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another coco grow


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I reconize that set-up!Hey old friend. Its me Purple from G-Guru. Glad to see you still blowing it up.keep in touch...peace mate!


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A fresh grow started yesterday... after the clean from days ago, a final spray with kill a mite to the room, dusted the shades with cloth screwed in some new bulbs i fired her up.
On with the centrifugal fan hummmmmb and in with somepot with my nososecret coco mix.
always mixing my grow methods up a typical 4x plant per light grow may or may not to screen lets see how the tomato trllis work out..

howdy hashcat/ G - Guru

Im always around somewhere./ have found bulk info here at IC hence why i spend most of my short online time getting my weed fix learning/ commenting maby even helping the few in need of basic advice or issues ive had to live and learn from.

Lets get another show on the go from 30 odd cuts i chose the best 12 for this 3x 600wt grow.
8 x Bigbud( light 1+3) and
4 x White Rhino( under centre light #2).

The grow room after harvest before i went on a cleaning rampage

Yesterday i planted the lucky or chosen cuts, trimmed them of slow lower growth. Pics taken just 5 min ago when i gave them there first feed of the whole canna range + silica - PK

as we can see 12 plants under 3 x 600wt lights = 4 pots per light. Using the tomato screens to make the plants bushy fast while adding support latter in flower.

the Strains
Bigbud we all know it now here she is after no more than two weeks under flouro and 24 hours of HPS.

Bigbud alittle closer and from the side can see if i dont tip she may over grow the w. rhino.

White rhino the 4 x plants under the centre light @ same 14d flouro/ 24 hour hps.

white rhino profile

Buckle up

for another mixed strain run. as norman:
~12x pot multi drip run to waste in coco with 20% Perlite
~Canna nutrient, zym rhizo, later pK
~Hygen Budlink Silica
~clones Cut "Trialing" new canna rooting gel version2 with good results.
8x Bigbud
4x White Rhino
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A good day for the thc43 grow
i finally get a peek at one of my personal crosses Ausbush3 x white rhino.

flowered at the same time as the white rhino clone used in the cross, planted not long ago was luckly a female :jump: and to me looks to share some desirable traits. is seed vs clone so there might be quite a differance in final finnish times but shouldnt be too much male was chosen for its early dense tricy calaxs and nodes. first time chucker so im pretty stoked.

First up the white rhino female clone crossed withthe lucky guy a few pages back (bm3)

heres just one pheno that ill be watching closely. from B3 x W. Rhino seed

Updates the small room chockas
with mixed cuts around mid flower already falling ova each other under the weight or lanky stems. roots in a 90cm x 90cm x 15cm deep flood/ drain tray. Powdered seaweed extract insted of rhizotonic the only change in the/my usual canna feeds.

White rhino

and some Bigbud colAS

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looks great man..
i started making f2 crosses too. it is much more satisfying in the end. i cant wait to hear details.


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Hi there hash cat

the first few months of next year ill be testing the seeds ive made if good phenos pop up further crosses will probally happen.. Ideally id like to get my hands on a very good male from my region. Most smokers in my area tend to agree that the early to mid 90s was a good period for quallity smoke. Buds where smaller but tighter and left a coating of trics on plastic bags or storage containers if i can recreate something simular i will be stoked.. Finding that old time male has lead me down the path of growing out my collected seed 97 onwards many hermis to sift through but ive found some killer longer flowering sat fems cloned and gifted to mates that ill check on in febuary or mid flower.

Here we are at days 5/6 veg in the main flower room and about to flower in a few days once plants have recovered from tipping.

Bigbuds going well as usual

white rhino lagging behind a tad but will catch up soon

All the plants have been tipped to get a nice flat canopy later like this Bigbud below, No main crown but 8 to 12 mid sized. The two plants in 100% coco are alittle better looking than 30% perlite mix but thats probally due to the better heat insulating propertys of more coco less perlite.

after the first week on low ferts hygen veg 1.8ec. the plants are telling me to up the strength and hit them with 2.2ec canna coco nute, full dose silica, zym and rizotonic. Outside temps are extreem 35+ days 20c nights these 12 plants drink 200litres every 5 days :nono: the roots must have spread well for that kind of drinking tobe taking place..

not alot to update till flower except loosing the odd plant seedling to heat and underwatering, basicly i know 90% of my seed will germ in 35+c a good result for my first X. i may get some snaps of my bros small grow for my next post as theres little going on at my place. :violin:
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Bigbud in the outdoor sun first pic at dawn the others today in 37c heat.

clones from my 18/6 veg cab they started to flower :laughing: might continue or reveg in that case they will be donated to a good cause. <ight be the last we see of them as a mate is comming to view now.


