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Calling all Tree top growers

Did a boulder-top grow a few years ago. I planted them out very late and they were eaten by rock hyrax and giant grasshoppers, but I could see the potential was there. I think i'll do it again this year.




St. Phatty

Active member
That's a great way to thin out the herd.

Have to work hard to make sure you maintain stealth from the air but it looks like you've done that.

I guess you have to have a pretty good pump to get water 100 feet in the air.

I had a pond pump that wouldn't make it 5 feet. So I bought another, I don't think it would do 10 feet.

I have one pump that would do 100 feet, but it needs AC and a lot of it.


Well-known member
very nice efforts but pay some more attention to your privacy. It's not safe to have a proper name for a YT account and posting cannabis videos in our country.
Could be no big deal but could be too obvious.

Just saying.


New member
thanks for the advices an respet
I have camo clothing may post a video climbing in fog and rain. not to many people downthere 3 or 4 times there was someone and i watched them silentley they never look up i also hide
haha thats a fake name and i gave it to a friend in another town upload it
what is our country? im from slovenia and its iligal here but im not worried no face and too late
evidence was burned
it was a little over 100g


Can't be coincidence that the great majority of insane climbing videos (including this one) come out of Central & Eastern Europe....makes me think that there's probably a genetic component at play in there somewhere.


I dont need pumps
my muscles get a pump when i climb with 10+l of water
i dont think a pump would be practical

new years resolution 20kg of water , lol man thats something tricky you get up too . very talented .

Indeed you are! Made respect for that climb. And you use the ropes to go from one tree to the other??? Lol, nice dude.

Next time you should really try to get a bigger pot up there if you can. Also, get rid of some of those useless fan leaves and useless lower branches so you can get more growth & sun penetration on the buds. Those two things and you could've doubled your yield (or more) depending on how much larger you can go with your pot size.

Anyway, awesome work and be safe up there dude! Can't believe you smoked at the top.. After that I wouldn't want to go back down!! :)



Active member
super glue

super glue

hey guys yes this is an ingenious way of growing im really glad this method is getting shared with everyone...
theres a book about this subject the guy has a very comprehensive guide about it. i dont remember the name but theres a rabbit on the front pulling a marijuana plant outta a magicians hat and the book is green.
but anyway one thing i would like to include:
the author talks alot about how its really important, and i do concur, to make it as stealthy as possible; he talks about getting bark and leaves and super glueing/attaching however u can that makes it stay and i really think that will make it almost blend in to the untrained and unfocused eye. i know i wouldnt leave all the black out that is way in contrast to the color of the tree... which in turn draws the eye. but just a thought.
but anyway, do we have any members that have attempted this?
the author in that book describes a soil mixture that would have everything it needs, and in turn he simply relied on rain water(im not saying hes neccesarily naive to just think this way i think this was more optimal conditions, he does talk about and show that US guide to the farming ability of each region in the us... but yes water is a concern. and i think specific details about what to use to do this is in order(though dont ask me lol)... i just think that if u put it up in the tree and put to much there could be a chance of detection because of this big cluster of shit in the middle of the tree...
i dont know what do yall think?

does super glue melt when wet? and way too expensive..use exterior brown caulk, even gorilla glue is better but too costly..


I went for walk today to look for good tree. Found one spruce that I think I will use.
It is growing pretty densely but I started to climb it and clear the pranches little bit.
Did not get high enough because of thick growth. Will continue some other day with knife and a saw.
I am planing to put 2-3 plants per tree. Gotta find 2 more trees.

Strains I think I will grow are Early wonder skunk, Wild super07, Wild white, leb27 v2 and Royal dane.

How often you think I have to water 5 gallon fabric pot? What about how often I should fill 10 litre reservoir if I use blumat watering system per 5 gallon pot?

What kind of climbing gear you recommend for tree climbing? I dont want to fall down and die.

I did some research and I will go with what stratmandu suqested in post #124. Which is somekind of safety harnes and prusik knot to make me safe.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
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