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Bio-Buckets Last Grow of, 04….First Harvest of, 05


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Just thought I would share a little something with the community before Christmas, I wish the staff of IC the best wishes throughout the holidays.

Ok folks, here it is almost at the end of the year and the start of the new one, this is the last grow that I’ll do this year in the Bio-Buckets and it has been a great one, you can lean a lot by sticking to one hydro system for one solid year!! Not only is this the last grow of the year but it’s the end of the bag seed for me thanks to Gypsy_Nirvana and the {staff at SD,} the first harvest of 05 mite be bag-seed-bud, but the rest of the year will be a variety of what I have ordered, and they are:
  • AK-47 – (Serious Seeds)
  • Big Bud X Super Skunk – (High Quality Seeds)
  • Lifesaver – (Bog Seeds)
  • White Widow – (Nirvana Seeds)
  • S.AfrDp X Skunk – (Nirvana Seeds -- Freebie)
  • Golden Skush – (Nirvana Seeds -- Freebie)
  • Skunk#1 -- (Nirvana Seeds -- Freebie)
  • Heavy Duty Fruity – {THSeeds} – (Back Ordered) not received as of yet, but well let you know when they arrive.
As many of you know I have a DWC Recirculating System 36 Bio-Buckets, if you split that into that’s 18 DWC Bio-Buckets each, I was going to grow 18 HDF and 18 AK-47, but until the HDF comes in I’ll just start the new year off with all AK’s, I have another grow site that I’ll be growing the others at. So that’s enough talk here goes the photos.

Ps……and for those folks not familiar with the Bio-Buckets here’s a link to my grow/thread documentation on IC.

BigTokes: "How-To" Of The Bio-Buckets 101
BigTokes: Hard-Core Bio-Buckets, First Big Run!!
BigTokes: Secound Big Run!!
BigTokes: AK-47 Plus H.D.F Bio-Bucket Style


wabammo! nice setup there man, looks to be a lot of trimming in your future!



Quite a lineup of genetics you got there! Can't wait to see them in action.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Bio-Bucket Photography—Week three Flowering!!

Bio-Bucket Photography—Week three Flowering!!

Thanks every one for the prop’s, it is because of the fine quality of our community that I fill so good about posting my stuff on this site……..to my fellow members be exhalant to one another, and be safe.

Sunnyside – I here what your saying, I got tiered of carrying buckets of dirt and braking my back……..hydro has to much added bonuses for me to every go back to soil.

HOG – A good solid year does make a deferent’s.

Thcaesar – It looks like the last grow of the year is going to be my beast every in 04, but with my new seeds and the AK’s that I have now I’m hoping to do even better.

GS – thanks shorts, I wont be ready to start them until about the end of Feb or the first of March, but every one will know when I do.

NN – this particular strain is not all that powerful, but it does the job if you know what I mine, but when I get those AK’s up and growing I’ll be much happier.

BigTokes: "How-To" Of The Bio-Buckets 101
BigTokes: Hard-Core Bio-Buckets, First Big Run!!
BigTokes: Secound Big Run!!
BigTokes: AK-47 Plus H.D.F Bio-Bucket Style


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Up Data

Up Data

Ok folks here it is, Santa’s last gift to me this Christmas…….I told you that I would report when they came in, well here they are!! And can you believe what Gypsy_Nirvana {SD staff did} they put another free!! Pack of seeds Skunk#1 in my order just for me, man O man what a fine bunch of folks, just goes to show ya the impeccable character Gypsy,…….yes I had to wait for about a mouth before I got them, but with Gypsy_Nirvana you can bet it’s going to be worth it, thanks Gypsy what a fine fellow and a great business man you’ve turned out to be for me, I was going to order Skunk#1 later on anyways, but I wouldn’t worry about that because I’ll for sure be ordering more from you later on.

Well it look like I’ll get to go with my original plan after all, so for my next grow it will be eighteen bio-buckets of HDF, and eighteen bio-buckets of AK’47,…….this up coming new year is looking better all the time.

BigTokes: "How-To" Of The Bio-Buckets 101
BigTokes: Hard-Core Bio-Buckets, First Big Run!!
BigTokes: Secound Big Run!!
BigTokes: AK-47 Plus H.D.F Bio-Bucket Style
I see hugh harvest for 05''...

