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The Tri Guy
Wow packn, you got some high tech drying op over there, by comparisson, I'm still in the last century lol.
OK here's the quick update, no idea on sex, will be soon now, fingers crossed for at least one female.
The "off topic" seed grew a tail so that is now in soil too.
Heres the important part of the post



The Tri Guy
Okydokey here's the update.
This is the youngest plant, a Df1 re-planted to share a pot with E.
And The E plant is also a girl. I'll post proof if asked but if you'll take my word for it we'll move on. Both plants are sharing one pot of about 30ish liters so about 15 litlres of soil per plant. I ran out of nutes on the last grow and haven't got round to ordering any more, as my store moved too far from the nearest train station, which is really inconvinient if you're paranoid about licence plates like me. :rolleyes: So this is ph adjusted water once a week, and tap water twice or so, and so far 2 doses of miracle grow in tap water. Although the soil is pre-ferted which seems to be sufficient, but I do intend on doing something for bloom, not sure what yet though. And I'll have to make a decision soon now, here they are,

Now the best news and the purpose of this thread, here is the long awaited birth of the H Generation :joint:
Let the evolution continue :friends:


The Tri Guy
Thank you Bigmoane, it's so nice to be appreciated :smile:
Ok so now we're back on track, and what a track this is :wave:
You have seen two mothers and examples of the grandparents of each. You have seen the father that pollinated both mothers and now here we are.
First and only plant from the off topic seeds and half sister to the H line we have OT
, and secondly
we have the first of 2 H plants, and more importantly in terms of the evolution, (I was hoping if I kept this going I would document another one of my tri-foliates (and I promise no dangerous chemicals)) H1



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent

Looks like a little alien giraffe running over to jump in some soil. :biglaugh: Stoner comments. All is comming around nicely. :wave:


The Tri Guy
lol, you see some wierd things in my pics, and now I'm starting to see em too


The Tri Guy
Now I realise that I have promised not to post any more pics of the off topic buds, but one last one as I like this one, then I'll move onto the current stuff.

I have some of these buds on the back of the tv, some hanging up in a wardrobe, and I am trying a water cure on some of them, I am interested in the differences.


The Tri Guy
mmmm Laters Big :wave:
Thanks Mr Steeler may I call you M? Your here now that's what matters mate.

Ok time to upload some pics here we go, upload................................


The Tri Guy
Now then, the 2 plants that I had planned on crossing with the H seeds, are both female as I said but there's no way that they will be able to be bread with H due to H only just having popped their shells. ( some of the seeds I wrote off have been popping up now only to be pulled) I did have some of G's pollen pollen left though. I'm not sure whether or not the pollen will still be viable at this point however I see no reason not to try :smile: . A similar overall plant will be created by then choosing the best from both sets of seeds and crossing them, just takes an extra growing season.
So before you forget, here are the plants in question.

and while I'm jogging your memory, here's the prospective husband to both wives, on his third (and fourth) marrage (even though he's been dead a while now :eek: ) , incidentally he is the father of the trifoliate, but it isn't from his genes that they come, thats from the mother line, F, and in fact from the D line, mother to F, grandmother to H. You want to see the little trifoliate now don't you, hang on I'll upload some more pics........................


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Holy upload speed Robin is that dial-up. :biglaugh: H & Dead G sex sounds kinky. I guess someone has to put their chocolate in H's peanut butter. G is still the pimp daddy even after he is gone. Ok now I've been hangin but I have to got to bed. Was gonna have a look at that tri. :confused: I'll have a look tommorrow. :wave:


The Tri Guy
Sorry mate, yeh it is dial up and I got side tracked reading yours and a few other threads, then went to sleep. The above plants are D and E, both have been pollinated by dead G. I really dont think the pollen wil last for the really kinky match with H next month but if ones a male I may cross him with the Off Topic seed, whose mom incidentaly gave me a few really nice buds.
Here are the little ones
Off topic Bi-foliar H Tri-foliar H

Pre-ferted compost, tap water not ph adjusted yet so at around 7ish, 400w 5year old son-t somewhere between 7 and 13 hrs per day, and a bit of 25 watt flouro bulb I got from argos out of a lets have a look moment.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I think I'm going to need a geneology chart before long. My bad, Dead G is putting his chocolate in D & E's peanut butter now. That tri is the coolest little thing.


The Tri Guy
A geneology tree may look really messy due to Grandchildren also being grandparents but I hope this helps a little.


D...... X .........E,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,D...... X..........O,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B.....X.......M
..........F................................... OT...................................G


F.........X..........G,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OT....... X ............ G
..........H............................................. Off Topic Seed

Arranged Marraiges

D .........X .........G,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, E.......... X............ G
_______________,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __________________

............J,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, K

Planned and looking doubtfull marriages
H.......... X............ G


J & K may not be successful due to the age of the G pollen but I can but try.
Please forgive the dots and commas the system seems to ignore lots of spaces condensing them into 1 space so I had to fill them some how.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I was kinda kidding, but I was getting kinda lost. Your tree clears all the fog, good job. I'm sorry to hear about the dial-up too, I forgot to say before. Man once you go broadband there is no way you would ever go back. To me, still a bargain at twice the price.
Does pollen degrade rapidly? Guess I never thought about it that much. :wave:


The Tri Guy
I could upgrade for £1 per month extra, but I dont want to sign another 12 month contract.Its ok I build while uploading.
That gene chart above is a bit messy but shows how I've had to be flexible on the breeding front. Things have always been like this for me so successes are more luck than skill, and starting with a nice variety helps. Sensi, Shantibaba, and Sagarmantha are the back ground for the base genes at work in all these plants.
I dont normally keep it around but I hear a month or so is the limit. I just used month old pollen and may try 2 month old pollen next month. I'm sure it should be kept in a fridge or something but I like to see the limits of keeping everything very simple and basic.