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Celebrities? da fuck?


The Tri Guy
Nice post Genk,
I'm starting to wonder whether a large part of the population gets exactly what it deserves though.. Just a pity that some of us get caught inbetween the overlords and the gratefull slaves.


I think about this subject a lot. I try not to come off as a bitter snob or whatever, but it blows my mind how addicted most people are to celebrity crap, terrible TV, shallow materalistic magazines. I often wonder how much different contemporary society would be if we'd all watch a little less TV, and read a few thought provoking books.


The Hopeful Protagonist
^^^^ Materialistic huh ?

What would you do if you came into 500k ?

Above and beyond your normal salary, just extra dough.....

Big D

I'm starting to wonder whether a large part of the population gets exactly what it deserves though..

...they bring on themselves. People get exactly what they want.

You know that saying, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all.... however it goes...

Really, you can fool alot of people, most of the time. Thats a fact.

TV is just one distraction they throw at ya.

People get exactly what they want, if everyone wanted change there would change.


Active member
The point was everyone (in the US anyway) is materialistic.I was just accentuating the point.

Everyone is materialistic and consume but I think it's the extent or the value people put into objects. We do what makes us happy, if I had the funds would I be flying planes and jumping out of them? Probably. Would we consume more and materialize more given the opportunity? Most likely. I can't hate on people that are successful. They can do what they want with their success. If they want to parade around for others to get all up in their biz, that is their biz. I don't want to be known, at least not for that.

It's true, people get what they want here. I'm not out to change anyone's opinion, if they can't see it, why bother. That's the beautiful part of this place, so subjective. I don't want everyone to think the same way I do. I'm just trying to understand why it is that these people's lives are so boring they give a damn about the problems of somebody they never even met. On top of that, the people being talked about, don't mind and even like it. What is this mindset? I see both groups as parasites, feeding off each others mediocrity and short comings. The stars are just as insecure as the ones who watch em...too left field ??

Fuck no one is perfect, I know. But we have to at least learn to take the power back at least to find a way to enjoy our lives through our own direct experiences. It's sad.

damn on a happy note, I hit a bitchin' gas mask for the first time today. Interesting.

--MPD, where are you coming from? anyone to far to one side sucks? granted


Cannabrex Formulator
Corpo Nazis? Isn't that a wee bit over the top?

Why over the top?

The corporate mind has the same concern for the individual that the Nazis did......NONE.

Read the first line in my sig....Mr Heiden sez it very neatly......Naziism was just a symptom of a much larger species-wide problem.....a problem rooted in the hoarding of resources, exploitation and immediate gratification.

The corporate world is just the latest expression of a malignant paradigm that has been with humanity since monoculture farming and cities.......a paradigm that will have to change radically if humanity is to have any chance of long-term survival on this dirtball.


Cannabrex Formulator
^^^^ Materialistic huh ?

What would you do if you came into 500k ?

Above and beyond your normal salary, just extra dough.....

If i had 500k I would buy land in the bush and invest in a self sustaining infrastructure that would eliminate my need for money as much as humanly possible, and provide me with what I do need moneywise.

That way I can LIVE for a living, instead of whoring myself for 40+ hours a week to make some evil small-peckered fuckwad in a 10K suit richer than he ever needs to be (so he kin feel better about his sorry ass).

Materialism is a trained behavior...not an innate one.

Our society is designed from the ground up to train us to consume consume and consume some more........for what?

The only thing we really have here is time.........what are you gonna do with yours?

There are many many many things better to do with yer oh-so limited time here than working really hard so you can buy useless shit you have been brainwashed to want by people who don't give a fuck about you.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes genki.......there is waaay too much PIFFLE in life.....

why many people are more concerned about other peoples lives rather than their own is beyond me...


i dont understand how people can care about the lives of people who dont even know they exist


Active member
every time you post i picture you as the dirt farmer in monty python and the holy grail.

"Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."
Why over the top?

The corporate mind has the same concern for the individual that the Nazis did......NONE.

Read the first line in my sig....Mr Heiden sez it very neatly......Naziism was just a symptom of a much larger species-wide problem.....a problem rooted in the hoarding of resources, exploitation and immediate gratification.

The corporate world is just the latest expression of a malignant paradigm that has been with humanity since monoculture farming and cities.......a paradigm that will have to change radically if humanity is to have any chance of long-term survival on this dirtball.


Well-known member
Well said Trainman....folks are bored w/ thier lives so they turn to following celebs...kinda sad...


Well said Trainman....folks are bored w/ thier lives so they turn to following celebs...kinda sad...

indeed that does seem to be the case.

even worse, is that so many people are emulating their behavior. Fashion, libation, slang, all of it.

I'd like to say it's a youthful phase but i see d-bag adults dressed up like kids and slathered in orange tanning cream out all the time so ........ :1help:

then again, scottsdale is one of the worst in the nation for this type of d-bag worship


I can't believe how many people get so interested by the celeb tabloids at the checkout at grocery stores. Jen is pregnant, OMG. Chris brown beats his wife! This shit happens every day, why is it so interesting to people


Domesticator of Cannabis
What are you lookin' at? You're all a bunch of f***ing' a**holes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f***in' fingers, and say "that's the bad guy." So, what'll that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say goodnight to the bad guy. Come on. Last time you're gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Make way for the bad guy.


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