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Deep Congo

Hey guys!

I last checked in three months ago, and I was rather peeved that out of the 29 seeds of different genetics I germinated, the only ones that didn't survive were 9 of my precious Deep Congos.
Well, good news!
The sole survivor was a girl! Today (April 19) is her 48th day of flowering.
The only downside is that she is mostly Deep Chunk - very slow in veg, and very little stretch. Nonetheless, I decided to hit her with some pollen for some seeds to play with. It came down to a handsome, chunky indica-dom male from a Mr. Nice Dreamtime mix pack and a robust Ganesh male from Mandala. After about 20 days of 12/12, the Ganesh was the clear choice - he was almost two feet tall, branchy, and thick with flowers. Both males ended up with a few trichs, but the Ganesh's massive flowers and sweet scent made me choose him.

She is a beautiful plant, and I'll upload pictures soon. I just wish she leaned more towards the Congo side...

If anyone has any F1 or F2 DC seeds, please message me. I would really, really, really appreciate it. :thank you:

Much love,

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
This is kinda lame of me, but here is a pic of my vegging plants. About 30 of them are Deep Congo F2's. and I think I have 6 F3's in this mess also. I'll get some better pics in a few weeks when things get interesting. The first few weeks of life I always struggle to keep seedlings healthy, but they'll get over it. They always do.
See ya soon!
Yeah LG those don't look that bad! Mine is being pretty finiky right now. I don't think it likes the 3 gal pot. Shes looking a little rough but still putting out the buds. I will get some pics up early next week, maybe you guys can give me your opinion?

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Thanks AB, I might frame up a larger room today and use this one for vegging.

Burning Tree- I saw your plant and I think there will be no stopping it from producing the buds. Your leaves remind me of the first Deep Congo that I ran. I fell in love with this strain.

On a side note, I also have a few Red Congolese going. It is supposedly a cross of Congo#3 and a "stable Mexican-Afghan hybrid" The seeds are about 5 years old but they sprouted and look ok so far.


On a side note, I also have a few Red Congolese going. It is supposedly a cross of Congo#3 and a "stable Mexican-Afghan hybrid" The seeds are about 5 years old but they sprouted and look ok so far.
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It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah LG's going to have a pretty popular thread whenever he starts one lol :joint:

Red Congoloese sounds cool!

And yeah, good point pangolin! RW was supposed to be finding a new spot to make seeds this summer, if i remember correctly! so maybe those Back2Congo seeds are growing right now somewhere! ....

take care everyone


ICMag Donor
This thread says these have been in the fridge way too long and jump the queue.

All starting over the next month as space indoors frees up , first off is the Deep Congo , fat hard seeds look good to go , dropped in warm water , will start a thread if enougth pop.
Can migrate to the greenhouse if they turn out to be monsters.



Looking for a solid stable male along with the usual fast F2 , have some cute compact C99x that fancy a bit of rougth , maybe something like HTC,s Powerhouse with a congo twist could result from this disparate union.


just soaked few beans of Deep Congo and Strawberry Congo for outdoor 2010 growing :woohoo: with little delay but hope they`ll perform great:dance013:


ICMag Donor
Two weeks on and no Congo have broke soil , Deep Wreck started also but nothing up in over a week.
Given a mainstream germing method and good current results with older and less well stored seed this is a bit of a dissapointment.
Anyone else haveing a problem? , hope its just me.


sorry about your germ problems guys, fortunately i didn`t have this.
and here is little update... my babies growing nicely :D finally tomorrow gonna put em outdoor :woohoo:


Sativa Tamer
On a side note, I also have a few Red Congolese going. It is supposedly a cross of Congo#3 and a "stable Mexican-Afghan hybrid" The seeds are about 5 years old but they sprouted and look ok so far.

I grew some of these out a few years ago. They are big yielders and smell of honey, wood, and spice.



ICMag Donor
Nothing from the Congo , autopsy found white mush and two hollow.

Deep wreck seem to be no better despite looking very viable to the eye , hopefully i can get something from the Deep Warp.

Had nothing pop from a pack of DC two years ago , seem to have no luck with DC or its crosses despite every effort.

All of these seeds stood a visual inspection and pinch test and looked perfect , only a germination test would have revealed what might be a legitimate problem.


Nothing from the Congo , autopsy found white mush and two hollow.

Deep wreck seem to be no better despite looking very viable to the eye , hopefully i can get something from the Deep Warp.

Had nothing pop from a pack of DC two years ago , seem to have no luck with DC or its crosses despite every effort.

All of these seeds stood a visual inspection and pinch test and looked perfect , only a germination test would have revealed what might be a legitimate problem.

Yea, this is what I'm hearing all too often...Why doesn't ACE rework the deepcongo....They are the ones that supplied the original Congo and they have access to Tom's dc...What, is it bad juju or something? lol

Dubi, Charlie...What up man? Please do us a service! Peace.

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