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New member
Could you point out some data about the magnets you are using:- current( also size of the battery)
-lenght of the copper wire,nail
Could you point out some data about the magnets you are using:- current( also size of the battery)
-lenght of the copper wire,nail

I honestly don't know the current, it was an energizer c battery(1.5 volts). The nail is actually about 5 inches long. You can find it at any hardware store. The wire I just wrapped it all the way around tightly and left enough slack on the wire to connect the battery, not a whole lot of slack but a comfortable amount.

I actually don't know the wire size, it is a smaller though. Do not go with a bigger wire the battery can't support a whole lot. I just bought a package of it at Lowes for like 7 bucks or something. It was a good size spool. So you know we aren't talking about big electrical wiring. The wire should be easily bendable, if you have to force it the wire is to big. Magnets are simple creations, you are using current to create a magnetic field, so the electricity is merely going in a circle to create a energy we call a magnet.

I was thinking of getting a power switcher and creating a magnetic field using the DC on it, then I could easily expose the seeds to the exact amount of hours I want. Unfortunately some car issues haven't allowed me to purchase more beans. When I get some more beans I will definitely be looking forward to doing this once more. I also have clones going right now but I love this experiment and would love to do it again a few more times. I do like the survival rate being brought up by this experiment(more of them germinated) and I believe getting 4 of 5(of 6 seeds) females is definitely solid numbers for bag seed in a condition for a first grow.

Should be a solid yield, I am very excited to see the side by side test finished from a yield stand point. I am very excited period as there may be a possibility of pulling a pound out of my little 400 watt closet.

Man this is only day 26 and there are some good size buds growing. I can only give the plants one more spray of sonic bloom, then it is the nutrients I must trust, which is fine.

Well I have rambled enough about nothing. I just am way excited, this next month is going to be difficult to deal with, I just want it to pass by.
Oh another thing I haven't figured out is if this will speed up the flower process all together. It is obvious that it speeds up vegetation, hence speeding up how soon you can flower. It may end up finishing earlier but I am not counting on it.

My auto flower looks good still it has a 5 inch circumference bud that as I stated goes all the way down the sixteen inch plant about 14 inches up. The side branch is developing a 4-5 inch bud, which is awesome. I will get easily over an ounce on a 16 inch regular auto flower plant(not a scrog like the rest of the plants will end up with, had to screen them to avoid plant burn). I think That I may end up with a sweet harvest for my first grow in 4 years. Of course this will be a 104 perhaps more day grow, so not your standard 90 days.

I need to do a separate but equal system where I give the plants exactly what each plant wants. It was hard balancing the magnetics need for more nutrients with the burn it was giving the much smaller non-magnetic. If I was to re do it I would create 2 separate hydro systems this time so I can give all the plants what they want and then we can have a great experiment for yield plant for plant. There will be no stress among plants if they are all healthy then I could have an outlook on all healthy plants and their yield.

Thurston Howell

New member
If you're tired of buying batteries, especially for the 240 hour experiment, maybe you could find an old plug-in transformer from an HO train set. That way, the current can be varied, and the little DC posts are even labeled + and - for convenience. I'm really excited about the possibilities this phenomenon offers, but how would you apply this toward a rooted cutting? Wind the wire around the stem, or just place the pot at the end of the nail?
I haven't got a shot at trying out the magnet next to the cutting yet :( sadly enough. I'd say that using a direct current to the plant would but the smarter route to go. Something I have been planning on doing be haven't got to it. I would love to see a magnetic field around a plant and see it's effects, but as you said it gets expensive buying those batteries. I definitely need to look into this HO train set concept. I was thinking about checking out a power switcher. A plug in that allows you to run a DC(in my case a RV water pump) with a AC plug.

I will definitely look into this HO train set concept. The current being Varied is a huge plus.

If you were to use the magnet for the plants in a side by side comparison it would be easy but a magnetic field is difficult to measure. I am definitely interested in the concept of using a magnetic field around it but I will try connecting DC directly up to it first.

If i was to hook up a magnetic field to a plant I would say that you would need to put the magnet closer to the soil giving the water a charge. That said you'd be the first to try out clones. I wouldn't wrap the wire around the stem, that wouldn't create a magnet, you need a steel piece in the middle to create a magnet. It is the current around the metal that creates the magnet. If you wrapped a wired around a stem it still may do good I honestly don't know. I wish I had a lot more then a closet to experiment with, I'd be able to do so much more at once.

I still think electricity will be the way to go next. I really don't know what to say about a rooted cutting/magnetism though. Maybe you should stress a plant and try and force it to go herm and gain a couple seeds off it. The magnetic clone is actually doing well so I think that it may end up carrying through, it is hard to tell though. The magnetic clone is vary far behind so if it catches up with my super silver pearl clone it will show how big a difference there is.
Ok guys it is day 29 after 12-12 and I really am impressed. I was looking through journals and these plants are killing it compared to others I've seen. There are full buds developing. Since this is my first grow in 4 years I thought that they were developing fast but man they are at the equivalent of day 41 on 12-12 of one of the journals I was looking at.

