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fsaebud's 440W PL-L coco grow *finished*


hi guys this is my 440w pl-l sativa bag seed in coco grow. my second grow ever first was with only one female with fox farm soil in a closet with spiral cfl's that produced around 44g of decent bud.

this grow i decided to build a cab that resembled dr.bud's cabinets (mine are a little taller by a couple of inches) because at that point i was wanting to do a SOG like his using his methods and it inspired me allot by how much he was able to produce in such little space.

this is my first time using coco coir and i love the stuff i wont be going back to soil because coco is way better and had much better results and it seamed to me the plants grew much faster in the coco but that could have also been the extra light. their are 7 fems in all some where really good producers while others where lacking alot but i am not complaining because they all seam to be sativa dom so i am gona be a happy headed fellow for a while after this harvest.

i used head's coco formula 6/9 micro/bloom with some kool bloom added a couple of weeks into flower. they where all chopped at day 60 and i know that some of them could have gone on much longer but i was in the process of moving to a bigger and better place to continue doing my new favorite hobby :joint:. i will have dry weights here this weekend after they are all dried out. i have some real keepers here from this bagseed that my friend has been saving from all his heady smoke for around a year so i got some good bag seeds to explore and find out if there is any good genetics worth keeping around.

enjoy the pics sorry for the quality my camera skills are very lacking and the camera was a pain to get to focus. more pics in my album but of lower quality.

if you guys have any questions ask away and i appreciate all the info on icmag with out you guys i would have never even attempted to supply my own stash to keep me covered in cheep but excelent smoke. looking foward to future grows with bigger lights in more space in a couple of months once i get settled in at my new place


what r cabinet dimensions? what brand coco did u use? i cant tell- how did u manage air circulation?

im real interested in hearing about this and how ur temperature held out...buds look nice as hell. im doing a coco grow under pl-l's soon and im just gaining a little knowledge :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Quality grow, dude! Very impressive. I've never seen roots concentrate so much at the bottom like that in coco. Mine fill out the whole space. Did you maybe repot during 12/12? Welcome to coco, I agree wholeheartedly with your observations. Good luck for next time.


what r cabinet dimensions? what brand coco did u use? i cant tell- how did u manage air circulation?

my cab dimensions are 33" long 31" tall and 23 1/2" deep.

i used the botanicare cocogro compressed coco brick 5 kilo grams i probably went through a little less than half on this grow (http://www.americanagritech.com/product/product_detail.asp?ID=15&pro_id_pk=21) got mine for 20$ at local hydro store but you can probably find a cheaper price online.

the air circulation was a little ghetto i used a 6" and a 10" fan you can see in the pictures and just blowing on the lights was enough to keep them cool to the touch only had a problem with a couple of them in the back but when i moved them around it was fine. the claw shaped plant got a little to close one time to and burned the top bud a little you can see in one of the pictures.

if i had to do it all over again i would get some ducting and a can or blower type fan would keep the whole little cab cool enough that the plants will practicly grow right up on to the lights with very little stress. mine where a little stressed but managed ( i was on a tight budget because i didnt have a job and was in school so i was bairly scraping by, but now that i have 2 jobs i hope to aquire everything and do it right this next time around with HID's in a big walk in closet with nice fans and a drip set up i will start a journal when i get it going)

PL-L is they way to go once you have thouse guys up you will be suprised at how bright they are and how cool you can get them compaired to the spiral types with the ballast makeing all that extra heat. and i dont know about everyone else but my ballast for these lights (the work horse 8) was hot to the touch allthough i didnt have any fans blowing on it they still got quite hot.

hope this helps you make your decision i think you can't go wrong with PL-L's and coco if you are growing in small spaces.


Quality grow, dude! Very impressive. I've never seen roots concentrate so much at the bottom like that in coco. Mine fill out the whole space. Did you maybe repot during 12/12? Welcome to coco, I agree wholeheartedly with your observations. Good luck for next time.

thanks allot man! yea all the coco roots i have seen are like you where saying fill the entire container. i repoted after about 2 weeks into veg from the solo cups i also used clay hydrotron pellets on the bottom for better drainage and when i pulled it all out half the pellets where consumed by the roots and i had to pick them all out.

but compared to my soil roots this coco puts them to shame. i am thinking what happend was when i repoted all the feeding roots where already at the bottom of the solo cups and they just grew on the bottom insted of going back up the coco this might explain my lower yeild in some of the plants that my coco wasn't fully used and the bottom was crowded but in the 1 gallon grow bags the roots where covering most of the coco it looked like.


Active member
Awesome! :D

You did a bang-up job on that cab and it sounds like you'll be making it even better. :D

Have you thought about using LST/Supercropping/Scrog to control height though? You'd seriously increase your yield without adding anything. That's an insane amount of lumens there! :D

Figuring a fudge factor to cover the lamp overlap, your lumens per square foot is about 7,000. Now anything over about 5,000 is going to need CO2 to help turn that light into food, otherwise it's wasted. The nice thing about this setup is that you CAN (with that level of light) keep the screen or canopy further away from the lamps and allow just the buds to grow up into that dense area of light.

You mentioned you were looking for a larger space? Might want to use that same wattage in a bit bigger space. :D

Wicked cool grow though! :woohoo: I can't wait to see your next run :joint:


Awesome! :D

You did a bang-up job on that cab and it sounds like you'll be making it even better. :D

Have you thought about using LST/Supercropping/Scrog to control height though? You'd seriously increase your yield without adding anything. That's an insane amount of lumens there! :D

Figuring a fudge factor to cover the lamp overlap, your lumens per square foot is about 7,000. Now anything over about 5,000 is going to need CO2 to help turn that light into food, otherwise it's wasted. The nice thing about this setup is that you CAN (with that level of light) keep the screen or canopy further away from the lamps and allow just the buds to grow up into that dense area of light.

You mentioned you were looking for a larger space? Might want to use that same wattage in a bit bigger space. :D

Wicked cool grow though! :woohoo: I can't wait to see your next run :joint:

thanks man! also thanks for posting the wiring thread i used it to wire these up. and also thanks for all the info you shared on this forum about PL-L's without that i probably wouldn't have picked them for my cab and stuck with the spiral types but these are so much better. also thanks for the tip on lumens i didn't think to look into if i was giving them to much light for my space

i lsted a couple of them a little in the begging and they definitely where the ones that put on more weight its hard to see from some of my pictures but i did a four main cola and a 2 one to kinda play around with it and the one i split up into 4 was a fairly good producer and turned out quite nice the other 2 that i only had 2 where also good but not as good as the 4. and had to keep the bigger 1 gallon bags with strings still attached. next time around i am gona lst like a mad man to keep um short and spread them out to capture the light better.

this cab is going to become my mother/veg cab here is my new space and the cab upside down

the new space is roughly 8 feet wide 5 1/2 feet deep and 8 feet tall. i have two of the last plants i am going to try to re veg and clone. i am probably going to get some 400W CMH's and supplement it with 10 - 3000K PL-L's i already have (i have heard the CMH's dont produce as much mass as compaired to their HPS counterparts so the suplemented light should make up for that along with the UV-B and more blue spectrum from the CMH's it should be very nice) along the back wall and add some 6500K PL-L to the other cab for my mom and clones and veg in the top part with a few less lights if your right about the lumens.

the veg will be hand watered or run off a timer that will flood a tray while the flower room will run off a drip set up in 3 gallon pots of coco. down the road i might seal it off and do a small co2 tank but thats not in the near future. i also am happy that this room is right next to the laundry room so i can pipe all my hot air out the dryer vent.


Active member
thanks man! also thanks for posting the wiring thread i used it to wire these up. and also thanks for all the info you shared on this forum about PL-L's without that i probably wouldn't have picked them for my cab and stuck with the spiral types but these are so much better. also thanks for the tip on lumens i didn't think to look into if i was giving them to much light for my space
My pleasure. :D Just be sure to pass the word so we can get these ballasts and lights available locally SOON! :D

I can't wait to see your CMH-PL-L Grow! Sounds dynamite! :woohoo:


i used the botanicare cocogro compressed coco brick 5 kilo grams i probably went through a little less than half on this grow (http://www.americanagritech.com/product/product_detail.asp?ID=15&pro_id_pk=21) got mine for 20$ at local hydro store but you can probably find a cheaper price online.

cool cool...i have 3 options for my coco grow coming up soon. botanicare, b'cuzz, and gh cocotek - not real sure, was leaning towards b'cuzz but after this might choose botanicare....ahhh decisions


cool cool...i have 3 options for my coco grow coming up soon. botanicare, b'cuzz, and gh cocotek - not real sure, was leaning towards b'cuzz but after this might choose botanicare....ahhh decisions

you can't go wrong with either one. i just picked up some botanicare because that's what my hydro store was selling but after looking at the b'cuzz coco it seams to undergo a more ridged process for their coco than botanicare (http://www.thebigtomato.com/catalog/atami-coco-fiber.htm) if you have the choice and they both are the same cost i would lean toward b'cuzz imo.


you can't go wrong with either one. i just picked up some botanicare because that's what my hydro store was selling but after looking at the b'cuzz coco it seams to undergo a more ridged process for their coco than botanicare (http://www.thebigtomato.com/catalog/atami-coco-fiber.htm) if you have the choice and they both are the same cost i would lean toward b'cuzz imo.

good lookin out on that link bro...yea B'Cuzz 's pitch is what brought me in. just didnt see that many ppl use it in the coco section. ill prolly just choose one at the last minute


Well-known member
hey fsaebud dammm dude look at all thouse beautiful plants. growing in coco is great ain't it. I just love it.

good luck on the reveging the plants. also if they re grow big in healthy they can some times yield more for the 2ed harvest. thats comming from my own exp.

also back when I reveged my plants a few years ago they got big and bushy so they turned out great for clones.

thats my :2cents:. :alien::Bolt:


hey fsaebud dammm dude look at all thouse beautiful plants. growing in coco is great ain't it. I just love it.

good luck on the reveging the plants. also if they re grow big in healthy they can some times yield more for the 2ed harvest. thats comming from my own exp.

also back when I reveged my plants a few years ago they got big and bushy so they turned out great for clones.

thats my :2cents:. :alien::Bolt:

thanks man i hope the reveg works of the stick icky and the big claw looking one turn out some good clones. i just smoked some pre cure and dammnnnnnnn! even without the cure it is potent! can't wait till friday after a good week of cureing i just can't wait. also makeing hash from the trim will post pics of the finished hash after cure of around an ounce of trim will have final dry weight tomarrow night minus a gram or two from my impaicentience.