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another coco grow


Active member
hi again ic members and friends.

My latest grow on the go.

im going to share this latest grow with all to show how easy it can be growing in coco. setting up the feeder lines for the first time being most difficult for me :joint:

Nutes-Advance frow/ canna nutes later in flower
zym friendly bacteria-canna zym
watered daily by hand

Day seven
clones vegged for 10days in coffee cups before a quick stay of 4 days in slightly bigger pots under hps, Day five went about potting all 14 clones.

In larger pots after 3 days coco/ pelite or clay 60/40 simply because i didnt buy enough coco. Now that i have the drippers installed i can flip the lights to 12/12 and then sit back and watch.

the lights have been flipped now so a bagseed plant from outside comes in out of the cold

this plant has few leaves and isnt very robust 4 weeks in but looks like it will out flower the others..

ill try to update weekly for thi9s attempt..... :rasta:


very nice set up Thc43, looking forward to seeing that garden explode with buds :)

i hope and pray you don't have any pests on that 1 plant you brought inside?

good growings


Active member
Thanks guys, This would have to be my largest grow plant# wise, was a juggle getting clones ready just at the right time but im likeing what i see. Very short veg of about 10 days under Hps filling the 1.3m x 3.0m x 2m Tall with no effort and was hand watered until 5 minutes ago when i set up a simple 2x drip per pot run to waste grow.

10 to 12 days/ 1x res 200litre into the grow and now on all canna products + Canna Boost+ Budlink silica+ Tlc= :redface:

By now im sure most if followed my grows migh know i dont mind posting a pic or two, starting with a profile of each strain. Alittle too close for the flash but shows the differance in pace.

Bigbud second day of flower

White rhino

Now onto some accross the length of the room.

Up close with a white rhino :muahaha: pre flower

Prediciment of the moment 9+ weeks flowering, only one ounce and a few capsules of oil to stretch out. Looks like ill have to cut back on my smoking..

Advance Nutes is just hitting the shops around my area many samples today i got some iguana and a litre of the two part bloom to go with the grow i got last month.. At some stage earlier rather than later ill try the bloom, iguana looks harmless enough will be in this second res mix (Full bloom spec)

Flowering nute
+++Budlink to full strength 2.5ml from 1ml
Rhizotonic 4ml/ litre + Iguana 30g??? not too sure how much i should use
canna zym 2.5ml/ litre
Ph - down to 5.8 from 6.0

during the week, a res/ drippers, heater and air pump installed to auto feed onwards.. Room temps are perfect 25 to 28c room temps aided here with near winter temps 10 to 15c night outside temp/ when lights r on.

Peace and have a good weekend all :rasta:


Active member
Hey Krizznapp

long weekend here today dont know what for exactly :redface: oh oh foundation day..

growing very well but being a holiday ill be hard pressed to find a grow shop open today :badday: so this weeks res mix will be quite minimal just nutes and maby some more canna boost.. Day 8 of flower and the stakes are already out with the w. rhinos finding it hard to hold there own weight.

alittle overgrown so ill be taking a heap of clones from lower foliage later today that should improve air flow below canopy

ec was increased from 2.2 to 2.6 with instant growth spurt, i didnt check the room for three days,last night i opened the doors and green foliage came pouring out to my suprise.

Ive got a fair amount head room left but the room is full corner to corner wall to wall. :wave: :laughing: :wave:


Custom User Title
Damn thc, I love those shots of the room, there isn't a single hole in that canopy. Does that mean you won't be getting into that room anymore, or do you have a place to move them for maintenance or something?


Active member
Hi bounty29
yep no room for me but if i need to remove lower branches i could just reach all plants just from below the canopy :spank: with hedge triming sheers or rose snips.. Being a run to waste grow i guess i could pull the drippers out and pull each pot, but i dought id get all the plants back inside as nealty. In past grows i havnt maintained the plants after 3 weeks into flower when i take the last of clones and cut upto bottom 30% to aid air flow and concentrate growth where the light is, no light = falling + rotting leaves = mess and mould if mixed with waste water.

First signs of flower, nodes compact, BigBud stretch over and white rhino slowing with its single cola trait although tipped once each plant
White rhino day9

Bigbud day9

:rasta: some more canopy shots after around 4 trays of clones taken from lower growth

Clone bank for a mate in need 75% bigbud

As im low on smoko atm ive been taking donations and buying the odd hunge ($100 or 1/4oz) from the strongest smoko i found some beens germed and ready to go outside in a week or two.