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lets update the goings on this week. :joint:

Starting with a comparison between the white rhino clone vs the crossed/ bush seed father3.

White Rhino (cut) same as used in the X

Below the M3 x w.rhino. Its early 14 days but i have some early observations. M3 x WR
leaves are fatter,
she is a heavier feeder,
and may yield more while early bud formation and plant structure to me looks to lean more towards the rhino with a slightly different odor.


I managed to get some pics of the OtHer :dueling: grow i share, in need of afew stakes to keep the tops uprite and some final feeds before i flush. No PK yet my bro didnt stick quite to the plan/ my directions lol... even used a veg nute when canna coco ran out mid res :bashhead: around the time i would normally hit with PK . I bit of Pk and a quick 7 day flush will finish these will finish well.

These plants only stand about 40 because they where only vegged under flouros and went 12/12 from the getgo with HPS 600wt. Hopefully an Oz to one and bit x9 plants would be a great first grow dont near solo by my younger brother. :asskick: Apparently it was a mixed grow but im battleing to find a rhino sometimes hard to pick at this stage. sticky smells good top heavy so he gets my thumbs up..

time for a Bigbud chop chop. :nono:
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Hi hash Cat.

Im not a member of G. Guru so i have no link. Mostly im a IC and OZstoners ab/user or regular. Someone else reading this page today may have some info or be able to help ya with the link.


` Mini update 12/12 today '

:jump: :laughing: :jump:
After 10days veg the plants are well ready to flower 12/12 today. Now the stretch should begin :laughing: soon hope for more width with minimal stretch in total height.

Outside i still have the Bigbud... oddly flowering in summer :jump: as daylight hours are increasing :violin: . My mate didnt want her as he wanted something in veg. Im pretty sure i can hold on to her maby till harvest :rasta:

This bigbud puts on a good show any which way its grown, outdoors she seems very happy with the heat while bagseed are stressing but in smaller pots.

test seeds i popped a few weeks ago are about tobe put in a pot and placed inside the veg cab. Germ rate was 90%+ no probs there problem being such small trays. Really hot days nearing 40c dried the soil a few times in the first weeks loosing a few just before the stems hardened off when most delicate

Left tray the M3 x Bigbud + M3 x White Rhino

Same with this lot a few heat and small pots issues. some of the bagseed OD started to flower all but a few showing sex. For better treatment all but the male bagseed seedlings are now under flouos and soon to be repotted.

Below pic left~ 2 good badseed/ unknown plants in larger pots.. In smaller pots a few suspects hermi and the plants i cooked outside "the infirmary" atm larger pots being the treatment prescribed.

A sight new mixed genetics many bagseed' lings alot of fems few males but i know a hermi will pop up soon always happens with unknown strains often weeks into flower.

Main room just powered up so i be back soon with more indoor pics fitting being 1st day of flower....1..2...3 :spank:

Thc43 4all..


Active member
Now that we are feeding at full strength some of the white rhino are showing alittle tip burn but nothing they wont grow to like over the next week but i did flush the pots with rhizotonic + zym 0.2ec water maby 30% waste. Bigbud just keeps on keeping on tends to be the easier plant to grow and is an ideal starter clone or seed :asskick: .

Im lucky i flowered yesterday just 24hours later the plants have recovered from there final tip and look alittle over vegged for my space in only 10 days.. I really have tobe day perfect when going 12/12 to fill the room corner to corner without over crowding.

Day10 veg turn 1st day of flower in the THC bloom room.

flower feed menu:
Canna coco A/B 2.2ec /PH 5.8
Rhizotonic 4ml
Zym 2.5ml
budlink silica 2ml
organic eco-cweed powdered seaweed concentrate- @ aprox 1/8 strength

the powdered cweed i use at such a week dose when full rhizo basicly i use it as a cheep replacement for rhizotonic when i dont have for the odd res refill here and there.
c-weed $7.00au 100g does a 200lt res vs rhizotonic 800ml= $80au per 200litre res refill. thats $4.50us for the cweed and $50 to $60us for 800ml to 1litre for the rhizo @ full/ shop price that is.

DaY 1 Flowering begins :jump: :dueling: :jump:
best i can get down the length of the room.

A light worth of day 1 Bigbud. amazing how much they have grown in just over a week.

