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Celebrities? da fuck?


Active member
Americas' insatiable public fascination for celebrities.

Man o man, am I the only one who seriously could not give more of a rats squirrel fucking ass?

Not hating on anybody's success, that's bitchin', good for them, but global attention on your day to day bullshit??? Anybody notice how there is almost never a thought provoking magazine at the check out stand?? Not trying to be condescending, but shit is stupid. so either..People are stupid and are just getting what they want or someone is being smart by projecting this stuff to keep people down.


(The world's triviality.)

calm down train, just let er burn.:joint:


Active member
its called gossip dude, and it's like crack to chicks, who just so happen to shop at grocery stores... so chill out, get a laugh out of it and move on. at least thats what i do :)

compare it to guys' obsessions with sports. i know plenty of guys that are wrapped up in fantasy sports just as some women are wrapped up in gossip and celebrities.

was it george carlin who said think about how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are even stupider than that?


Active member
its called gossip dude, and it's like crack to chicks, who just so happen to shop at grocery stores... so chill out, get a laugh out of it and move on. at least thats what i do :)

compare it to guys' obsessions with sports. i know plenty of guys that are wrapped up in fantasy sports just as some women are wrapped up in gossip and celebrities.

was it george carlin who said think about how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are even stupider than that?

hahah you said it

One Love

Rage Against the Machine - "bullet in your head"

"This time the bullet cold rocked ya
A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika
Nothin' proper about ya propaganda
Fools follow the rules when the set commands ya
They said it was blue
When the blood was red
That's how you got a bullet blasted through your head

Blasted through your head
Blasted through your head

I give a shout out to the living dead
Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralized
So serene on the screen
You was mesmerized
Cellular phones soundin' a death tone
Corporations cold
Turn ya to stone before you realize

They load the clip in omnicolor
They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time
Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz
And mutha fuckas lost their minds

Just victims of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high

They load the clip in omnicolor
They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time
Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz
And mutha fuckas lost their minds

No escape from the mass mind rape
Play it again jack and then rewind the tape
Play it again and again and again
Until ya mind is locked in
Believin' all the lies that they are tellin' ya
Buying all the products that they are selling ya
They say jump
Ya say how high
Ya brain dead
Ya gotta fuckin' bullet in your head

Just victims of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high

Ya standin' in line
Believin' the lies
Ya bowin' down to the flag
Ya got a fuckin' bullet in ya head"

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Did anyone read the latest about Brangelina or Tomkat?

Q: Now that Tomkat have had a silent birth everyone's wondering what Brangelina are going to do?
A: Sources say that they are going to have the baby in Africa and adopt it right away.

Q: What did Brad Pitt say when threatened with no sex from Angelina unless he gives up smoking?
A: ... But what about afterwards?

Q: What did Brad Pitt say when Angelina brought her mixed race kids and family to Brad's Malibu Mansion?
A: What will the neighbors say?

Q: When Bill Maher was asked is it Bradgelina or Brangelina?
A: "Just let the two hottest people in the world fuck each other."

One day three midgets decided they wanted to be in the Guiness book of world records the first one says
"I have pretty short arms", so he goes and succeeds.
The second one says "I have pretty short legs," so he goes and succeeds.
The third one says "I have a very small penis," and when he comes back he says "Who the hell is Brad Pitt?"

Q: What happened when Angelina delivered a baby looking like George Clooney?
A: Brad went on to berate Clooney "I know you like to play practical jokes, but this time you've gone too far!"

Q: What happened when Brad found out Angelina was bi-sexual (openly bi-sexual and had a relationship with Jenny Shimizu, her co-star in Foxfire in 1996)
A: You tell me this after I gave Jennifer the house!!!!!

"You wouldn't sleep with Angelina Jolie for a million dollars, would you?", asked the cuddling wife.
"Don't be ridiculous", said the husband. "How am I gonna raise a million dollars?"


18 and Doh!
its called gossip dude, and it's like crack to chicks, who just so happen to shop at grocery stores... so chill out, get a laugh out of it and move on. at least thats what i do :)

compare it to guys' obsessions with sports. i know plenty of guys that are wrapped up in fantasy sports just as some women are wrapped up in gossip and celebrities.

was it george carlin who said think about how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are even stupider than that?

Sports is different. Competition is the meaning of life IMO. Sports has a positive impact on alot of people's lives, i can't say the same about Brangelina gossip.

h^2 O

it's what happens when you dont have a monarchy, you have a bunch of classless filth as role models for a confused polis


Cannabrex Formulator
It is all about keeping the general populace busy folks.......been part of human history since Roman times or before. (ever heard of the Circus Maximus?)

