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70,000 watt grow house busted

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sleepyrz said:
once a year outdoors


you can do at least 2

and if you are southern like florida you can do 3 crops outdoors a year easy

Producing 3-5+ LB plants?


FullMonty said:
I'd of course disagree with the above....(indoor vs. out....) Indoor 10x the expense, 10 x the exposure (locations, power, supplies, traffic/lack thereof) 10 x the work for 10 x less product.....

It sounds like your maybe talking about like 10-20 plants in 5 gallons, a couple plants here and there in the forest, or 4-5k in a bedroom. I'm talking 300-500 plants outdoors, or a 20-40k house op.


shiva said:
I don't think the 40 something year-old asian dudes blowing up 750K houses are very clever at all, pretty darn wierd, heck they suck at driving, why they think they pull off something that huge is beyond me. 750k would buy a sweet parcel in norcal, and plenty of diesel.

Verite -- you'd be amazed at how many people steal power and get away with it, and no you won't read about it in the paper. I wouldn't advocate power theft to the average home grower. It has it's place in some situations, in areas you wouldn't want a 3000$ bill let's say. Some people think big is beautiful ;)
Wow the most ignorant post i a have seen so far on ic mag! Congratulations :woohoo: :woohoo:


Johnny Allen said:
Producing 3-5+ LB plants?

yup thats exactly what i said
:crazy: :rolleyes:

apparently i say things and i dont even know it

of course not

its florida its 12/12 almost year round

the biggest fluctuation we get is from 11/13 to 13/11

unless you are supplementing light outdoors which is a fucking beacon if ive ever seen one


sleepyrz said:
yup thats exactly what i said
:crazy: :rolleyes:

apparently i say things and i dont even know it

of course not

its florida its 12/12 almost year round

the biggest fluctuation we get is from 11/13 to 13/11

unless you are supplementing light outdoors which is a fucking beacon if ive ever seen one

I never stated that you had said that, that's why I said it, my point being that with those 2-3 growing seasons you couldn't produce the same plant size as having them grow year round.

Anyways, this whole indoor vs. outdoor debate has too many variables.


haha, jesus..this threads become another who's dick is bigger huh..
it all comes down to theres less beasters on the street..


jimjay said:
Wow the most ignorant post i a have seen so far on ic mag! Congratulations :woohoo: :woohoo:

I know your right ... it would be pretty funny to see to 40'something chinese nationals who speak no english roll up to laytonville with their interpreter looking for a parcel up on spyrock. Who knows though, give them a few months to really get the lay of the land, maybe they'd start to fit in. They'd get all styled out in a nice carhartt ensemble, get one of those big jacked up pimped out drug dealer trucks with the big 'norcal' sticker in the back window, maybe open up a massage parlor in town.


Putting "IN" aside...

Putting "IN" aside...

Let's just run with the outdoor idea for a minute.
I grow weary at all this talk of watts.
(Because my indoor option does not presently exist, and the vast, "fruited plains", of the N. American Central Time Zone make my mouth water.)
Full Monty (I'm stalking you! :wave: ); In another thread, you touted train track right-of-ways as possible grow places. This has completely changed how I deal with the many train crossings that criss-cross my area. Instead of sitting there simmering as the train Sloooooooowwwwly passes, I scan in both directions for possible stealth plant sites.
What other ideas do you have in the "hidden harvest" catagory.
"Round here, it's corn fields stretching to the horizon. Have you ever sacrificed a few stalks, say, in the middle of a lazy farmer's field so that a more satisfying crop (human head feed being better than cattle feed...) could be cultivated?
Or does this cross some legal and ethical line?
Can you live satisfactorily off of outdoor stealth? (While never quitting your day-job, of course)


shiva said:
I know your right ... it would be pretty funny to see to 40'something chinese nationals who speak no english roll up to laytonville with their interpreter looking for a parcel up on spyrock. Who knows though, give them a few months to really get the lay of the land, maybe they'd start to fit in. They'd get all styled out in a nice carhartt ensemble, get one of those big jacked up pimped out drug dealer trucks with the big 'norcal' sticker in the back window, maybe open up a massage parlor in town.
Right on bro? Back to my original comment, that was a very ignorant post.
With the type of money involved in the equiptment alone. Why not spend 100k on solar and wind genrators. Yeh sure you wouldn't be able to power everything , but it would be a lot less demand on the power-grid.


so two non-english speaking dudes move into the house next to yours. then they erect a 40+ft windmill in your suburban neighborhood, then they stop being around much, except for when they come out with black bags. Wow, that's inconspicuous! :eek: lol

Supacalabala said:
With the type of money involved in the equiptment alone. Why not spend 100k on solar and wind genrators. Yeh sure you wouldn't be able to power everything , but it would be a lot less demand on the power-grid.