Hard to reach in the centre of the room White Rhino, as predicted catching up well now.

What can i say all is well room temps are ideal aprox 28c lights on. max temps in last days = @30.7c perfect for these strains :laughing: from experience in high and low temps.

Time to sit back keep the res full and watch our wonderfull plant do its thing. :violin:


0In Memory Of Mike.W
life cut tragicly short last week
thoughts are with your family

Lets all hope its greener on the other side :joint:

remember sensi skunk or as u/ he called it rabbit poo chunks our last smoke together..

on a lighter note
happy times to come its that time of the year BBQs and pool partys for the next 6 months. We are going to need it Lowest rain fall highest avg temps for Nov this year...

Bye Thc43 and rOtOr.


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closer look @ my Big bAdbAg SeeD soon togrow

closer look @ my Big bAdbAg SeeD soon togrow

10 days is about average for these strains growing 4 pots per light in coco but yes they are both quite fast veggers compared to others ive grown.

3 to 4 days into flower and there still powering specially the w. rhino now filling its area


Bigbud really getting her stretch on

The main idea behind this post was to update the bagseed grow, great m/F ratio 85% fems but im ready for atleast two of 15 to late flo or hermi they look alittle sus only ones without pistles at the same time one plant outo flowered @18/6. Last night i took 3 clones from 16 of the female unknowns and EXTRemly fast stretchy male more Sat. Repotted all but two and spread out further.

Theres alsorts of plants in the mix check out the differance in the nodes some look to have more sAtiva -likely from my region

majority of are hybrids small and large leaf

then theres two that look just like something ive grown before there mainly indica in early appearance.

i had planed to flower outdoors but its so much faster to flower soon indoors removing the shitters as we go :joint:


Active member
Hi everyone a couple of days and ive spent the day cloning anything decent. backs up all the bagseed with the option of flower outdoor in two months if no room for seed plants:cuss:

More Bagseed shots a few days from last since bieng cloned and repotted, when there spread out you can really see the differance in leaf shape and size. I think the final count was 16x females, 2x males and a few yet to show or slow and lanky i only cloned the top 16 fem + one male because i wont be able to harvest pollen just too risky with soo many females around :nono: :jump: :cuss:

Im pretty happy with the bagseed its going to be a good mixed grow come harvest time there will be alot of different plants to smoke test :violin: might have to call in some help.

Heres the BS in there freshly cleaned and light proof modded veg cab.

Now from the top to get a better look at the leaves just now showing there try shape.

To keep track of the plants i numbered all the females then took 3 clones from each plant, plus a tray of bigbud and white rhino :asskick:

cleaner cab, too many babies good time ahead

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On to the bloom room now ladies and gents, there isnt alot to see compared to a few days ago except the rhino now going into over drive nearly catching Bigbud.

3/4 days into flower the canopy is staying reasonably flat but its obviouse these plants are now in full stretch mode producing many new beautiful leaves daily maby every few hours.

As you can see the room is about 90% full with a good 50cmto 70cm of head height left

White rhino a different shade of green with a nice tight node structure.

Bigbud early in flower is alot stretchier inches between nodes and some branches needed to be cable tied in place to the tomato trellis.

until next time :asskick: Thc~43


Active member
.Gday everyone i hope looking forward to chrissy. Cant help myself while buying gifts i was led to the groshow for my brothers present: 1lt rhizotonic and a quiet but china 150 mm centrifugal fan, must buy his own odor sock or filter. Couldnt buy nothing for myself:muahaha:

I ended up walking out with: Free/ retuned basic shade, paid for a mogal globe and 600wt ballast, cheep inline fan to vent the extra heatfrom 1 more 600. Also needed the day to day consumables with xmas shops closed BS. I must have got the owner xmas special on 5lt coco a/b nute and 5lt of rhizo would have been a good 20% less than norm...

where set for another THC43 flowering period, no changes to the grow nute wise = full canna range + budlink silca and maby a touch of Bio boost later.

Atm im turning empty space into a temp flower room for my bagseed/ unknowns. The grow room is under construction :laughing: Nothing alittle tape wont fix

~ zzzzzzzzzzz flake out taSTY JOInt gaze into nothingness...,,.,.,,,.~

My in vent from outside comming from under the wall> splitter> room1 and room2.

Random but heres my mums just after a trim

UPDATE Day 8 (R2Wcoco)

Early in the game but fallen for these plants sexy as... Everywhere i look there perfect fat trunk, flat canopy beautful colour in the WR and just general size and health of plants for threr age.


