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Abby's Bud Shack


Father Time

Oh WoW Man!
some sensational shots mate,i am so disapointed i could only make it a small way up to you guys before haveing to turn around.

Wally is one very cool dood from Downunder,Wallydundee Duck... :joint:

How good is that home made Bubble looking!

Big Bad Bush Bubble and Beautyfull Blond Bubble from the Bud shack. :woohoo:

next year mate,we'll hook up in the states :yummy:

i'm sure i can talk our "Pot smokeing Poulty Pal" for the farth North to come over and look after me on the Big Flying Bird.(seeing hes a flyer)

Kindest Regards,FT :wave:


hehehehe , sure father time , if your willing to part with that first class ticket .. lol


Active member
Hey Abby,
The pics continue to amaze. The lava tube looks awesome. The beauty nature has to offer in OZ is fuggin awesome. Thanks for sharing the vacation shots with us.
So Abby, any thing to say about that automated watering system. I'm curious, if you set it up, it had to be bullet proof.


great lookin hash... and beautiful pics of the scenery as well... Makes me wanna go to OZ meself...


hmmmm sounds like a plan !!!!!

think i may have to pass round them parts soon....


A Bud Shack Update

A Bud Shack Update

Grow 8 is now history as the Flower Room has been cleaned and prepped for the next group of girls composed of some exciting crosses from our ICMAG members Wallyduck and Grat3fulH3ad. The girls are now being transplanted into their flowering pots where they will spend the next two weeks under the MH lights. At the end of two weeks the root system should have expanded out considerably in the flower pots, allowing for a growth spurt at the time the flowering cycle begins. At this time the flower room contains two each of the following:

Wally Duck Seeds
c99 x blueberry
Pine Orange

H3ad Seeds
G13 Diesel (G13 x ECSD v3)
Head's Deez (G13xNYCD x ECSD v3)

I also have several of Bog's Sour Bubble 3 gals, but they are not quite ready for prime time... yet! Please help yourself to the snacks as I greet our latest visitors:

Organic Hydro - Thanks, glad you like the trip pics! It was a great adventure, and I can't wait for the next one as Abby and Wally do Thailand! :D

Father Time - You missed a good time for sure mate, but glad to hear the back is doing better! Anytime you boys want to head on over just let me know... the Bud Shack is always open. :wave:

wallyduck - You know, the trip from Oz to LA was actually pretty empty, we all got an entire row to ourselves... almost like first class. Well... maybe not first class, but it was a heckuva lot better than the trip from LA to Oz!!!

2buds - Thanks for stopping back, glad you are enjoying the show. Oz truly is a magical place, full of scenic wonders! As to your question, the water system is not quite dialed in yet, but stay tuned as I will be sure to post it up when it is indeed "bullet proof". :joint:

Grat3fulH3ad - Thanks for dropping by my friend, that hash does look good doesn't it? Guess I'll have to do some more this weekend! :yummy: Your diesel crosses are almost ready for flowering... 2 more weeks and we'll flip the switch. Can't wait to see those gals bloom!

tricky - you should go... I think everyone should visit Australia at least once in their lives! :yoinks:

Coming up next, a special Bud Shack exclusive, "Bubblin' in the Outback", a Bubble Hash making pictorial especially for Father Time to celebrate the arrival of his BubbleBags. Ain't that Wally a generous Duck? :woohoo:

Abby :wave:


Bubblin' in the Outback!

Bubblin' in the Outback!

During my Australian adventure I had the opportunity to learn the fine art of bubble hash making from the Duckman himself. Wally's no stranger to hash making, having joined Gypsy and Bubbleman in Jamaica for a hash making extravaganza featured in ICMAG magazine. This photo pictorial below features the Wallyduck method of bubble hash making, using 20 gallon bubbleman bubble bags. So pull up a chair, grab a snack or a smoke, and enjoy the show! :lurk:

You'll need the following items for a successful Bubble Run:
  • Bubble Bags
  • Buckets (two or three buckets, two matched to the bag size)
  • Frozen Trim and/or Buds
  • Ice and Cold Water
  • Mixer
  • Wire Rack
  • Straining Sheet (Comes with Bubble Bags)
  • Kitchen Towel (cloth preferred)
  • Spoons (two large ones)
  • Knife
  • Cardboard

The bubble hash process basically uses cold temperatures and friction to seperate the trichomes from the plant material. Being heavier than water, the trichomes sink to the bottom, becoming trapped in the different sized bags. Each bag uses a different sized filter screen, ranging from 25 to 220 microns. The larger micron filters are used to trap contaminants, while the smaller micron bags hold the trichome treasure that you seek. Whether you use fresh trim or dried is a matter of taste, however, what is important is that the plant material is frozen before-hand. It is recommended that you spray some water on the trim before freezing, having ice crystals in the bags will help seperate the trichomes easier.

The Start
Using one bucket, insert the bubble bags starting with the smallest bag first (25) and working your way to the largest (220), making sure to smooth out the inside of each bag as it fits inside the other. Wally uses all but one of the bags in the 7 bag set, choosing to set aside the 160 micron filter. The useable hash is really taken from the 120 bag on down, so which bags you use is strictly your choice... do you want to lump it all together or create different grades?

After the bags are inserted into the bucket, fill the bottom of the bucket with ice. How much you put in depends upon how much material you have to bubble, but I use the thirds system, 1/3 ice, 1/3 trim/buds, 1/3 cold water. After you have filled the bucket 1/3 of the way with a good layer of ice, it's time to add the frozen trim and buds.

