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Chubby pizza boy became a drug kingpin.

I completely understand your point. But, getting caught is a very real possibility that everyone should acknowledge and make their peace with.

The law of numbers indicates that eventually, you *will* get caught. It's something everyone should seriously consider before doing something illegal. The fear should make you extra cautious.

If someone is in the trade and gets out without getting busted or ripped off even once, they are the exception not the rule and they should count their blessings.


Active member
Yea, Nathaniel made some mistakes. Violence and publicity is definately a no-no. If you start pretending to be like Tony Montana in Scarface, you'll surely get nailed.

Alot of times in the college, I've seen dealers be really strict and tight on their safety the first and second time 'round. Then, as their clientale expands, they get blatantly careless. They get runners without testing them (in a fake simulation perhaps), start double checking the clientale less etc.

Like this one dealer I knew in college- he was so bloody strict when he first started dealing. Which I thought was a good thing for him and us. For starters, he used a password system. Never kept his stash in his residence etc. You kinda get what I mean...As time went by, he'd just get so lax. He'd deal openly in parties, bars etc. It got really dangerous when he did dumb shit like accepting sex/ bjs etc for dope. This is when I more or less lost hope in him.

In a college party, there was this hot chic wearing a very revealing mini. She'd move around in revealing positions. I've never seen her in college and she wanted 3 Ozs. I knew something wasn't right and I handed her very minute amounts of midgrade and cronic and asked her which variety is better (as a test). She couldn't differenciate and this sort of upset my stomach a bit. It was a very simple test. She couldn't id midgrade and cronic! WTF would such a person be needing 3 ozs for?! She even specified she wanted cronic and she didn't even know clearly how to differenciate cronic!

I told him repeatedly that something's not right but the dude just won't listen! He'd say "I already made so much and if I was to get busted it woulda happened along time back. I'm just running a tight show." The whole night I tried explaining everything to him and he'd even say I'm jealous of him because he got all the hot chics. As it turns out, it was a copper and he got done in for on a Tuesday night. That really blew. He was a good guy, that's for sure.

What apparently happened is that one of his runners (a 19 yr. old gal) got busted in San Diego and told on him. All of us kept on telling him to test and train his runners but he'd never listen. Maybe simulate a fake bust and see how the prospective runner reacts? HE'd just say it was a "waste of time."

It's amaizing how parallel such "rise and fall" stories are. It's just a pure pity that ppls get so careless once they start seeing some money and girls. But having open rivalries, sending ppls to attack competitors, marketing yourself openly and being careless surely isin't the way to go. I just wish that ppls did more self control exercises before embarking on such projects.

You are 100% spot on. The first rule of dealing...well...there are many "first rules of dealing", but you know what I mean...is to not get greedy.

The key is to establish a specific, steady clientele. Don't expand without serious consideration such as what naga_sadu suggestes. It is best to get your clientele to establish a schedule: Mary gets an ounce every other Monday(Mary likes to smoke a LOT), John gets a quarter every Friday. Good luck on getting something scheduled like that, but you can always ask.

Do it all yourself: the weighing, the running, the cash handling, the supply purchase. Sure, you won't make a million dollars dealing, but you will minimize your risk of getting busted or ripped off (remember, you *will* experience both, eventually). Besides, you are doing this for the cause rather then the money...RIGHT?!? :angrymod:

Make sure you do NOT ever get in a deal when you have that nagging voice in the back of your head to tell you not to do it. It sounds different than the usual conscience you hear. It's quieter but more forceful. Problem is, in a VERY small corner of you, you know it's right, but the rest of you says, "Screw it" and stay in the deal anyway. Then, when shit gets bad, you'll know that voice and how it sounds and exactly what the hell I'm talking about.

In the meantime, I'm stoned and drunk...


The kid sucked at money laundering! And 40,000 cash in a brown paper bag so dumb.


Yeah when I reposted this article, in the first post of the thread, I noted that I was completely amazed how he didn't get caught from the money standpoint alone.

For starters, how do you walk up to a car dealer and drop $40k in cash and not get caught?! Is that even possible?!


