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All About PowerPlant on CocoSlabs with 4x600hps


20kw dreams

Hey Gaius, what's crackin? Nice grow, of course. I was hoping I could use the opportunity to ask you some Q's. if you don't mind. You have pretty much single handedly sold me on going coco, but I would really like to be completely organic. Yields however are also very important, so as long as the taste, smoke and quality is there, then I may just go mineral. Final decidion has not been made yet, but I am leaning very hard towards coco.

1) You had responded to my thread about how I might do some medium based organic hydro, but if I remember correctly you thought it would not work out that well in coco due to a buildup of organic particles or something. Is my memory correct?

2) There are a few products over in europe, which are just now reaching the US, and I was hoping you had heard something about them. The products I'm looking for info on are Bio-Canna, and House and Garden. I am trying to find out if the bio-canna is a thick, classic organic fert, or if it has been refined to a better hydro nutrient.

2) I have found in my grow that the 2 most useful additives are a kelp extract/amino acids booster (Liquid Karma, Floralicious, b'cuzz, dark energy) and a pk booster. I noticed you didn't use Canna's PK 13/14. I believe canna has yet to have a kelp booster out. But anyways, have you given any of these a shot?

3) How do you choose your nutrient levels? It appears that you try to maintian set values for given stages of growth. Is this true? I use the rise and fall of the ppm/ec from day to day to detirmine the plants needs in comparison to the strength of the solution.(ex - ec goes up: too strong, goes dwn: too weak). Have you ever tried this method? If so, have you noticed any advantages or disadvantages?

Sorry if that was a long ass post, I just need to gather as much info as possible:D

You had mentioned you might try Nitrozyme. I would suggest if you are going to use nitrozyme, then you should instead use another additive that has an amino acid complex as well. Alot of additives have both, where as the Nitrozyme is only kelp. When reading a label, look for "Hydrolyzed yeast" or "protien hydroslate", as well as the kelp. All those products I mentioned above^ are like that.

And 1 last thing: Why do you not just run your BTi once ever 2 weeks as a preventative? Are there any harmfull side effects?

All right, your eyes are prbably sore from all my BS.

Peace out gaius


Hey HellaFella
Ebb & Flow is IDEAL for coco....! I dont know what is more nicely suited for E&F then coco?

Why are airstones not necessary for drip? AERATE AERATE AERATE!

i have only ever used the coco with drippers and a few tests with hand watering, thats probably why i'm not too impressed with the idea of ebb and flow for coco. but you are right the slabs would be ideal too.

the reason i don't have to add air stones to my tank are because drips of water get saturated with air on the way to the plants. you just don't need air stones in the tank for drippers and coco slabs, even the water temps can be very flexible as the water will get warm enough on the way to the plants if its winter and if its hot the water also stays cool as its in the shade under the table and the pump only runs a few minutes every 4 hours so it does not heat the water up at all. if in winter the water gets very cold i add an aquarium heater, but no chillers needed.

Hi 20 kw dreams

my eyes are not sore from your writings, not at all. its a plessure to discuss these interesting topics.

Hey Gaius, what's crackin? Nice grow, of course. I was hoping I could use the opportunity to ask you some Q's. if you don't mind. You have pretty much single handedly sold me on going coco, but I would really like to be completely organic. Yields however are also very important, so as long as the taste, smoke and quality is there, then I may just go mineral. Final decidion has not been made yet, but I am leaning very hard towards coco.

i'm pleased to hear you are prety sold on coco and yes you can use the bio ferts from canna in coco, BUT not in an automated dripper setup. only if you are hand watering will the canna bio ferts be any use as they don't keep once mixed with water and they will block the drippers. what does work is the canna bio boost which is a new flowering booster i have started uesing in the last few runs. if you do it right with coco you can get amazingly tastey buds, i got many compliments for my WW from every one who smoked it at the 420.
1) You had responded to my thread about how I might do some medium based organic hydro, but if I remember correctly you thought it would not work out that well in coco due to a buildup of organic particles or something. Is my memory correct?

i think i was talking about the organic ferts blocking the dripper system. but maybe that was a few years ago before canna brought out their bio line. as i say if your willing to mix your nutes fresh every time you water then you could use organic ferts in coco. in fact coco being organic would probably work well with organic nutes. the problem is just that in order to get the most out of coco in my opinion you need to use it with drippers if its pure coco and not earth with coco mixed in.
2) There are a few products over in europe, which are just now reaching the US, and I was hoping you had heard something about them. The products I'm looking for info on are Bio-Canna, and House and Garden. I am trying to find out if the bio-canna is a thick, classic organic fert, or if it has been refined to a better hydro nutrient.

