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Dutch Passion - The Ultimate - LED Rodeo Tie Down Featuring Lead Hearder LST!


Cut them down on mothers day

Cut them down on mothers day

3-3 to 5-9 Juuust under 10 weeks....

Yeah so I had cut some of before, cut more n more of over the past week. But I did save the best for last. Mothers day I cut her down!! got my shelf are back!

Here's my final harvest but keep in mind I picked 2 head colas and a bunch of side branching before I even harvested this beast..

OK so check out these head buds, Keep in mind there is no co2 going on, just my first gen penetrator and dwc. this is my penetrators 4th or 5th grow and it keeps impressing me more each time!!
I doubt a bulb could go through this many grows and still kick out beasts like this! funny thing is, I had to lst them back away from the light to keep them from touching it. They could of been a bit bigger I bet.

Hope this is a good peek into the future of what my current grow Will turn out like!!







What you guys think?


Active member
Im not a pro well I guess I am a little bit but those buds still look a little early. Did you use a scope to check glands. I see tons of white hairs no reds. I dont even pull out a scope till about 90 % of my hairs are red. Also how long did you flush I still see enough nitrogen in that plant to keep it going for weeks.


Active member
Dope grow MeanBean! Please post the weight of your dried bud. I really want to see for myself if those light can put out a lot more than 1 gram per watt. Nice log!


I wont be posting a final weight on this one, results are to f'ed up... been smokin on em...

This is for me to smoke while my realy grow finishes up and dries....


Active member
Damn that sucks that we can't get the numbers. No one ever seems to want to post them so the people can really see if LED's are worth the investment. If I knew that I could get 2 grams a watt or more, I would build a wall going through one of my rooms and put LED's all over the walls, as well as hanging them on a chain on the ceiling too. Just have a room completely covered with LEDs from wall to wall. If the LED's could penetrate 2 feet, then the room would be about 4 foot wide and about 14 foot long and maybe 4 feet of height for the lights to hang but the height of the room would be regular height. I'd probably need over 50 LED's to do this but that's if I see people getting those number. I hope you got some good smoke and I'll wait for the next log.


Snype just hold out for the first go in my sig. This grow was just for fun, something to smoke while my real grow is finishing and drying..

I have already posted 2 grows with compete dry weights but this one no. There has been alot of others too. Now to get 2 GPW thats tough to get I truly believe it's possible. I only have 4 harvests under my belt so I am learning for sure. No doubt someone who has been growing with the same strain for years and know there strain well could pull it off, even without co2..

I ain't done with this strain, made some cuts last week.


Active member
No problem Bean, I'll wait it out and check out some LED logs. That's dope that you think that it is possible to do. Good luck with the other grow!
No probs MeanBean, posting inaccurate numbers would just throw fuel around and result in the LED haters igniting it to try and keep themselves warm at night. :D


Well-known member
Wow...Y would you not let a flower finish
there is not a single swollen caylx
and then
Why would U not trim the budz?
U took the time to grow it.
Y not trim it?
ohh well
"To each his Own"


lookin nice , but they are wayyy early aren't they?

Well it was almost 2 weeks early, Dutch passion Claims it's a 10 week strain, more like 12. Anyhow the other problem is the plant got to tall for the storage closet I stuck it in so I tied the top head colas back. The white hairs seen in the photo look worse because that side of the bud got little light from being up against the wall.

I was tired of the thing clogging up my storage area..

No doubt it could been better but this was like an emergency grow just to hold me over until my real grow is finished n dry. Back when I moved I had some nice vegged up plants but I wasent hauling all thes plants around so I just grabbed the mother plant, my clones and left. Then through the mom into flower just to get some kinda buds.

Was never expecting big ass buds like that!! the funny thing is they were so tied back they werent really even under the light well.


Active member
Snype - one of the first people who bought LED's from us did 1.8 grams per watt on her second grow, and I posted those results a long time ago. I also posted plenty of examples of penetration in our forum, showing that these lights can penetrate a 3' tall plant NO PROBLEM, and at the same time produce ARM SIZED COLAS. There is no more proving that needs to be done here, the proof is already there. We also did micromole readings today so you can compare our lights to HID or any other. You'll be amazed at how much light our units put out compared to HID. If you're really interested in using LED's as you say, then go for it! Waiting around isn't going to do anything...