Keep it green :rasta: or purple/ white/ black/red :puppydoge


Active member

The outdoorplant went to seed in this past week, there was a time i was chucking pollen but i dont think this pot was ever in that room. A Hermi Tried tested and not for me but ill keep some seed..

start clones for next grow and mother


cloner crib for under 1$ in any country.

that works as good as any other, no water needed the coco regulates the humidity so when you see loss drpless pullout ur 50ml watering cup

So its time for the 2nd week update, im really happy with how things are turning out id use 4 pots per light next grow could be even more efficent.

pics from day 14 or flower


Sir W. Rhino

Next grows clones

There wasnt a big change in plant appearance with the advance running out and a week on coco nute only. Todays res back to\
/canna range 2.6ec without the slightest sign of tip burn,
/Budlink silica
/canna zym
first and only folia spray of rhizotonic, DM foliatech bloom, penetrator.
Beautiful job thc43! Standing ovation for sure. On your next run if you get a chance try out some of the hygrozyme inplace of cannazym. You may like the results, imho.
Once again, all I can say is...beautiful job.


Active member

White rhino


earlier in the week i spent a few hours cleaning up the veg cab, a plstic bag wasnt really ideal for those cuts, and one of the older trays was fully ready for planting into small cups of coco freeing up a home for the excess in cuts.

lower shelf, rooted or close too

Top shelf also under flouros all fresh cuts and slow seeds

Nice and neat again :redface:


Active member
Hi again one and all,

was lucky enough to get the day off work to get a few things done around the grow and home :puppydoge last nights check revealed a dry res :redface: , and crowns way too close to the lights and a general lack of TLC so im off to the shop to buy some ferts and rhizo,silica and PK. I moved the lights to there highest setting but suspect im in for alittle LST or crown bending. (Pics to come Later)

After missing the grow shops last week the last 3 days have been on flush with a noticed lack of vigor. all will fixed in a few hours off to do my shopping..

A sunny day finally
after collecting a few seeds from this heshe (plant from first post that went outside) Has gone back to calaxs without seed, i think ill keep it for a hash run as im getting low on smoko. Atm 9 weeks atleast flowering with a bit togo.

well the seeds germ ok :bashhead:

roast pork roll and hash for lunch yummm.

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Active member
day22 canopy

white rhino slowing in strtch and just starting to bulk up

But im really happy as usual with the Bigbud here at day 22ish

Heres a pic with the doors open in my grow box

Left side first (WR)

Right side (wr)

Going strong back on the canna ragime + budlink, ec 2.4/ PH 5.8, lower water temps to 20c outside :headbange water temp about the same with heater set for 18c as the pumps do a good job.

Peace all.


Active member
Time for a late but :jump: Unreal :jump: update from two nights ago,

Hi everyone hope everyones partying hard and growing faster,
The weather has gone to shiIite :badday: around here from sunny days only earlier in the week to flooding most of the metro specially near rivers :bashhead: , this is really bad for me once yard floods to about 2 inch my underground air inlet holes start to fill with water. :spank: Which reduces flow, raises humidity, and makes my exhaust fan work alittle harder. :violin: So ive spent alittle time removing garden plants i had growing to cover the holes which should remove some of the leaves that build up and go mouldy this time of the year (winter). Two inlets are easily cleaned by hand. U shape design that goes under the walls to the shed i grow in are easy to get too. afriend did the math to work out the size for me so id have double flow vs exhaust of the 250lx can fan,= 17c x 30cm openings. So theres two of them siffened dry now covered with a pot with a cut out looks out of place but will do the job :nono:. The pain is the stuipid mistake i made of using 15mm ducting also going under the shed cemented in like others but only later found out ducting is actually porous so will always alow water in regardls of what i do :asskick: Only used to vent hot air from a A/C that hasnt been used for 2 summers so could fill in... Omg what a rant. sOrry...

Pics let see from 28 days into flower first dose with canna PK approx ml per litre.

Clones there going well a good mix of white rhino and bigbud with future mums to be chosen, the rest will be babied till current crow finnishes or burns after a lightning strike takes it out :rasta: I try to keep things clean but as we know its sometimes hard, a pic of my res after a week using the super clean canna nutes at 2.6ec/6.0ph

How about some trics Bigbud giving of the oiliest smells in my GR for a while, and pretty sure Wr in the second greener pic

Always playing the lotto planting some Bagseed, after a slow cold start we are away

generic skunk

Till my next update drive safe,,wtf :laughing:
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Active member
Now we make it to the Bud pics :jump: :laughing: Bigbud firstly at day28

:muahaha: someone put on my grave stone "Loves a pic"

:joint: White rhino now really showing why shes a keeper

As you can see everythings going quite well and with news a skunk ! clone is getting around that produces well, stone is great chunky and smoke very well yet atfirst glanse i thought ord homrgrown but its actually pretty good stone much awake and sctive compared to dtrains i have.