somewhat creamy. Now your concentrate has nuclear power and do treat it like radiation. Do not get any on your skin, eyes or genitals unless you are into that sort freaky stuff. I' has a tendency to hurt you especially if you leave the seeds in the peppers. Carefully remove from processor and reserve. Clean up anything that touches the radioactive 420 waste very well with warm soapy water.

In a large bowl place diced sweet peppers add the radioactive 420 waste and mix very well without mashing the peppers. By mixing the peppers with the 420 nuclear paste first, distribution of the 420 heat is more intense. Essentially making all the sweet peppers hot. Then add the onion mixture and stir again until mixed. Then add tomatoes, remaining lime and salt pepper to taste. Stir then put in refrigerator covered for 3 hours or up to week or so.

Just before serving, dice your mangoes and carefully stir in 1part mango to 2-3 parts 420 salsa. Add just enough to be eaten within 1 hour or so. If left too long the mango begins to ferment and the fresh mango taste is lost.

By using the 420 nuclear waste you will have some sort of a gauge as to how much THC you are ingesting. Depending on the potency of your concentrates as well as scoville units (heat) among your peppers. You will have to adjust your own tolerances here as to the variations among ingredients. The pain killing properties of this mix is incredible because the endorphin rush is brought to the party. Some could believe this mix could be where the whole 420 schizophrenia thing might of started, but I don't think so.

By mixing hot pepper oil with your concentrate you can really have some fun, but that should be it's own thread...

peace ...from under the mango tree...


Weed Robot
going to the store
and ask for some rolling papers a mango and some condoms
what the fuck it gets you higher and hornney this is life lol
got some blue dream but no money for mangos. oh yea was reading my book of natural cures and apparently juniper berries can cause some major damage to your organs if you over do em. so scratch that idea and stick to the mangos.


Weed Robot
got some blue dream but no money for mangos. oh yea was reading my book of natural cures and apparently juniper berries can cause some major damage to your organs if you over do em. so scratch that idea and stick to the mangos.

hey budy i always wanted to know if that book was real deal book name
Kevin Trudeau's natural cures if so has any information work for you?
pm me please i would like to know more

Madrus Rose

post 69
think " Mango Haze" ...was some of the most 'spensive stuff in the coffeshops
over in hamsterDam....

mango mango , all god's chillin should have free access to the mango

( even eskimos )


Madrus Rose

post 69
one more thing,

you're suppost to cut the mangos into pieces then use the chili powder, salt and lemon.

then dry em .....mangos one of the most delicious of all dried fruits
but with addition of the above u got the hots of a deliciously wicked
dried confection .

Just add sugar to the rub ...



Weed Robot
How about putting a mango in a blender turn it liquid and spray your bud with the mango juice let it dry and smoke the bud that should do it i think? I will try it tomorrow let yall know soon

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