One of the magnetics is going to be a massive bud. I am so impressed with it's development I mean this is day 29 and these have buds bigger then the buds in my bag. The 2 clone sativas are a bit behind. The magnetic Sativa is budding very quickly though and it has a huge buds developing. The magnetics branches are developing good size buds. If you guys would like I can take some pictures. but it doesn't look to pretty they are all screen for their protection from the light.

They are massive buds, the sonic bloom has really kicked butt. Switching over the DM gold has been a great idea as well, these things are swallowing water at around 5 gallons a day. It is out of hand.

I can't wait to see what day 60 looks like if they look this way already. I have complete confidence that I will gain a pound if they continue at this pace.

I am just wondering if I am over exaggerating them but, man day 29 flipped and buds developing bigger then my bag I think that is quick.


pure dynamite
hello MrNebulized,
Great thread I will follow this to see more pictures and how this ends.

If I have a normal, non-electric magnet, but with marked poles can I use it or it needs to be an electro-magnet?

Good luck with you grow... can't wait to see more pictures! :wave:


I'm reading a book at the moment about this sort of experiment. It's in german and it's called "Der Urzeit-Code" (Luc Bürgin). This book talks about experiments with electromagnetic fields and spores/seeds of different plants and even fisheggs! The results were very interesting...unknown genes could be unlocked or even genes that were used longtime ago and were lost due to evolution/breeding. This magnetic fields could unlock the junk-dna contained in every individual. Unfortunately the company who did this experiments was a fertilizer-producing one, thats why these sorts of experiments are relatively unknown but this journalist who has written this book has revealed a lot of these experiments and he even published the patent on this experiments..
Me and a friend of mine who is studying biology at the moment are planning on trying this also in the next months... we'll keep you updated




New member
I got a feeling magnets won't do anything in relation to growing plants. It could be just manufactured bs like those biomagnets you can buy which have magnets in your bed or whatever. The point is these are just normal magnets and people get suckered into thinking they help, they might just help the placebo effect is pretty strong I hear. Since magnets themselves are simply producing a constant non varying magnetic field. If you are using an electro magnet connected to a DC magnet then this will produce a constant magnetic field but it might be larger.

Let’s talk magnets:
I see no reason why selecting the north or south poles will change how the seed grows. The magnetic field lines produced by a magnet are constant, they come out from the north pole and go into the south pole. The only difference is the direction of the field. For example if you place a seed a distance 1 inch from the north pole it is exposed to a field coming from the magnetic field. If you were to place the seed at the south pole at the same distance away, the seed would be exposed to the same magnetic field but only the field lines are entering into the magnet. So this seed at the south pole, if rotated 180 degrees would then be exposed to a field exactly the same as the one at the north. Therefore it would seem an exposure to either north/south poles does not really matter.

Electro magnets work by a current creating a magnetic field. They have no north/south pole orientation so to speak, just a magnetic field and direction relative to the current direction. A DC source like battery creates a constant magnetic field, if you want a higher one you need a greater current or to move the magnetic field.
Calculating a magnetic field (B) can be done using the formula:
Where I = current r=raduis u= magnetic constant pi=tasty @ 3.141
For your case of the wire wrapped around a nail the magnetic field B is multiplied by the number of wraps around the nail


If it were true that magnets helped plants to grow wouldn't everybody been doing it?

That said there might be something in using AC as a power source to generate time varying magnetic fields which might in fact do something for the growth of the plants but I’m sceptical that it would.

But anyway enough of me criticising and let's get back to your experiments . If you wish to make it a proper one you need to make it more concise. Firstly you need to have 2 groups, one doing your magnet thing and the other no magnets. In order to find out if the magnetic fields are in fact doing anything you need to keep conditions for each group *exactly* the same and the only thing that should be different is the magnetic field in one group.

The best way to do this would be to take clones from a mother plant, all the same size and all at the same time, plant them in all into several identical containers. Using different seeds even if they are from the same plant will yield different results since every seed is unique and can grow differently from seed to seed, male/females etc.

Split up the clones into 2 groups, one control without the electromagnet and the other with the electromagnet, now having several plant test subjects will you more accurate for each group rate results. For example in one group a plant gets exposed to a fungus and its grow is stunned, you look at the rest of the plants within the group who are all the same size but taller than one plant then you can say this plant is not a good plant to look at when comparing the 2 groups.

Next setup you need to place both sets of plants under a light source of some sort. If you really didn't care about the weed grown but only to see how the plants grow, then you could have several small boxes setup as micro grows each with its own light source (probably cfl if you are going to have many) the size of the light source is not important only that each plant receives the same amount of light. The reason for plant separation is to keep all the plants in the same condition, prevent unknown variables from other plants such as leaves interfering so one plant gets more light than another.

The grow medium is not really important but whatever it is it should be the same for every plant. The same applies to the watering technique, fertilisers and in fact all other variables, measure each one exactly otherwise you may unknowingly contaminate the experiment giving one group more than the other.

The main idea behind a proper scientific experiment is to keep all factors the same except for the one you are testing and to have a decent test size to prevent erroneous results from popping up. The last step is to repeat the experiment as many times as you can and then go look at the results.

