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The Tri Guy
I wanted to do a thread that would both have a description of my methods and nice pictures of the results, but without having to listen to people telling me that I am getting it wrong, or that the results would be poor, so here goes.

I have never used perlite or vermiculite, blood meal, wormcastings, epsom salts or ppm sticks, I dont see the point. I am not a professional grower, I just want a safe place to score, and my wardrobe has never grassed me up yet.

I use whatever soil is on sale at the supermarket, and have been using the same bulb since I started, 5 years now. (400w son-t).

I see people talking about stressing plants and light leeks and hermies everyday, got to say I think a lot of it is rubbish. I turn the lights on when I get up, (which is far later at the weekend) and turn them off either roughly 12 hours later, sometimes only 9 if I'm going out or the fan noise is doing my head in. I dont worry about light leeks and they never get real darkness unless I'm asleep, so about 8 hours a day. They get watered when they look like they need it, and fed in the same manner.

I have also had a tattoo and think they are similar in the way others who have had them make them sound worse than they are in order to make themselves seem big, I cant help thinking growing is similar.

I started off getting some Orange bud in amsterdam, some of Shantibaba's. After realising that it could be grown by me, I ordered some Nirvana Ice, Mr Nice Shit, Sensi Indoor Mix, and Sagarmantha's gardeners choice From Seeds Direct, (to my home address with no comebacks), and BLack Domina, Armaggeddon, and AK 47 from my local head shop.

Once I had loads of seeds in front of me, I started the process of discovering what I liked.

I've had 5 years of fun with this hobby, and it's kept me both out of trouble and away from needing to support terrorist and black market organisations by putting money into these people's pockets. It suprises me that in this day and age the govt. still prefers peeople to buy their smoke than grow it, but thats for a different forum.

After growing all my seeds and breeding my favourites, I have got it down to three lines.

Here they are

2 unstable

Sister plant note the instability, either one or the other from sisters.



The Tri Guy
So anyway, this grow I decided to cross 1 & 3
here goes:
1 as a young girl

she just loves to be topped

She grows a nice trunk too:


The Tri Guy
Now she's not so young anymore and it's time for her to have kids of her own, so I arranged her marrage, to 3 and on the wedding night


Now here she is, pregnant,

At harvest I'll post a harvest pic and some of her seeds, then I'll grow her kids.

So ya see, really ya can make it harder for yourself than you need to. I'm not saying that if you do it properly, ie not like me, that you wqont get better results, I'm just saying its better to grow badly than to support your local terrorist.


Active member
I am glad you put in that last sentence.

I'm just saying its better to grow badly than to support your local terrorist.

You are correct though.....my plants grow best.....when I leave them ALONE!!!
This MJ plant of ours has grown in the wild WAY before we were here and will be WAY after we are gone. Alot of people put way too much into it, which in turn causes hermies and bad grows. Its a WEED.

Congrats on your seed making!!! Hope all goes well!!


The Tri Guy
Thanks guys,
Yeah I'm not saying You should do it my way HOG, as you know I need advice from time to time it's just when I started this, reading all the things that are "absolutely necessary" on threat of terrible things, I didn't think I would pull it off. To win cups I'm sure the tweeks are essential. It's just to get better quality smoke than you'll buy anywhere it's not traded legally it's not hard. That is unless they know someone who's already growing. People selling the likes of:soap bar rocky, leb, slate, balck, or the so called seels red/gold, are sending their cash back oversees to people who on the whole arent the nicest.
Thanks Immortal.


If you keep your girls or in your case the family happy and not stressed you will always get a great crop. The happier you keep them the more greatness they give back.


The Tri Guy
Seedy Strip Show!

Seedy Strip Show!

Thanks for stopping by everyone, here's the harvest pics I promised, a bit dissappointing really but then it was very heavily seeded and temps were warm so no colours, ah well they are for back crossing purposes anyway and what isnt seed is a lovely smoke already. Once its dry and the seeds are separated I'll have a better Idea how things turned out :yummy:
First fully clothed : , ,
Without fan leaves

Without a plant

Oh, that's a 2litre bottle for scale. :smile:
Is there a pic size between thumb and med?


I here you on the lights, I only put them on a timer when I am going out of town. I just turn the lights off when I wake up, and turn them on later that night. Never had hermie problems except with one strain, and three different grows, with other strains in the same room, it was the only one that hermied every time.


Active member
Looking good there GMT. Definetely see the progress. Keep up the good work. I found that if I put some erotic images up in the flower room or work in the nude, they seem to like it.