No I think that the car dealers file with the IRS just like banks for large cash amounts
He must have got the car from a average jo.:chin:
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naga_sadu said:
Yea, Nathaniel made some mistakes. Violence and publicity is definately a no-no. If you start pretending to be like Tony Montana in Scarface, you'll surely get nailed.

Alot of times in the college, I've seen dealers be really strict and tight on their safety the first and second time 'round. Then, as their clientale expands, they get blatantly careless. They get runners without testing them (in a fake simulation perhaps), start double checking the clientale less etc.

Like this one dealer I knew in college- he was so bloody strict when he first started dealing. Which I thought was a good thing for him and us. For starters, he used a password system. Never kept his stash in his residence etc. You kinda get what I mean...As time went by, he'd just get so lax. He'd deal openly in parties, bars etc. It got really dangerous when he did dumb shit like accepting sex/ bjs etc for dope. This is when I more or less lost hope in him.

In a college party, there was this hot chic wearing a very revealing mini. She'd move around in revealing positions. I've never seen her in college and she wanted 3 Ozs. I knew something wasn't right and I handed her very minute amounts of midgrade and cronic and asked her which variety is better (as a test). She couldn't differenciate and this sort of upset my stomach a bit. It was a very simple test. She couldn't id midgrade and cronic! WTF would such a person be needing 3 ozs for?! She even specified she wanted cronic and she didn't even know clearly how to differenciate cronic!

I told him repeatedly that something's not right but the dude just won't listen! He'd say "I already made so much and if I was to get busted it woulda happened along time back. I'm just running a tight show." The whole night I tried explaining everything to him and he'd even say I'm jealous of him because he got all the hot chics. As it turns out, it was a copper and he got done in for on a Tuesday night. That really blew. He was a good guy, that's for sure.

What apparently happened is that one of his runners (a 19 yr. old gal) got busted in San Diego and told on him. All of us kept on telling him to test and train his runners but he'd never listen. Maybe simulate a fake bust and see how the prospective runner reacts? HE'd just say it was a "waste of time."

It's amaizing how parallel such "rise and fall" stories are. It's just a pure pity that ppls get so careless once they start seeing some money and girls. But having open rivalries, sending ppls to attack competitors, marketing yourself openly and being careless surely isin't the way to go. I just wish that ppls did more self control exercises before embarking on such projects.
The funny thing is that if the dealers were smart they would keep there day jobs as they deal.
They would be so far ahead of in the game.
1. bad money u live on
2. good money u invest
Do that and all your dreams will come true. :woohoo:


If we put are good money to work it can grow to large sums in are life time.
For a little inspiration, look to the amazing story of Anne Schreiber

If NATE NORMAN and his crew had stuck to there plan of just making 3 million
And keep there day jobs they would have been rich and free.

I bet there all broke now! If they only had invested in stocks, Income-generating real estate, Bonds, mutual funds :joint:
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vanillagorilla said:
No I think that the car dealers file with the IRS just like banks for large cash amounts
He must have got the car from a average jo.:chin:

Nah, the article said he bought it at a dealership, told them he won the cash at the casino.




i bet the dealer new just didn't give a shit? the kids were very lucky


I wish I lived a little closer to Canada I would show them how it’s done


Very Good read. To many people involved and that was there downfall!!!!!


My little pony.. my little pony
vanillagorilla said:
I wish I lived a little closer to Canada I would show them how it’s done

" 1,2 sidestep shuffle smuggle ... 3,4 backstep twist deal "



one in the chamber
A BMW dealer recently told me people come in and buy 7 series with cash all the time...they don't even bat an eyelid.


its not that easy to spend large amounts of cash without suspicion,,

i believe if u tried buying a bmw 7 series from a franchised dealer in the uk in cash theyd phone the law or refuse to accept such a large amount ,,were talking £70 k or $100k in cash here ,,most legit buyers would either be paying by cheque or through finance ,,,

apart from a drug dealer who else carries or has access to that kind of cash ?


Handling millions of dollars creates a weight and, ah, distribution problem to them that you wouldn't expect, because most of their business is done in fives, tens, and twenties. Because of that--as for instance, we discovered this a while back, twenty dollars, in twenty-dollar bills, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars weighs about seventy-five pounds. Well, when a trafficker is doing several million dollars a week, he has a problem just disposing of the paper. Just being able to handle that much paper. :chin:

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