i can only tell you about the bio canna which is a thick plack clasic organic nute paste lol. and like i said it doesn't keep once mixed with water. the bioboost flower booster does work for dripper set ups as it keeps and doesn't block drippers. its a damn expensive product and i would only start to use it once a grow is fully dialed in otherwise.
2) I have found in my grow that the 2 most useful additives are a kelp extract/amino acids booster (Liquid Karma, Floralicious, b'cuzz, dark energy) and a pk booster. I noticed you didn't use Canna's PK 13/14. I believe canna has yet to have a kelp booster out. But anyways, have you given any of these a shot?
as a mater of fact i have used the canna pk 13/14, i normaly do use it although i have been known to forget to add it if the grow is going very well. but normaly i do use it by adding about 2 thirds of the recomended dose to my slightly weaker then normal nutrient solution. i add it only once to my tank and it gets used in about a week. i use it 4 weeks before harvest. i don't know for sure but the bio boost probably contains kelp extract.
3) How do you choose your nutrient levels? It appears that you try to maintian set values for given stages of growth. Is this true? I use the rise and fall of the ppm/ec from day to day to detirmine the plants needs in comparison to the strength of the solution.(ex - ec goes up: too strong, goes dwn: too weak). Have you ever tried this method? If so, have you noticed any advantages or disadvantages?

yes thats true i know what values my different strains want at different times and try and keep the tank levels at those values. with coco, the return water ec doesn't tell you so much, as its slow to change. but if it starts to climb and climb bejond your tank ec its time to give the coco a flush and start again with a slightly lower fert level. with time one knows exactly how high or low the ec has to be at any given time for any strain that you grow.

Sorry if that was a long ass post, I just need to gather as much info as possible

You had mentioned you might try Nitrozyme. I would suggest if you are going to use nitrozyme, then you should instead use another additive that has an amino acid complex as well. Alot of additives have both, where as the Nitrozyme is only kelp. When reading a label, look for "Hydrolyzed yeast" or "protien hydroslate", as well as the kelp. All those products I mentioned above^ are like that.

And 1 last thing: Why do you not just run your BTi once ever 2 weeks as a preventative? Are there any harmfull side effects?

All right, your eyes are prbably sore from all my BS.

Peace out gaius

i will look out for those ingredients, they could well be included in the bioboost that i am uesing now a days.

as far as i under stand it there are no harmful side effects to the BTi products. aparently the BTi bacteria is naturaly available in soil and does nothing bad to the plants. why i don't use it every two weeks is because its bloody expensive and i normaly can get at least 1 or 2 harvests done withotu the gnats sometimes longer. so it would be an expensive waste to add it when there is no visible gnats about.

anyway never worry about asking me those kind of questions, its my plessure to help where i can.

peace and good growings

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Damn 20kw, you sure are asking alot of questions for such a "PRO", considering all the posing, posturing, and general SHIT TALKING you used to throw around Overgrow, I figured you might actually have an idea what you were doing/talking about.

BTW, what ever happened to that "DVD" you were supposedly shooting/producing.

Pardon me if I have you confused with someone else, But you sure seemed like a DOUCH then and you really come off as a DOUCH-BAG now.... :chin:

Whew, I'm feeling fiesty!


why would you be so agressive, its no shame to ask questions about another type of setup then your own. he is smart enough to know that coco growing breaks quite a few rules of conventional indoor growing. i mean with the grow you are doing you must know just as well as i do that its all in the details. one detail wrong can set of a chain reaction of problems. i mean thats what we are here for to safe folks makeing uneeded mistakes when they try something new to them. anyway just a thought,

all the best

20kw dreams

wow. Where did that come from. I hope you don't mind if I run a quick response gaius.

1st off, I don't know wtf you are talking about.

Second, I do know what I am doing/talking about, which is why I am smart enough to make sure I know what I am doing before I get into a specific system which I have never ran before, to avoid problems w/ that specific system.

I'll give you a great example. I just finished a tree run, using buckets full of lava, w/ sprayers spraying mist on the top of 2 5 gallon buckets full of lava. This would, in theory, allow for a superbly oxygenated nutrient solution to flow over the roots. Well, theory is correct. In fact, the roots became insanely profuse. So profuse in fact, that the roots got so thick, that the water would not drain down through the buckets. I do not mean the roots clogged the drains, but actually stopped water from draining into the bottom of the buckets. Due to the clogging, I had 3 choices: Either water less often, which was allowing the water in the buckets to get 80+ degrees F, allow the buckets to overflow, which leads to lack of Dissolved oxygen, or last, hack up the roots to allow water to pass. 1 plant died, another was stunted pretty bad, but all in all, they still yielded decent qualities of damn nice herb, but still, that is not the kind of problem that is very pleasant to bump into.

Third, I have talked shit to a very small number of people, as in like 2 to 3, all of which were jack-asses at best.

Fourth...What DVD?

Fifth, You are pardoned, because you must have the wrong guy, as I have never had anyone come at me like that before, which means I probably don't do things to make people act like that towards me.

Sixth, It's OK, because you actually gave me a good life, as you were so far off.

Seventh, Is't the point of these discussion threads to gain and share wisdom and knowledge to one another?

And Eighth: The wiser you are, the more you realize how little you know.

