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Best solution for spidermites and other pests?



vta said:
Has anybody used Hot Shots No Pest Strips? I heard they work great for mites. I have on in my GR and have not seen any of those fuggers yet. I had to use neem oil and a bomb last grow.
My lost crop was going to be decimated by spider mites until I got the no pest strips. I still only got a little over an ounce, but I have a clone going from the original, and she is looking very promising. And not a spider mite in site! :pimp:
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Active member
Are the no pest strips organic? I had mites earlier this summer and i got rid of them with a bunch of predators, destroyers and ladybugs but that can get expensive quickly. It did the job very well for me. PeAcE

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Are the no pest strips organic?

Far from it. Some would say exposure may be hazardous. The no pest strips are actually banned in some countries with the reasoning being it a possible/ probable carcinigen agent.

They used to manufacture them with a much higher concentration percentage of dichlorvos impregnated in the yellow plastic carrier strip.
Back in the 1960's they were called "Shell No Pest Strips" and they would drop a fly out of a drafty room in about fifteen minutes. Now they take hours to kill a fly in a non drafty environment.
Substantially weaker product these days than once upon a time.

It is not known whether dichlorvos causes cancer in people.
A study in rats and mice reported that rats had an increase in cancer of the pancreas and in leukemia, and female mice had an increase in stomach cancer after they were fed dichlorvos for 2 years.

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that dichlorvos may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that dichlorvos is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The EPA has determined that dichlorvos is a probable human carcinogen.

The major effect of dichlorvos is on the nervous system. Studies on people who were exposed to dichlorvos by breathing air in the workplace containing low levels of dichlorvos have not shown any harmful effects. Animal studies have shown that breathing high levels can cause nervous system effects.

Ingesting large doses may cause nausea and vomiting, restlessness, sweating, and muscle tremors, while very large doses may cause coma, inability to breathe, and death. Animal studies have also shown effects on the nervous system when animals drank water or ate food containing dichlorvos.

It is not known whether dichlorvos can affect reproduction or cause birth defects in people.

Animal studies have not reported effects on reproduction or birth defects when animals were exposed to dichlorvos.

Info from the "Center for Disease Control"s website (linked in previous post)
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I.M. BOGGLED thanks for clearin that up for us i wont be tryin that any time soon. good lookin out on the warning. peace


That's for sure Joge.
You won't find that kind of information on the label of the no pest strip.
Thanks from me too I.M. BOGGLED
The info provided is just the kind of info that allows for good, solid, educated choices about how to grow effectivlely on a personal level. Such as using the no pest strip as opposed to going a different route.
I'll post an update concerning mites in a couple days
What a great site!

joge said:
I.M. BOGGLED thanks for clearin that up for us i wont be tryin that any time soon. good lookin out on the warning. peace


Active member
I used a couple no-pest strips on a bad infestation when I was about 4 weeks in flower and it killed the shit out of those fuckers. They were all dead in about 3-4 days, but I kept it in about 10 to make sure the hatchlings were dead. I kept my ventilation on the whole time too. Never saw another mite for the remaining 6 months I grew at that place.

I now always have one incase I ever spot those little bastards again.



Non Conformist


No wonder I sometimes piss on myself and forget my name for an hour at a time... J/K... I think as long as ya don't eat the fuckin thing you be just fine... they have used these things in dairy barns and in slaughter houses for years. How do I know ? been there, done that.... I use it long enough to kill the mites and then put it in a sealed zip lock bag for next time. take care...BC


New member
I had a mite infestation with the Blueberry/Mystic I grew all bugs just loved it...
You don't just spray neem once dude! Here's the method I use:-
5ml neem oil to 500ml water and one squirt of ph balanced liquid soap (like hand soap) and place in the microwave for about 45sec and stir well. It must be slightly warm each time you spray otherwise the neem oil just separates and floats to the top of the spray bottle. Now depending on how bad the infestation is you must spray AGGRESIVELY which means up to twice a day until the mites start dying through respiratory failure and it also messes up their reproductiveness so you need to keep up the spraying completely drenching the plant and concentrating on the under side of the leaves. You must also make sure you have good air flow i.e. start running a fan on them and also check your temps and humidty levels. You must stop using neem when you reach flowering but I think BioBizz does a spray which you can use up to two weeks before harvest and for a permanent solution you could get avid but I heard it's quite toxic and expensive available in the states
and BC I doubt very much you've been there and done anything at all.
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Active member
The strips have worked for me, im stoked, i dont have the time to spray rinse, and repeat agian and again. They kicked the lil fuckers right in the ass!




New member
If you want a safer and more organic solution to spider mites, I would use neem like many experienced growers and breeders (soma for one). The strips contain some toxic ingredient and if you have pets I wouldn't let them near your plants. I prefer the more natural and safer solution but that's just my preference (as it is many others)


i try and do the organic thing, but when it comes to mites its the stips, they rock, nothin better. I use neem on veg plants but late in flower the strips are the only thing thats gonna kill um dead.

just my opinion



Active member
BC, Bonzo and CBF...how long do you hang the strip in the room? The do you re-treat again?

I don't know if it also kills the eggs so I hang one for a week but it in a zip lock for a week then hang it for another week.


I knew one application of neem wouldn't do the trick.
Like Bonzo, I too don't have the hours to spray, and repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

I got 1000 of these predator mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) for a 10X10 room.
The spidermites were all gone by next day. Not even a sign of them!

These little guys are my new best friends, lol!
(Phytoseiulus persimilis)


Active member
Thats awesome know one, how bad was the infestation when you released the predetors?

Im glad it worked for ya, may try it sometime if i have to.




ive used the predator mites and they do work great, as they also eat the eggs. but not everyone every time. if you can afford to buy um on a regular basis. here mites are everywhere and pop up all the time.



hey Bonzo, I considered this infestation to be light to medium. No spidermites anywhere today.

It's so true they are everywhere near where I am located as there is much AG in the area.
I spent yesterday, and will be cleaning room today wiping walls and all fixtures with light bleach/water solution.
Have to keep on top of that shit. I totally got lazy and brought this infestation on by allowing my animals to hang out in there.
Not anymore!

Not high, just content, lol


Non Conformist


BC I doubt very much you've been there and done anything at all.[/QUOTE]
You better be good or I'll tell your mom on you. She'll take away your computer... and if that don't work I'll send the " BIGGEST DAMN WHITE DUDE YOU EVER SAW IN YOUR LIFE " to your house... so you play nice you hear...


New member
I'm not a mixed up dude not half hearted OR light hearted and you don't know much about me wanna step to me you'll get blazed like weed... :joint:
roll roll roll your joint gently down the screen...
If you don't want holes in you then don't try and roll with Billy
No No No you don't! You only roll in your dreams.
If anyone can tell me where I got that from I'll be astonished.
I disagree with all you using strips, neem is what you need.
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