The Tri Guy
Well, its not completely dry yet, its still at he point that it does this quite easily, :canabis:
Now comes the interesting part, the seeds produced by this, (well the best 200 were separated from the easiest 1000 or so to separate from the crop(and 3 of them are soaking in paper towels)) you can see not all seeds were sparated. The rest will have to be done as I smoke my way through it, and thrown.
So, to back cross, I need to know what I am backcrossing to and why.
here is the Tarrantino bit, back in time I grew this

Smoked lovely, but the yield was poor. So along with making the f2's which turned pink and yielded very well (although a different growing style was adopted and in low temps) I crossed the F1's with this plant .....hang on need to upload some more pics


The Tri Guy
Thanks Immortal, Keep checking in mate, I'm going to make a decent thread out of this.
Gamera, interesting observation there, ok lets work out the practicallities, I have a fan without the cover on, so werring blades, and now I'm PH adjusting my water, I play with something containing sulphuric acid, erm no, letting it all hang out in Nania may be hazardous to my future family life, but the images idea I'll try, although lets keep this experiment scientific, it could just be your form the plants like, send me some pics and I'll expand the survey, purely in the interests of science.
Joe, yeah, strict light times in my opinion are only of use to clone growers.

OK back to the story, Pics uploaded and away we go,. This is the breed of plant used to cross the above plant breed, we need to name these plants, Lets call the last plant grown, the one this thread started with "Plant F" :smile: Lets Call the next plant shown, the side by side "Plant D" and the plant that "D" was crossed with in order to generate a higher yield "Plant E".
Heres some "Plant E"

Its taste was more spicy than fruity and I wanted to keep the vertical growth of the buds from that but the taste of Plant D. the plan was to cross D and E and then back cross F to Plant D in order to create 60%D 30%E and 10% I reckon from genes further back in their parentage.
Following? Dont worry step by step pics of the next bit coming up.


The Tri Guy
Now because this is the end of a long line of crosses, There are side lines that have not been developed and some that it probably wouldn't have been worth continuing with. For example, I started with Nirvana Ice and didn't like it, so I crossed it with Shantibaba's Orange bud (which I do), the cross Orange Ice was still far to Sativa-ey
so I crossed it with Mr Nice's Shit (still relying on Shantibaba genetics) but still I'm not into it, so I left that line alone ever since. Similarly, There have been mutants that cropped up along the way. We all grow plants that put out 2 leaves at every node, but I fairly regularly get plants which if not on their main cola like this, , put out 3 per node on branches like this &
However what I call a mutant is one that puts out 4 leaves per node and then decides that it has done enough work and quits, like this little one:

You see it left itself no where to grow from other than it's side shoots, These were never used to cross beed as I felt this was going too far in chasing new genes. Also please note that at no point have seriously dangerous chemicals been used to generate these mutants, This is evolution at work.

Ok, next the plant that are being grown to back cross too, Plant D baby plants and the seeds from Plant F and (have I posted pics of the father here? I need to check)


The Tri Guy
Yes I have, and I called him '3', emr lets rename him 'G'. Now in the intro I also noticed calling "D" "1", So she has been renamed too. Anyway like I said, the original plan was to cross D & E To create F for back crossing to D. But as the sharper eyed members around here will have noticed, G married F and fathered babies "H". So now "H"will be back crossed to both D & E. Along with these back crosses, F3s of plant D are also to be crossed with H, more to see the effect of 3 generations of mere selective inbreeding rather than interbreeding. Hmmm does breeding have an a in it?
Now I have tried a few different methods of growing, and personally I like supercropping, but for the sake of simplicity, and uniformity, all of these plants will be grown in single colas, if they let me. Hoping for females all the way appart from baby H who I am hoping will be boys. One of each plant D, E, and Df3's has been growing and any males will be banished. 3 baby H's are in a wet paper towel and hopefully one will be male. A female of this type will also be allowed to stay, but only one as room is limited. I have done it this way so that if one of the type D,E or Df3s is male, They can be replaced and the pollen from the Hs yet to pop, will still be fresh enough to pollinate the replacement yet to be planted.
The aim here is to combine a great taste to a high yield with a knockout punch in a plant that can be grown without any fuss.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Getting out calculator....3=G..D=1..D+E...divided by..F+D..however..G+F=H..when..H+(DxE)=I=4=yield x punch x taste..my sisters brothers 2nd cousin...Well what you've grown so far has looked awsome...And I love the weird science. :canabis: :friends:


Active member
swangin them thangs

swangin them thangs

wow! This is exciting. I wish you all the good with your breeding. Feel free to visit my gallery and print as needed. Cover that fan, don't snort the sulphur, and start slow with like, a speedo. You could even wear a black blindfold like Michael Jackson. :wink:


The Tri Guy
Ah packn2puff, Glad you are managing to follow everything, I didnt start at a coz by D there's already been 7 or 8 crossings, Sorry I missed sisters borothers 2nd cousin, here she is:

Gamera, Now I'm confused, I thought you said your pics weren't of you :confused: , oh well who ever they are all of, They are 2 fit girls.

Now then, just as a demonstration of how 1 different cross along the way can make a big difference, here is a D plant back crossed to the plant above, this creates not the plant F which has just produced seeds with Hubby G but plant [Do]. I should call it I but that may complicate The line I am demonstrating here so I am calling it Do, thats D crossed with O, Do.
Now I was interested in a method of growing called Low Stress Training which basically involved growing a plant and bending the top lower than some of the budding sites. Capracisso, has done work on this so his thread will show the science, I dont want to wander too far off topic. But here's some pics of her, another 3 weeks till she gets harvested. But look at how much shorter she is not having been crossed with E.
Ooops need to upload, back in a mo :smile:
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