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Chubby pizza boy became a drug kingpin.


My little pony.. my little pony
glock23 said:
A BMW dealer recently told me people come in and buy 7 series with cash all the time...they don't even bat an eyelid.

Is it because they dont make enough in profit or just an idiots desire to get into the money laundering business the retard way?


It's amazing how stupid some people can be... Dealing is a careful science, not something you just dive into on a whim. Having been a part of that world I've watched a lot of people come up and fall down, and I've seen a few people stay up. Not once has one of the stupid ones stayed up for long... There isn't room for luck in that world, everything must be calculated. You have to be paranoid to be a dealer, not crazy, but certainly a bit paranoid.


Active member
Suby said:
moral of the story :

grow your own.

Gotta agree with you there.

I played around for a LITTLE while and realized after getting robbed by a close friend that greed has no boundaries. Pot dealers will rip you off just as quick as the crack dealer selling you soap chunks with anbesol sprayed on them. That and it creates a black market that doesn't do our cause any good.

But hey, you need smoke, you need some, that's all there is to it. One day we'll all set ourselves free.

Best of luck to all of you and remember, if you have to think twice about it, don't do it.


When the cases went to trial in 2004, Nate was portrayed as the kingpin of a drug empire. Scuzz and Topher both got thirty months; most of the others, somewhere between thirty and forty-six. Nate pleaded guilty to five of the fifty-nine counts against him and received a twelve-year sentence; ten years of the sentence is a mandatory minimum and not subject to parole. Giovanni Mendiola, by contrast, pleaded guilty to the murder of Brendan Butler and received a life sentence with a possibility of parole in eight years.

christ almighty.. that makes me a little sick


Thats what happens when little 19 yr old kids drug deal. To immature and ignorant to run a business and/or deal with competition. When your 19, you think you know everything, you have it all figured out. Hell, when I was that age, I thought I knew it all too. My parents would say this same thing to me. I was like, yeah whatever, things are different then when you guys were kids.
Nope. I was wrong. I'm getting close to 30 now, and I realize I know nothing. Kids think they're invincibile anymore. Think they are "bad asses" and that they have all the answers. I used too... I'm glad I didn't get hurt, or end up in jail because I should have. If any kids read this, be careful anymore. The world is not as safe as it once was.


I read that they are making a movie based on this story.

I hope they don't portray it as glamorous because if they do, we will have copycat drug dealers everywhere. :grumble: :bat:


RingoStar said:
I read that they are making a movie based on this story.

I hope they don't portray it as glamorous because if they do, we will have copycat drug dealers everywhere. :grumble: :bat:
Ya Hollywood they are going to make it as glamorous as they can just to rack in the cash :sasmokin:


RingoStar said:
Thats what happens when little 19 yr old kids drug deal. To immature and ignorant to run a business and/or deal with competition. When your 19, you think you know everything, you have it all figured out. Hell, when I was that age, I thought I knew it all too. My parents would say this same thing to me. I was like, yeah whatever, things are different then when you guys were kids.
Nope. I was wrong. I'm getting close to 30 now, and I realize I know nothing. Kids think they're invincibile anymore. Think they are "bad asses" and that they have all the answers. I used too... I'm glad I didn't get hurt, or end up in jail because I should have. If any kids read this, be careful anymore. The world is not as safe as it once was.
i said the some shit to my parents :yoinks: haven't we all:chin: im all so in my 30's and i bet they said the same thing to there parents :bat: bet it go's way back to the caveman:yoinks:
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this is exactly why we have a snitching problem.....kids ready to the crime, but not the time......and they are still kids, which means no matter how many guns, how much money, women, drugs, etc...it is all too much for them to handle...and when it all goes bad, they all snitch....just like little kids, when they got caught in the cookie jar, they blame someone else. This is why kids SHOULD NOT get involved with drugs of any kind...they do not know what responsibility is, so they def can't handle what comes with drugs. Plus, kids give weed a bad name. I don't know anyone that is selling weed that needs a gun.....yet kids seem to think it is a must. If you are gonna deal weed, leave the guns...don't do OC's and coke...and NEVER TALK. Unfortunately, kids are trying their hand at it, and it is all like a video game...nothing real. Look at what they were buying???? Where is the property, where are the stocks???? They just bought cars and guns....just like lil kids at toys r us...fucking joke. Invest in your future...and that isn't by buying a car or a gun....get back in college, get a degree, make your mother proud....don't sell out MARIJUANA because you can afford to buy some and flip it. Kids are ruining EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Have a good one....peace...O.

The ME generation was created by consumerism and television

we have become what we have, the new measue of success is how big is your slice of the pie, and values that are not blatenly tangible such as integrity are abandoned

I used to think that the pot world was different as if the plant would fix people

i think the plant allows the process to begin, but people still get to make the choice between being quality human beings or not.

that seems to be the biggest threat, regardless of what happens people still can choose to do right or wrong and most people simply choose what the perceive being best for them regardless of right or wrong


Active member
this is exactly why we have a snitching problem.....kids ready to the crime, but not the time......and they are still kids, which means no matter how many guns, how much money, women, drugs, etc...it is all too much for them to handle...and when it all goes bad, they all snitch....just like little kids, when they got caught in the cookie jar, they blame someone else. This is why kids SHOULD NOT get involved with drugs of any kind...they do not know what responsibility is, so they def can't handle what comes with drugs. Plus, kids give weed a bad name. I don't know anyone that is selling weed that needs a gun.....yet kids seem to think it is a must. If you are gonna deal weed, leave the guns...don't do OC's and coke...and NEVER TALK. Unfortunately, kids are trying their hand at it, and it is all like a video game...nothing real. Look at what they were buying???? Where is the property, where are the stocks???? They just bought cars and guns....just like lil kids at toys r us...fucking joke. Invest in your future...and that isn't by buying a car or a gun....get back in college, get a degree, make your mother proud....don't sell out MARIJUANA because you can afford to buy some and flip it. Kids are ruining EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Have a good one....peace...O.

no shit...but it's not just outside of here and it's not just kids...some old shitheads can be just as sneaky and say anything to cause harm too.

it just boils down to; be careful who you get close to...even a r/l friend can give up personal info without knowing the potential harm it can cause when someone you personally know innocently and coincidentally hooks up with another who is out to do you harm and ferrets out info...going so far as tracking down actual names and addresses!


I got another good book for you guys.

"Both sad and hilarious at the same time, this book is a must read for anyone who wonders at our current criminal justice policy. Almost four decades of the drug war have produced no discernable reduction in drug use, but loads of folks in prison and a steady erosion of our constitutional rights."


ICMag Donor
I cant believe nobody caught this....

Nate pleaded guilty to five of the fifty-nine counts against him and received a twelve-year sentence; ten years of the sentence is a mandatory minimum and not subject to parole. Giovanni Mendiola, by contrast, pleaded guilty to the murder of Brendan Butler and received a life sentence with a possibility of parole in eight years.

The guy who admitting to killing someone, murder, gets eligible for parole in 8 years while the pot dealer has to do a mandatory 10. God Bless the USA.


New member
i agree with a lot of the stories shared about the youth getting into dealing, but not all of the stories end up with arrests / violence. I'm living proof....though I don't involve myself in it anymore. Some people really DO get in, make some $, and get out while time is still on their side. Its a matter of intelligence, discipline, and direction in life. With a little luck mixed in of course.

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