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ECSD x Appalachia In A Crawlspace

who dat is

Cave Dweller
MITES?! Possibly? Can somebody help me identify these markings on my clones? I don't want to jump to conclusions but shit, never had the borg before. These marking are only affecting a third or so of my clones and I haven't seen these anywhere else yet. I'm hoping it could be something else. Could the trashbag humidity dome be causing this? I have some spinosad and triple action neem oil at the ready should they be needed. I've been looking underneath the leaves with a 30x magnifying glass and couldn't find any sign of any critters anywhere. Today is day 23 or 24 or flower.

Please don't mind the shite looking clones either, I'm still learning. The worst of them also happen to be the number 6 plant that hermed and I haven't thrown them out yet.





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who dat is

Cave Dweller
We're a couple of days shy of a month now. Things are starting to pick up and get interesting. I think the scare I had with the clones was a bacterial thing like sesame mentioned. It kind of stopped after it started and didn't spread to any other plants.






Thanks for stopping in y'all!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Plant #2 has slowly started showing stray male flowers. I'm kind of bummed about this recent development as this would leave me with only 4 at this point if I were to chop it. It wouldn't bother me too much though as this one is hands down the slowest to flower and is also very lanky. I'm trying to wrap my brain around why this is happening though. My only guess is a light leak from one foundation vent across the opposite corner where some might be creeping in but I can't imagine whatever was getting in could make it across the whole crawlspace to bother the plants. My other thought is these problems could be traced all the way back to when I had the other timer that was screwing up and the lights were late to come by 2.5 hours one night. I've been pulling the stray flowers off as they develop and it hasn't been too bad yet. What do you guys think I should do? Chop it or try to limp along to the finish?

I'd also like to emphasize that these all look like traditional male flowers instead of bananas. I haven't seen any nanners pop at all yet. In the past whenever I've had light screw ups with timers, etc. any stress related herming has always produced nanners and not these traditional looking male flowers. Do any of you know if the traditional male flowers would mean it's a genetic thing vs. a stress induced thing? My other four girls are rocking and rolling right now with no signs of male flowers and are started to bulk up. The two plants to herm to date have been the taller, lankier diesel dominant looking phenos. I've also got my cuttings starting to take root and I am trying to decide if I should bother keeping the cuts of the two plants that hermed, #2 and #6. I'd rather not right now but I can't decide if it was stress induced or genetic at this point. If I can't get enough favorable cuttings to take root should I try to fool with these?

I could really use some input about this guys. Thanks!

Most developed clone that got potted in a solo cup last night from #1



The latest plant to herm out, #2



Can y'all chime in with some input? Thanks!
Sad face. Light leak is the most likely reason, I've never hermed a plant any other way. One on purpose, one accidentally. I've done pretty much everything you can do to a plant, but only light leak freaks them out.


Well-known member
I've heard ecsd can drop sacks in early flower. Pull them off and keep them under a close eye. They might be good after that, or grown from cutting.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Sad face. Light leak is the most likely reason, I've never hermed a plant any other way. One on purpose, one accidentally. I've done pretty much everything you can do to a plant, but only light leak freaks them out.

I've heard ecsd can drop sacks in early flower. Pull them off and keep them under a close eye. They might be good after that, or grown from cutting.

Thanks y'all! Anybody know anything else about ecsd dropping nuts? That would make sense as the two diesel dominant phenos were the ones to show balls. Can anybody else speak to the regular male pollen sacs vs. nanners and their genetic vs. stressed appearance? Thanks! :yes:


Active member
Just pick them off. They will probably stop and the clones might not have them at all or just a few and be done.

I think you messed up a bit by tossing that one. Stay the course you are doing good Smeagol.

Get some gorilla tape and fix the light leak.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Just pick them off. They will probably stop and the clones might not have them at all or just a few and be done.

I think you messed up a bit by tossing that one. Stay the course you are doing good Smeagol.

Get some gorilla tape and fix the light leak.

I hear yah about the light leaks but this IS a dark ass crawlspace. Regardless, I'm going to foam that foundation vent shut to completely negate any chance of light getting in. I still have cuttings of the original #6 that got axed that I haven't thrown out yet. Do you guys think there is a good chance that the cuttings won't show male flowers when the mother did? They need to get potted up pretty much....tonight. Thanks!

Good to see you around here Silver.
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Well-known member
I hear yah about the light leaks but this IS a dark ass crawlspace. Regardless, I'm going to foam that foundation vent shut to completely negate any chance of light getting in. I still have cuttings of the original #6 that got axed that I haven't thrown out yet. Do you guys think there is a good chance that the cuttings won't show male flowers when the mother did? They need to get potted up pretty much....tonight. Thanks!

Good to see you around here Silver.

Yep I'd run them all from clone just to make sure. I've got a pack of these too and I heard from another grower they dropped some early nuts as well.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Thanks for the info again Cannivore! I'm glad I'm not alone with these balls dropping.

I decided on hedging my bets and keeping at least one cut of each plant per y'alls advice. At this point I'm focusing on keeping the most of cuts #1 and #5 as they look to have the nicest structure and flower time. #4 seems to be a little on the spindly side with lots of scruffy undergrowth. #3 Is nice and healthy but just a little on the short bushy side compared to 1 and 5. And of course 2 and 6 were the diesel dominant lanky broads that dropped some nuts. I looked outside at the last foundation vent at night and didn't see any light coming out so I doubt that was it. I'm thinking that this could possibly be traced back to the timer fuck up a couple of weeks ago. I would hope that this isn't something to look out for every run with the ECSD phenos. I either threw out or potted up most everything else last night and I'm still waiting for one more #2 and the rest of the #5s to root. Only one out of four of the #5s rooted so I'm hoping the rest will start here soon. They definitely took longer this time since they were already flowering. We're right around a month into flowering at this point so things are picking up finally.

The hemlocks are plugging along with there certainly being two distinct phenos. The durban dominant is pulling ahead of the others considerably so I pinched the top of it last night to keep that shit in check. Lately I've had a little spider show up and chill around the garden. I'm gonna let it be as it can pick off any stray gnats and whatnot maybe.....or he can starve and kick rocks if nothing is going on.



Picked up some more beans and was trying to decide what to pop next. :chin:

Sorry for the novel, I just kind of kept typing. :yes:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Got around to making the partitions last night. I thought I had had everything ready to go but was short on finishing up the second one last night. I think in my case it's usually measure thrice, cut twice. I'm happy with how they turned out though. I want to keep as much of that light in there with the plants as possible but wanted something that I could move easily and wouldn't get in the way like if I had attached a piece of plastic to the ceiling. Plus I can always move these around as necessary after adding some more lights. I'll need to make the other partition shorter than I had originally thought to keep it under the fatshit R-8 ductwork.