White rhino you/ i around day 5veg wouldnt have thought WR would be pushing to fill the space given. just one of her traits she always stretches hard and robust compared to lanky BB.

snaps across the canopy

Temps when outside is about 30c max 30.9 in grow but we have had 38+ days.

the leaves are smiling:asskick:
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Some tasty Bigbud

..........Its starting to feel... a lot like... like christmas .. la dee daaaAAA.
This is the weed than grew to 40cm tall in a grow tray we recently alowed to grow out then chopped. Minimal effort drip fed in coco.

I setup a small flowering room for the unknown(u/k) females and a couple of late bloomers:cuss: earlier. alittle tape now to cover the small light leaks, with that we start another flower grow show of unknown aquired aussie beans.
Plus a couple pg Semi mature Rhino/x plants..

I gota go do this light leak before it gets too late and i end up like this\ guy

Bigbud H mmmmm

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Back from the dead.

Back from the dead.


Hi everyone and Ta john goodman,

I'll try to keep this thread alive:smokeit:.

got a bit more spare time on my hands so im bringing this old thread back to life, not alot has changed:hide:. Still using coco not so perpetual nowadays scrog alongside a sog under 3000wt

A quick rundown if you have opened this page for he first time..

9litre 99c bucket 4x per 600wt light
*100% coco on a 2inch bed of perlite with many 10mm drain holes.
*Mixed House and garden and canna nutrient and additive, next grow will be going back to canna+silica.
*2x 3000lph pumps feed from a single 200litre resivour to the seperate rooms, All pots fed a steady ec/ph run to waste 3 to 4 hours between waterings.
*1x 250mm can-fan> (Mountain Air) carbon filter set up venting a good 3m x 4m area
*Climate here now is summer room temps are in the high 35s down to 25c at coolest part of there night.

My current grow 6 weeks into flower.

Scrog and Sog grown and flowered on the same day, scrog vegged for about 14 days vs Sog day or two so it wasnt a huge difference..
It hasnt been a really good grow by my standards SOG plants in less vented room got a litte hot for a day there suffered bad heat stroke looks like nute burn but really was a silly dry res:dunno: screw up:whistling:

#1 First room this room is running rather hot outside temps during the day are 40c+ lights out time for the plants. This doesnt make for happy plants and if a feed or two are missed:tumbleweed:.

THe second room (scrog 3x 600wt) has a much larger exhaust fan and is a alli frame box GR within a box.

One change that i think will make a difference in end product is at week 4/5 started using H+G bud xl instead of the normal canna PK. Early thoughts either stems are stronger this round or less weight by wk 6 i rarely have stake left to prop buds up.. :dunno:

A newish clone for me White widow, last two grows ive harvested at the same time as my other two flavours, Bigbud and White rhino 9/10wks, but the widow outside wanted 14+ this grow i hope to give her 12 by todays guestimate.
Filling out now but was a stretchy beast

Crappy pic is the only one i got of W. rhino tonight, here in the SOG at 6 wk also actually i flowered all of these plants SOG/Scrog nov 20ish,

Bigbud in the corner of the sog,

~Onto the other room where im growing 12 odd plants scrogged at 30cm height, same feed as all the other plants they where just slightly older 2 week veg/trained plants so no nute burn here and better roots when the res dried up in first few days, of the grow:hide:.
4x pots per light, this room houses only BIgbid and White rhino strains ive scrogged easily before. WWidow would have been easier to over grow with stretch way into week 5 other two strains bulk up in that week, at harvest i will let WW go another couple of weeks outside in perfect flowering daylight hours.

6th Bigbud blowing up, a few white fly there but this late they are not an issue during the drying and harvest they find a new home, which will suck as i have OD ladies too.:artist:

Bigbud again as usual the rhinos are droppomg like fles in this room, and the bigbud just swaying in the breeze might turn the fans down a touch or point under canopy.

ITs time to start thinking about my next grow, might sleep on it here. So if your interested in a quick harvest show and then a run through of my next grow hang abouts as i said ive now got a couple of extra hours in the day to burn..

Happy and fruitful New Year all.

Its going to be a good start to this year here, apart from the heat mostly my plants are happy indoors and out. OUtdoors should start to flower in a month that will be interesting with a clone Bigbud and small w. rhino grown next to a few F1 Aus BUsh x Bigbud, bush x w. rhino plants from 08/09 outdoor season.