Sauron The Blue said:
intresting thread, glad to see a few familiar faces.

S4vvy, you crack me up, your style of demonstrating your point seems very familiar to my own, a fun read to say the least, looking forward to much more.

Your mostly right on point about the power theft. Half the time they dont ever even know about the power theft. If the agency that raided your home doesnt have a protocol that involves checking for utility theft, and it isnt overly clear that service is being stolen, it will go un-noticed. Much as the policy for each service station and power company will vary from place to place.

Sadly there is a growing market for revenue-recouping companies that supply technology and develop investigative tools to assist a utility company in detecting, and/or preventing future power theft. Much like software and media piracy it will be an ever evolving game from here on out as there are more people who need to steal power than there are people who can supply it.

There are web-based software applications that allow meter reading vehicles to check a residential grid against a service distribution table at the service center to see if there is more draw than there is output. They have these to prevent overloads of transformers and the like, but have re-engineered em to speed up the process of finding who steals power drasticly. It still comes down to making a field visit to the site in question to gurantee that the power has been stolen.

Keep in mind that "stealing power" is much like stealing other products and services. Ive seen people walk right up to a car and steal it in broad daylight, and others smash the windows in, and others run up on the driver with a gun. Point is the method can vary but still yeild same result, or much worse results. If you run an orange 100' 3 prong extension cord from your neighbors outdoor receptacle to your grow room window, youll get busted. If you buy two apartments and rewire one to supply the other, you might lessen ya chance of getting busted or increase the time ya have to get away, a recent setup on here had 20 some apartments rigged this way before busted.

I can think of several articles off the top of my head that have popped up online over the years that involve people being busted soley by power theft being detected. I can remember one specific non-herb case where a guy was stealing his power by doing a simple mod to his meter, and his monthyl usage would stay the same regardless of how much he used. After twenty six years or so they wondered what the deal was and went to his place and saw the meter and nailed em. If I can locate a few of these ill be happy to post em.

ive never stolen power, but there are a LOT of people who do in california and get away with it for a very long time. I know far more who pay $2-5k bills every month, with a smile on their face the whole time.

and what in the world is with these people with 100amp or less service..i dont even see subpanels that small out here...


Yo STB :wave: Thanks for the heads up on theft detection. When i get a sec i'll look at the links - always willing to learn somethin new.

I only posted in this thread to offer a different perspective that's based on experience - not opinion. But experience isn't fact so again i encourage everybody to pull the wool over their own eyes whenever possible :biglaugh:


Full Monty Has Left The Building

Full Monty Has Left The Building

It appears that Full Monty has left us. :fsu:
That's a $%#@! shame.
I was learning so much. Getting quite a bit of inspiration at the same time.
Those of us who profited from his experience wish him happy trails. If anybody hears of Full Monty re-surfacing elsewhere, please give us a shout.


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Active member
70,000 watts @ .5 grams/watt sounds right.
It also sounds like they had an alright commercial grow with quality weed.
But lets just say 35,000 grams they made, but if you sell in pounds vs grams.....big difference.

Selling in lbs and 3,000 per lb $231,000.
@ 4,000 a lb.....$308,000

Selling in 8ths.....it's total value at the end in the consumer's hand and $50 per 8th....Im going to say the 8th is 3.7 grams how bout and it's $472,000 you'd be getting.

Look at the house....it almost seems its whilsting like its didnt do anything wrong and is innocent
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My little pony.. my little pony
guest2222999 said:
Just found this thread, great read.

Sorry Verite I disagree totally with you
Up in the Great White North. They had a Molson's beer plant that closed and a VERY BIG operation moved which employed about 20 employees. The numbers were amazing and they operated for about 3 years before someone ratted them out. Oh and the top dog didn't get nailed.



Next time, quote me or at least tell me what exactly you disagree with, otherwise it sounds like you are disagreeing with the wind when you dig up a year old post.