Remove any stalks or branches that may still be attached, and break up the material with your hands, crumbling it into the buckets. Again, how much you use it up to you, but try not to overdo it, as the material needs to drain properly... less is more!

After you have added the trim, it's time to put a final layer of ice on top and then fill with cold water. The object is to just cover the plant material with water and ice, as the picture below shows:

Let the mixture soak for 20 minutes. Have a smoke, eat some ice cream, take a break... the hard part is about to come! :D

The Mix
This is the physical side of the process, mixing the ice and plant material together in an effort to knock off the trichomes and have them sink to the filter bags below. In our pictorial we are using a variable speed power drill with a long shaft paint mixer attachment.

While the drill works perfect for the 20 gallon bags, it's a bit too powerful for the 5 gallon size. For the smaller sized bags I use a Sunbeam Wand Mixer, for me it works perfect, although I do wish it stayed on without my having to hold down the buttons! Mix the ice and trim into a frothy brew, continue mixing up and down and all around for twenty minutes, then time for another break... let the agitated mixture settle for twenty minutes. Again, another example of the "thirds principle", 20 minutes soak, 20 minutes mix, and 20 minutes settle. Now comes the fun part!

Straining Time!
Okay, so the mix has been sitting there settling for 20 minutes, now it's time to start pulling out the bags, straining the liquid through each of the filters. The first bag contains the material, and will be the hardest to strain as you really have to squeeze out all the water you can. This is where the other bucket and wire rack come in handy.

When you pull the first bag containg the plant matter out, slip the wire rack between it and the bucket, allowing the bag to strain more freely. Squeeze as much water out of the first bag as possible, and place in the empty bucket for the time being. We'll be using it later for the second run.

Remove each bag one at a time, straining the trichome laden water into the bags below. If the bags are taking too long to strain, shake the bag up and down with a swift jerk, it takes a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's quite simple... even the 25 micron bag will drain easily.

At the bottom of each bag are the collected trichomes, again I use everything collected from the 120 bags to the 25. This is where the third bucket comes in handy, as you can use it to support the bag making the collection process easier.

The Trichome Treasure!
Using the spoons, scrape the bottom of each bag, collecting the trichomes together into the spoon.

Place each spoonful on the filter sheet which has been placed onto the kitchen towel. Be sure to keep each of the bags contents seperated if you are saving the different grades!

When all the the bags have been done, close up the filter sheet making sure that the different piles do not run together.

Roll the filter sheet up with the paper towel...

Press and squeeze the contents tightly, removing as much moisture as possible.

Unfold the towel and filter sheet and your contents should look compressed and much drier. Remove the hash from the screen and place on the cardboard sheet.

Using the knife, slice up the hash, eventually chopping it up into small pieces so that is will dry easier.

Spread the crumbled hash out on the cardboard, remembering to keep seperate piles for each grade. Once your done, it's time to start it all over again!

The Second Run
Now its time to start the whole process over again, placing the bags into the empty spare bucket.

Add another layer of ice to the top of the plant material, and then pour the liquid from the other buckets into the top bag. At this point, it is not necessary to allow the mix to soak again for twenty minutes, although you certainly can if you wish. I go straight to mixing, and continue the process we had just done from this point, mixing for 20 minutes and allowing the bucket to settle for another 20, then straining and collecting.

You'll be amazed at how much the second run will produce, it's almost as much as the first run! I don't do a third run with the same material.

That's all there is to it... just let the crumbled hash dry overnight an either keep it crumbled, or press it into balls or bricks. After a good cure you'll have the best hash available!

Abby :wave:

Father Time



Thanks Abby!
i know what i'll be doing tommorow!
i had a wonderfull delivery turn up this morning myself,a set of Bubble Bags from the "Wonderfull White Winged Worrier" as well! :woohoo: :woohoo:

he's on stand by for assisiants as well.hehehehe :lurk:

where would a man be without his Wonderfull dear friends,i am truley blessed to have you pair of misfits as my mates. :joint:
Kindest Regards,FT :wave:
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Abby, I have read through your thread and I just want to say, it amazes me! From the humble beginnings in 2004 to the heart-felt speach on page 36 to the amazing photos of the Australian Continent, this is a thread for the ages.

I love weed, and I love people who love weed. My life will take me where it wants to (I'm a young'un still in college) but to feel that connection with something larger than oneself, a movement, an ideal... it ties everything together. MJ has blessed me with insights and influenced most of my decisions in a positive manner. To know there are older folks like you out there thrills me to no end, and I hope that the Culture will always have the an Abby, a WallyDuck, and a Gypsy Nirvana in each successive generation. May we young guns aspire to grow ourselves out just like we do the plants we love.

Peace to you man.


an excellent tutorial there abby , the pics fill in many parts folks dont realise im sure ..
soon we will all have piles of hash just like this .. hehehehe



Active member
Awesome Abby,
I'll bet bubblebag sales go crazy this weekend. You make everything look so dang easy Abby. I geuss with a great tutor(Wally) it was. Thanks for another great picture tour in a smokers mystery.

Father Time

Oh My God!

Oh My God!

i once again must thank Wally and Abby for all their advise/guidance in my first attempt at makeing Bubble! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Abby's wonderfull blow by blow "How-to" was simply sensational!

And as for the "Master Ducks", advise over the phone,i really no choice but to get it right first time. :woohoo: :woohoo:

so, i done as i was directed and just had the 2 runs from the first lot of trimmings, i actually got morw from the second pass!. :joint:

like all good outdoors bubble she came out green,but soon turned Blond Fawn colour. :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:

thanks again my dear friends for the guidance.
Kindest Regards,FT :wave:
