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getting higher with mangos


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I heard if you cram a coconut in your sphincter and wait 2 hours you start tripping balls after your first hit of any weed. Works great for people that have developed a tolerance. :wave:
actually jeff more info is needed. how over ripe was the mango. how much did you eat? how big was it?in detail how did the high compare to your usual high. how long was your high compared to normal (peak, comedown etc). some people in other forums said they tried it and didnt work only to repost later saying the mango wasnt ripe enough and they got blasted their second go. also enough people have reported that this works, so more subjects are needed. just like some people claim they cant get high off edibles.
Well it was note over ripe, it was red but the flesh was not all mushy. I ate the whole thing, it was a large mango.

Keep in mind I have a high tolerance. I still feel a slight buzz, but im not zoned or anything out of normal.
so it wasnt over ripe. exactly. here is what smoking moose from tys said about it and his conversation with ed rosanthal.

"While I was in Nimbin recently at the 2008 Mardi Grass, I had the opportunity to sit and blow a joint with Ed Rosenthal. We got to talking about Terpenes, with particular regard to a chapter in Ed's latest Book, "The Big Book of Buds Vol. 3", called 'The Secret Chemistry of Cannabis Odors and Highs'.
The discussion led to a Terpene known as Myrcene, which is the most prevalent Terpene found in most varieties of Cannabis, but not found in hemp. It is also present in high amounts in mangos, hops, lemon grass, West Indian bay tree, verbena and the plant from which it derives it's name Mercia.
Myrcene appears in small amounts in the essential oils of many other plants.
It's odor is described as clove-like, earthy, green-vegetative, citrus, fruity with tropical mango and minty nuances.
Without going into too much detail from the book, Ed explained that the presence of Myrcene was an important factor in the quality and enjoyment of the high from smoking certain Cannabis strains, particularly those strains that came from tropical climates...namely Sativas.
Ed went on to tell me that it was possible to enhance the quality of the high from a low potency bud, through the addition of Myrcene. He went on to say that this could in fact be tested and verified. And this is how he told me to do it.
Say I had a nicely grown bud that was lacking in the 'Zing' department when smoked. If I was to eat a Mango one hour before smoking the bud, Ed said the addition of Myrcene to my body from the mango, would have a profound impact on the quality of the high, and I would notice the 'Zing' that was missing, had I just smoked the bud without having eaten the mango.

Yes folks, you heard it here. You can improve the quality of the high from a bud you smoke, if you eat a fresh mango ONE HOUR before smoking!"


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
OK, I just crammed two bananas into my eyesockets and lit up a bowl. This may be the highest I've ever been.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I remember back in my Rave days when I was a big XTC head going to illegal raves in the countryside we used to get this stuff...forget what it's called....it was legal to buy, when it was ingested it boosted the amount of serotonin in your brain immensely then when you knocked back a few E's all that serotonin was released and you were lost in space forever....good days but I wouldn't do it again :) Jaw still hurts from all that 'smacking out' :)

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
eatin cocao beans or nibs will also help to slow down the metabolization of thc and keep you high for longer

i want to see better evidence for myrcenes action in facilitating the movement of thc across the blood brain barrier.....rather than it having some other property such as being a cannabinoid agonist or some enzyme inhibitor like what is in cocao (yea and you can say cocao has anadamide in it too, but find me some article citing the actual concentration above micrograms or purely trace amounts and then we can talk about anandamide in cocao having some effect)


its really working :)
done that 15+ times and it worked everytime ....
eat a mango and wait 30-60 mins then smoke some weed and u will see u get way higher than without the mangos ....theres some substance in it that makes the high stronger ... last night i had a blackout and watched a movie 20 mins with closed eyes xD

i just ate a mango again and ill smoke my bowl in 30 mins^^

lmao sounds to me that you are a diabetic and eating to dam much mango , if you say you blacked out after eat mango its your sugar level that has sky rocket, all you doing is wasting weed jackass go to the doc and get insulin injections:bashhead:


cant stop wont stop
alright so i saw the explanation on why mangos get ya higher with weed.. but
could this effect levels of psilocybin as well?

only reason i ask is early spring of this year i had a fruit smoothie with fresh mango chunks in it on my way to this state park where we were to ingest the said mushrooms..
long story short i tripped my fucking balls off harder than ever!! was a beautiful thing, but seemed strange cuz i had had the EXACT same dose of the same shrooms a week or two before hand and it didnt come close.. now i know trips can vary on a lotta circumstances but damn.. maybe it was the weed i was smoking with the mango? or possible vitamin C in the fruit smoothie? i dont know but imma try this again :D

any thoughts?


natural medicator
I remember back in my Rave days when I was a big XTC head going to illegal raves in the countryside we used to get this stuff...forget what it's called....it was legal to buy, when it was ingested it boosted the amount of serotonin in your brain immensely then when you knocked back a few E's all that serotonin was released and you were lost in space forever....good days but I wouldn't do it again :) Jaw still hurts from all that 'smacking out' :)

vitamin C.......

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