I see hugh harvest for 05''...

BigToke- Nice.... :joint: Your buckets look great... :eek: I'll be watching this... :canabis:

Sauce :friends:


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
HOG, FSB, – Thanks for stopping buy I hope that I can put on a good show for ya’s, IC doesn’t have a tuff crowed to please, so I hope it will be to everybody’s liking, it’s always a pleasure to post here……no worry’s if you know what I mine.
Big toke, im just now hearing/reading about these BIO Bucket systems!!They look great...what makes the BIO? how do they work? Geuss im intrested cause ive got a basement that needs a new set up, and im intrested in your system...right now ive got a Top feed NFT system that i love, runs 32 plants at a time, i like it alot cause it's so easy to run


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
smokey-cigars, – “What makes the BIO?” good question; the Bio part of the system is the beneficial bacteria that is air born every were in the world, this same bacteria when in contact with water transforms it’s molecular stretcher and then become bacterium hence the phrase (beneficial bacterium) as long as it is air bone it dons not need a home to live and colonize, because it is present every were in the air, but in the water it’s a different story; you need some type of pumice rock for the beneficial bacterium to colonize in to live in your system, I use red lava rock which has worked well for me for about a year now.

I hope this helps, good lock on your grow.
So BIGTOKE, your red lava rocks is what you grow in, basically compared to my hydroton ball's correct? How does the lava rocks help with the process of the beneficial bacterium?

How does your set up run, does water get pumped in from two tubes? how does it drian? is it recirculating?


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
So BIGTOKE, your red lava rocks is what you grow in, basically compared to my hydroton ball's correct?
Yes, I use a eight inch net pots and fill it full of red lava rocks this will replace your hydroton ball’s.

How does the lava rocks help with the process of the beneficial bacterium?
once the beneficial bacteria (air bone) has transformed itself into beneficial bacterium (Aquarius) it must have a place to live in order to populate/colonize if not in the passing of time bad bacteria (green algae) will build up in your system and over run the beneficial bacterium, thus is the purpose of the lava rocks they give the {bb} a place to live, btw I recommend very strongly that you read my grow/thread documentation here on IC the link is at the top of the page, but I am here to answered what I can.

How does your set up run, does water get pumped in from two tubes? how does it drian? is it recirculating?
all of these questions are answered in my grow/thread documentation, check it out I believe you’ll find all that you need if interested.

Smokey-cigars, – Friend let me offer up some things for you to think about when it comes to using red lava rock.

Volcanic Rocks

Magmas that erupt at Earth’s surface cool rapidly in contact with air or water to form volcanic rocks. The liquid portion of the magma commonly cools so rapidly that instead of forming crystals, it freezes to natural glass. Obsidian and pumice are both examples of natural volcanic glass.

If a magma is poor in gas, it will probably erupt to form lava that will flow downhill away from the eruption site. Depending upon its chemical composition, particularly the abundance of silica (SiO2), lava can be extremely fluid and fast moving (low silica), or a viscous pile of solidified blocks that moves sluggishly (high silica). Basalt is the name for Earth’s most common volcanic rock. Typically black to gray in color, this silica-poor rock floors the ocean basins that cover 71% of Earth’s surface.

Yes I know your probably saying “what does this have to do with growing?” I am getting to that. Although it is true that lava rock makes a perfect home for the beneficial bacterium to live/colonize there are some other things you mite wont to consider.
  • When using lava rock you wont to know weather your water is Hard or Soft, as this makes a big deferent’s, let me explain; for example if your water is hard and your using Red Lava Rock, that is very rich in silica your going to have high amounts of ammonia in your system, which in retune will effect two things:
    1. High amounts of ammonia will lower your ph in your system, so be prepared to combat this.
    2. High amounts of ammonia will cause increases of uptake in nitrogen plus combine that with beneficial bacterium which immobilizes nutrients greatly and your going to have vary bad stretching problems and most likely airy buds.
  • On the other hand if your using soft water the Red Lava Rock (high in silica) will be more chemically balanced and the ammonia will not be as high, which in retune your ph/ppm’s should be more balanced
I hope this helps you my friend, do well and grow safe!!


Thanks for the update on your grow Big Toke, how about some more root shots for the unbelievers? Good luck and happy New Year.