That should tell you if there is any effects from magnets, but generally you can apply this to anything you wish to test like different lights, timing settings etc.


If it were true that magnets helped plants to grow wouldn't everybody been doing it?
I am no scientist but I know that this works for sure, its patented by CIBA-GEIGY AG, the method for fishbreeding was published as # EP 0 351 357 A1 at the European Patent Office, published 17.01.1990
another one, patented by IPR - Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Riehen AG, concerns the treatment of plants/ resp. seeds/spores with electromagnetic fields for breeding, published under # EP 0 791 651 A1 also, european patent office, published 27.08.1997
These patents are public, so you see, its all there, you just have to do it... it's maybe not that easy as putting wire around a nail but it works...



The proof is in the pudding my friend. You will see around a 40% increase yield from the magnetic field around the seeds. Theoretically in past experiments as I am only following in foot steps it has created different results in plants before by using the North and South pole of a magnet. If you would have read the entire thread before you posted you would have seen a link to the summary of journals from earlier in the century.

Did you know the CD was invented in the 70s? Why wasn't it huge by the 80s? It took to the mid nineties for it to become popular. Sometimes things are explored early on forgotten about. I mean seriously hundreds of years ago they put a antenna system in and it increased in yield some cases 50%. Why didn't that get in place?

I use something called Sonic Bloom ever heard of it? The plants grew at a insane pace when I started using it. The clones are very similar with their node growth some of the branches are about 10 inches long while the plant is only 16 inches tall. The plants are noding at an insane rate. I also have buds growing after 29 days flipped. Sonic Bloom has been known about for over 15 years and nobody uses it, yet I have an amazing success with it.

The point is simple it has been proven to work in multiple gardens over years. I am proving it right now. Sometimes things are to good to be true so to speak.

As for your identical concept, the plants were grown using the exact same reservoir in a faux aeroponic system. They were under the same light. The nutes same this was a literal side by side test. I wish I wouldn't have used the same reservoir as it effected the plants. The magnetics developed so much faster that the non-magnetics were getting burnt. Then I'd switch it up and the magnetics would be under nuted.

I ended up with 4 of 6 seeds female and one of the magnetics died as a seedling. One ended up being a male. I will show you the results at the end. It is cool if you don't understand it, I don't but I don't understand the programming on my computer and it still works, that is all that really matters. You can break out all the physics you want but the moon as well as magnetics fields have been proven to influence plants in the past. If you don't want to believe it that is on you but I will continue to explore past concepts that proved to work. Things would have cost so much to try in the past are cheap now. I mean seriously could you have tried using power on plants easily 20 years ago? Things are cheaper. You can try them out easily, so why not?

I am a all out type of guy so this next system is a true aeroponic system growing three inches a day. You grow your way and I will experiment and prove better ways to grow.


New member
For a concise statement answering my initial question, I refer now to a study entitled, "Static Magnetic Field Influence on Elements Composition in Date Palm"...

Now this idea could be plausible, an actual recent (2009) experiment supported by some facts and references, but it only says it *may* elevate the nutrition content but then again I'm a skeptic when it comes to magnetic field applications. I'll believe it when there are several scientific papers ( which have been done in the last 10-20 years) on it all coming to the same conclusion about magnetic fields influencing growth and in the meantime its still a bit of a snake oil to me much like growing by moonlight.
Now this idea could be plausible, an actual recent (2009) experiment supported by some facts and references, but it only says it *may* elevate the nutrition content but then again I'm a skeptic when it comes to magnetic field applications. I'll believe it when there are several scientific papers ( which have been done in the last 10-20 years) on it all coming to the same conclusion about magnetic fields influencing growth and in the meantime its still a bit of a snake oil to me much like growing by moonlight.

Well do what you do bro, I ain't going to question how you grow and I ask only for the same. Wait for it all to go through first and we can talk. You seem to be someone who would have thought the world was flat even after 100 other people may have told you it was round in the 15th century. There are some things that are just not encouraged. There was a patent placed on some of these things in an effort to make it difficult to make money. Electrogenic seed treatment is one specifically.

You continue to follow in other peoples foot steps I will cut my own path. In my experiences in life it is difficult to start but far more fruitful in the end.

I bet you have used a ton of products that haven't been proven for 10 years yet you question my experiment.

Heres a picture of one of the plants that is magnetic at day 29. Some of those are branches keep that in mind. Two of the branches together are going to be the equivalent of the cola of another Non magnetic(big non-magnetic) plant. Picture in the next couple of posts.


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The first two pics and the last is also the same plant.

The third pic is the other non magnetic that I expect to fill in nicely.


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Magnetic Bonsai mostly Sativa looking plant.

Looks like they will have 3 12 inch plus buds.


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This is the fourth magnetic. It is a heavy bud and is well resinated.

I wish this wasn't my first grow then I would have had the system down and could have done a truly good job. Well a couple more grows and I can have a solid test where I can truly have healthy plants all the way through. Problem is a couple more grows is like 6 months ugh. But on the other hand I am in a perpetual style grow Perhaps a 3 more months on a perpetual grows.

Should be a scary good time.


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