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Best solution for spidermites and other pests?


ok I just got off the phone with walmart they don't carry them, i tried 3 different ones in my city.... can somebody send me an extra one... Il pay a couple bucks or send some of the bubble hash when Im done but my friend really needs to put this in his grow room so Id love some icmag help from you guys if anyone has an exra one... I don't have a credit card so i would have to send a money order, and then wait for them to get it and then they send it out... so it would take 2 weeks, and the mights reproduce every 3 days. lol...so yes, if anyone has one kickin to spare I would appreciate it.


I get them at Ace Hardware... try a hardware store... they should be able to hook you up.


ok So I found out I won't be able to get them here... there not allowed in canada.. So thats why i couldn't find them!! And I can't even buy them online , they won't ship to canada! So if someone would help me out and send one to me I would really appreciate it and send you some money as well, or pay back the favor whenever I can...just pm me thanks anyone that can help me here...


Active member
Hey gertrude, they actually are allowed in Canada and they are called Vapona no-pest strips. They are very hard to find, however. I was looking around everywhere and finally found them at a hyrdoponics store here in Winnipeg. The place is called "better than nature" and I think there is one in Calgary too. I just got a couple, so we'll see how they do for me. However, I think I should have bought more because I only have one in the veg room and one in the flower room. I don't know how powerful these things are, but I'm thinking maybe I need two more for the flower and another for the veg room.

What kind of space does one of these strips cover?

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In Canada. Vapona No Pest Strips can be found in any hardware store or Canadian Tire but i have yet to find them at Rona or Home Depot.They work great.No more mites.


I'm very happy to find this thread, as my first hydro grow is approaching flowering time and I've seen the larvae thread-like network and some eggs, and I'm scay-erd. Tried spraying some pyrethrum shit on leaves, but it ended up burning em like crazy in mid veg, leaving what look like dry crispy lime green chlorosis spots all over.



Active member
The funny thing about neem that most people do wrong is.
first put the neem into a gallon sprayer,the kind with a wand.
Second spray the under side of the leaves as well as the tops if not more.
Third spray every couple days all through veg. It's not a one shot deal.
Add a couple of drops of soap in with the water and neem as well for an emulsifier.
Don't use it more than a couple of weeks into flowering.
I switch to pepper spray at this point in time along with some peroxide and no soap.