If you continue to believe I am someone you must feel you need to act like an ass towards, that's all fine and dandy, but please do it in a pm, as I'm sure gaius doesn't appreciate that kind of negativity on his thread.

GAIUS! - So, anyways...Thanx for the quick response gaius. It's been decided, after a talk w/ my wife and my patients, that we are going to go ahead and go coco for 4kw.

See, I got 100ft2 worth of space to fill, which will be 6 1kw's and 4ft2 for flouros. 4 of those will be the main system, 1 will be strictly soil, and the last will switch between mothers and clones. The patients which smoke for pain of some sort are not so worried about the organicness of the herb, as long as it tastes good and smokes nice. I do have some patients which have cancers, who I only do organics for, hence my lean toward organics...that, and of course sustainability.

1 more Q though - Why is it that you feel that you must run drippers w/ the coco? I could see that the drip would allow for a better saturation w/out comprimising O2 in the media, but do you think a shorter burst of a straight spaghetti type line would not work as well, while allowing a larger

There is a mostly organic fert here in the states called Pure Blend Pro, which I am sure you have heard of. I have used this w/out any terrible clogs in a true aero system, with the proper sized filter. I'll be using this for the last 2 weeks of flower 4 sure. I'll let you know how it works out.

I'm sure the bio-boost is exactly that, but no doubt the brilliant botonists/chemists over at canna have perfected it. There is all sorts of good additives coming out on the market, which all have noticable effects. If you are into crazy horomones like that superbud shit that got banned, there are a couple great addatives from eel river hydro in humboldt, called "bushmaster" and "gravity" that work just as described. Check them out at BGHydro.com if you don't have anything else to do. HellaFella probably knows them well.

The same company which makes "Pure Blend Pro", and other great nutrients and additives, including pure organics and mineral nutes, also just came out w/ a coco nutrient, so I'll probably go w/ that, as I will pretty much be able to use my current nutrient schedule, but just switch out the base nutrient.

I'll keep you posted. The move is not until late June/Early July, so it will be a while. I just cut the clones which will be the mothers 2 days ago. 144 mostly purple cream, w/ some other strains tossed in for shits and giggles. I got 5 good mothers right now, w/ 10 more strains in the works.

Ok, enough ramblin...I just got back from a BBQ, and I had a few...quite a few beers..

Peace out brother...and thanx for the knowledge..


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
HellaFella said:
Pardon me if I have you confused with someone else

You're pardoned :smile: You are indeed talking about someone else, I remember the grow thread that got closed for spamming since he was talking about that DVD so much :D

Two totally different folks, 20kw has never had a thread I've seen (and I followed his stuff on OG too) that had any amount of boasting. Just simple walk throughs of very well run grows, and when he's run into problems, he's talked about what caused it, what solution worked, and moved on.

I can't remember the other dudes nick, but I know exactly who you're talking about, and yeah, he could come off as a bit of a know-it-all, to put it kindly :D
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20kw dreams

Thanks Nite:wave: I figured somethin must be up.

That reminds me of a DVD my buddy bought that I watched. This guy had the worst fuckin sloppiest setup I have ever seen. His plants were all sick and burnt to shit, and he was giving all this bad advice. He was saying your water temps should be up like 75 degrees, keep your ph at 7.0 in hydro, and run your ppm's at 1800 and all this bullshit. Then, he was sayin he got like 1.5 grams per watt every 50 days or something. He was totally full of shit it was unbelievable. Me and my wife were actually laughing at this video half way through.

Funny thing was, my friend listened to this video over me. He actually told me I was wrong about things because the video said otherwise, like the ph needing to be 5.2 to 5.8 in straight water, water temps being lower, ppm's being lower, etc. Anyway, needless to say my friend got the same looking results that this guy on the video did, excet although thier plants looked the same, my buddy yielded like 3/4 of a lb from a 1000, while the guy on the video SAID he got 3+ lbs...lol that shit is funny...

I think the point to this story, is unless a video is from a reputable legit souce, like Mel, Ed, Jorge, or some seed breeder, then it's probably just some ass tootin his own horn and trying to make a quick buck, seeing as he probably couldn't do it growing herb..lol


Sorry then about the mistaken idenity, I was a bit deep into the Appleton Estate when that all came about!

Fuck that old OG fella!


New member
Hey gauis, how has it been? Long time no see.

They finally let me in here so I can come hang out with old friends. I see that table is still working nice for you. I always was astonished what that SOG of yours can accomplish.

So who else do we have on here?


YO Gauis, long time no see my freind.

i was lost and now im found :violin:, still at your cocco PPP's which is allways going to impress.

well i got alot of reading to do

will be back for updates

Hella Fella

Well, well, look who's here.....

It's been awhile since there was any activity on here I now see!

Thought it was funny, I accidentally typed icmag.com into yahoo instead of my address bar, and THIS THREAD came up the 4th hit on yahoo! WHO KNEW?!

Your global Gaius!