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4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200Watts)


back again...........caught the stem pics (running outta room there, hope they dont bust the whole pvc system lol) and the latest pics..............just splendor eye candy.......with more to be served no doubt.


How are the ladies doing outside? I bet they are getting to be trees:bigeye:


Active member
I've used Advanced Nutrients Connieseur. I won't spend that much on nutes again. I've ordered Sensi Bloom for my next grow and will compare.

Curious: Did you get the 4L combo pack - or the 1L?

Was it just the price on the Conniesuer that put you off?

Did you supplement with any other bloom enhancers? I assumed you used Cal_Mag in addition to the above, given that you are using RO...

Very much looking forward to your harvest report. Strongly considering using your setup when my PPL gets approved.


Active member
Hopefully his plants didn't pull a mutiny and cut him down. But really, from the looks of the last pics he posted, I doubt that we will hear from him for at least another day or two(if he is trimming by himself that is).


Active member
I suspect that harvest, trim and security concerns are predominating right now.

He'll be along eventually, I'm sure. I've been waiting patiently (well, mostly patiently) too! :lurk:


he got A shade over 27 ounces. As he mentioned in an earlier post he has a thread over at 420magazine where he is still posting updates..



Sorry guys... I had an incident with photobucket which spooked me so I stopped using it and therefore, stopped updating . Cytrax is correct on the harvest data.
great set up n really crafty-i dnt thnk i could have pulld tht off
u got 27 oz total correct???????1200 watts.....could u have done better yield wise if grown in 3 galn. pots n watered by hand in soilless mix-?could u have fit more plants under ur lamps?/?your way works so stick wit it -my questions r just out of curiousuty-learning..?
peace n overgrow


Active member
I think the OP had some issues with stretch and timing of the scrog on his setup. Like all things, timing is a matter of experience with your particular gear. This was his first hydro run - let alone the first run with this specific rig.

27 ounces out of that setup is most definitely not a failure and is a pretty damn good first run for Aero/NFT. I'm sure he learned a lot and his next yield will be even higher.

Have you considered just going with a Lucas ratio for your nutes 420fied? Might save you a fair bit on nutes and should reduce chance of clogs in the sprayers. Given the cost of your AN Connoiseur nutes on this run, a mega_cheap, ultra simple Lucas ratio of GH micro and GH bloom solution might be a welcome change for your next run.

As I recall, that's all that Pirate uses, and he seems to have pretty good success with just using a simple Lucas formula. Difference in tables aside and SOG/Scrog approach, your overall Aero/NFT system is not appreciably different than Pirate's, imo.


I think the OP had some issues with stretch and timing of the scrog on his setup. Like all things, timing is a matter of experience with your particular gear. This was his first hydro run - let alone the first run with this specific rig.

27 ounces out of that setup is most definitely not a failure and is a pretty damn good first run for Aero/NFT. I'm sure he learned a lot and his next yield will be even higher.

Have you considered just going with a Lucas ratio for your nutes 420fied? Might save you a fair bit on nutes and should reduce chance of clogs in the sprayers. Given the cost of your AN Connoiseur nutes on this run, a mega_cheap, ultra simple Lucas ratio of GH micro and GH bloom solution might be a welcome change for your next run.

As I recall, that's all that Pirate uses, and he seems to have pretty good success with just using a simple Lucas formula. Difference in tables aside and SOG/Scrog approach, your overall Aero/NFT system is not appreciably different than Pirate's, imo.

Thanks bro. There's a lot of truth in what you said. I'll write more when I have time.


Active member
You really don't have to babysit the system if you add on a larger rez. The smaller rez worked fine for 420, mainly because he wanted to spend the time with it everyday(which IMO, is the key to growing really good dope). with a large res, redundant sprayers, and dual pumps, you could leave this alone for weeks(besides moving the lights up that is)