The cult of celebrity is just yet another tactic of the Corpo-Nazis (along with pro-sports, TV and the music industry) to distract us (the general populace) from the vigorous and continuous assreaming we are getting from them.

Keep folks busy thinkin' about Brangelina, OJ, Hannah Montana and the rest of the vapid, meaningless bullshit and mebbe they will not notice how badly they are being exploited, ripped-off, used up and cast aside.

The Corpo-Nazis need one thing to keep their system going.....complacent, brainless taxpayer/consumer/employees who will pay their taxes and buy more shite.......the cult of celebrity is just one more tool in the repertiore of corporate mind control. The criminalization of cannabis and hallucinogens is another one.....


Turn of yer TV, and never turn it on again........don't let the evil ones into yer brain.


New member
people are easily amused



people get bored of their lives easily and quickly, so they want to live vicariously through these coke-addled adventures of rising stars.

that and skanky girls will suck dicks to be popular, suck your dick if you're popular, or just because you've had a brush with popularity. they're like almost hard-wired top do it.

i mean, beatlemania. HOLY SHIT. why would anyone in their right mind go batshit when 4 acne-ridden kids from liverpool came to america?

ugh. people's obsession with celebrities is absurd.


Active member
wgood posts folks...

keep this tire fire going

The TV has been off for a long time....I can't even look at it anymore without cringing....the computer is next....but hopefully I learn to navigate the new internet with the mind :abduct:....snnnnnnap

I don't know who the artist of this picture is....



I am currently working on inventing a device that destroys peoples' reproductive organs when they tune in to Access Hollywood or E.T.


Active member
wgood posts folks...

keep this tire fire going

The TV has been off for a long time....I can't even look at it anymore without cringing....the computer is next....but hopefully I learn to navigate the new internet with the mind :abduct:....snnnnnnap

I don't know who the artist of this picture is....


looks like Alex Greys work, but I am probably wrong.


18 and Doh!
It is all about keeping the general populace busy folks.......been part of human history since Roman times or before. (ever heard of the Circus Maximus?)

The cult of celebrity is just yet another tactic of the Corpo-Nazis (along with pro-sports, TV and the music industry) to distract us (the general populace) from the vigorous and continuous assreaming we are getting from them.

Keep folks busy thinkin' about Brangelina, OJ, Hannah Montana and the rest of the vapid, meaningless bullshit and mebbe they will not notice how badly they are being exploited, ripped-off, used up and cast aside.

The Corpo-Nazis need one thing to keep their system going.....complacent, brainless taxpayer/consumer/employees who will pay their taxes and buy more shite.......the cult of celebrity is just one more tool in the repertiore of corporate mind control. The criminalization of cannabis and hallucinogens is another one.....


Turn of yer TV, and never turn it on again........don't let the evil ones into yer brain.

hahahahahahahaha do u hear urself. why don't u go back and read what u just posted and maybe there's a chance you'll notice something a lil off with it. If you didn't have a computer i'd assume you were a homeless guy with a tin-foil hat spreading conspiracy stories on the street.


Active member
The age old edict of democracy is to keep the masses entertained and you can basically do what you want

makes ya feel like a caged animal in a way because --liberty to do everything you want as long as you buy the shit. Keep waving the flag. Sports is not nationalism in e minor?


Lammen Gorthaur
And that's the liberal way... You peons are way too stupid to be allowed to participate in something as IMPORTANT as governing the masses. Just smile and take those table scraps and continue to vote for the people who are putting the wood to you in a way that you don't seem to mind.

Spooky stuff. The reality is that those "ivory tower elitist liberals" really don't trust you enough because you may not have been properly indoctrinated in those award winning public school systems that spend more than twice as much as parochial schools to give you an education that is not even half as good...

but hey, you got deep pockets, so smile and carry the extra burden they are dishing out to keep your mind off the fact that you are being fleeced at every turn.

Definitely a two-cents worth argument.


Lammen Gorthaur
...The cult of celebrity is just yet another tactic of the Corpo-Nazis (along with pro-sports, TV and the music industry) to distract us (the general populace) from the vigorous and continuous assreaming we are getting from them.

Keep folks busy thinkin' about Brangelina, OJ, Hannah Montana and the rest of the vapid, meaningless bullshit and mebbe they will not notice how badly they are being exploited, ripped-off, used up and cast aside.

The Corpo-Nazis need one thing to keep their system going.....complacent, brainless taxpayer/consumer/employees who will pay their taxes and buy more shite.......the cult of celebrity is just one more tool in the repertiore of corporate mind control. The criminalization of cannabis and hallucinogens is another one.....


Turn of yer TV, and never turn it on again........don't let the evil ones into yer brain.

Corpo Nazis? Isn't that a wee bit over the top?